Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Evidence still fuzzy on cell phone cancer


The more you microwave yur brane the fuzzier it's gonna get.

Korean navies exchange fire


WWIII alert.

Afghan insurgents filmed with US weapons


The Taliban is wagging the Dogiban.

Venezuela Russia technology cooperation

Yahoo! News

WWIII alert.

Venezuela war prep deterrent to US


WWIII alert.

Karzai brother paid by CIA

Global Research

The Taliban is wagging the Dogiban.

US Colombia military agreement


WWIII alert.

Tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan


Draft alert.

Freddie Mac posts 5 billion dollar loss

Yahoo! Finance

Fraudie Mac and Phoney Mae.

15000 Venezuela troops to Colombia border


WWIII alert.

Taliban still working for the CIA

savethemales [generally a schmuck]

The Taliban is wagging the Dogiban.

Texas army killer linked to 911 terrorists

Telegraph UK

It's a small world after all.

ExxonMobil nets supergiant Iraq oil field

The Daily Star

Whose war why?

237 millionaires in Congress


Dems just can't get enough votes to tax the rich.

US generals and soldiers flood Israel

Israel Today

WWIII alert.

Iran tested nuclear warhead design

Guardian UK

WWIII alert.

SEC complicity in Madoff Ponzi scheme


Blow me down.

House names Venezuela sponsor of terrorism

Global Research

WWIII alert.

FDA hid damning aspartame research


You tell people Rumsfeld is behind Nutrasweet and they laugh at you.

Pentagon eyes satellite crash analysis


WWIII alert.

Color revolutions and World War III

Global Research

WWIII I said.

Tar sands dirty oil and the future

Business lender CIT files for bankruptcy

Russia simulates nuke attack on Poland

Telegraph UK

WWIII alert.

Health bill bailout for insurance companies


Thanks for the info Mr Republican.

Is Osama responsible for 911?


Baxter bioweapon in Ukraine?

Nuclear renaissance needs government funding

Glaciers disappearing from Kilimanjaro


Fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish

Telegraph UK

The jellyfish shall inherit the earth.

Mother of all carry trades faces inevitable bust

Dangers of aspartame

Mobile phones to spark tumour rise

Daily Express UK

They obviously make you stupid long before giving you a tumor.

Beijing first snow of year artificially induced

Yahoo! Philippines News

If the US was manipulating weather, they'd tell us.

Social timebomb set to explode in UK

Climate change map

Cluster bomb trade funded by big banks

Treason betrayal and deceit on 911


October blizzard paralyzes plains

Commercial real estate problems loom

US pays Taliban to switch sides


The Taliban is wagging the Dogiban.

Indian engineer builds new glaciers

Chemtrails and swine flu

What H1N1 national emergency means

40000 dollar electric car


See: money's more important to you too.

US NATO military bases encircle Russia

Global Research

WWIII alert.

US commander calls for more 85000 troops

Global Research

Draft alert.

Mobile phone linked to 4 kinds of cancer

Swine flu declared national emergency

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Afghanistan election debacle


Hillary Clinton says Afghan election little different than those held in the United States. Witness the Republican victory today.