Friday, December 28, 2007

Worst Indonesian landslides in 25 years


Another superlative for the Bush era.

US to increase forces in Afghanistan


Draft alert.

Saddam provided more food than US

We are getting ready to bomb Iran

Raw Story

Another Republican heard from. Draft alert.

United cancels dozens of flights


US troops to head to Pakistan

Washington Post

Draft alert.

Russian sells air defense systems to Iran


Draft alert.

Denver breaks xmas snowfall record

KMGH Denver

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Power out as 80 mph winds buffet LA

US braces for baby boom retirements

Japan test fires Raytheon missile

Archbishop: greed could wreck Earth


Shall pardee.

Israel could survive nuclear war

Jerusalem Post

" ... 16-20 million Iranians would lose their lives - as opposed to 200,000-800,000 Israelis ... "

Well then. What are we waiting for? Just make sure the temple mount survives.

History comes to light as lake falls


Not to mention endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Melting sea ice threatens walruses


Not to mention endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Crisis makes 1929 look walk in the park

Telegraph UK

How did that happen, Mr Pig?

H5N1 genetic predisposition myth

Five suspected bird flu patients moved

Speed cameras on fire in UK

Jordan issues H5N1 alert

Hoover planned mass jailing in 1950

New York Times

Just thought we'd mention.

This is the sound of a bubble bursting

WHO hoarding H5N1 sequences

Tropical virus moves to Italy

US satellite to guide weapons

Chertoff unveils satellite surveillance plan

Indonesian bird flu death near 90 percent

Human to Human H5N1 in Pakistan

H2N3 has avian and swine flu genes

Ex CIA man predicts war with Iran


Draft alert.

Turkey says US intel led to Iraq raids

Yahoo! News

Draft alert.

Iraq set to slash food rations

Warrantless wiretapping predates 9/11

The Register

As pandemic policies predate the bird flu.

Police and protesters clash in NO

Archbishop calls nativity a legend

Telegraph UK

The mass execution of heretics, however, is a fact.

$200 turkeys in UK due to bird flu

Poultry culled in south Russia

Hospitalized Dr raises pandemic fears

Year of global cooling

Morgan sells stake to Chinese corp

Wheat price hits new record


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Fed to lend $20 billion to banks


20 more billion pardee.

Benin confirms first H5N1 outbreaks

Suspect H5N1 in Kuwait hospital

Turks bomb Kurds in Iraq


Toughing out market ups and downs


You tough it out.

Be prepared for a lot of bumps

Questions for John Bogle - December 24, 2007

How did that happen, Mr Pig?

Financing fundamentalism and Antichrist

Bush World War Three

Russia test fires new ICBM

H5N1 false negatives in Pakistan

World food stocks dwindling rapidly

Storm buries Northeast in snow

Monday, December 17, 2007

Saudis cull 13500 ostriches

German chickens test positive for H5N1

Newly confirmed H5N1 patients in Pakistan

Russia warns of US missile shield retaliation

Storm gives KS foot of snow

Acidic seas may kill 98% of coral reefs

Rich getting richer much faster

Schwarzenegger declares fiscal emergency


I sure wish he were president.

Ecuador to evict US give air base to China

We need GM crops

Times UK

We're gonna.

Military soft on dont ask dont tell

CBS News

Draft alert.

Odds of recession are climbing

Researcher doubts US wild bird flu plan

Scientists take 2007 temperature


Likely human human H5N1 in Pakistan

All 11 hottest years were in last 13

Merck recalls childhood vaccine

UK central banks pumps $100bn

Iran tested new missile during summit

Fed and ECB pump tens of billions

Tar sands vs clean water

The Arctic is screaming


Credit crunch or credit collapse

Interest rate freeze - the real story is fraud

Pain ray weapon not going to Iraq

Ice storm wreaks havoc in Midwest

Have the courage to no nothing

World faces oblivion

Virus starts like cold turns into killer

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New drivers license requires birth certificate

Global Research

And RFID chip.

Iran stops accepting US dollars for oil

Iran halts oil transactions in dollars

Half of Amazon will be lost by 2030

Morgan Stanley full US recession alert

Telegraph UK

Depression I said.

Warning of slump as UK Bank cuts rates

Man jailed for not taking TB medication

Human to human H5N1 in China

Regular mobile use increases tumour risk

Domestic Spying Inc