Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Arming the heavens

The Tyee

London bomber was working for MI5

Prison Planet

Rainbow children detained for Homeland Security


Massive H5N1 die-off in Tuva Siberia



Bird flu fatalities almost triple


People. Update your forecasts.

GM tumbles on weak auto sales forecast


Home sales weakest in 4 months

More rain likely for soaked Northeast


Schwarzenegger denies Bush troop request


I wish he was president.

Anthropologists say creativity older than thought

The Australian

Sometimes thought never shows up at all.

How America is rapidly becoming a police state'

Smirking Chimp

US drafts Iraq troop cuts plan


Draft plans, not troops.

US population to hit 300 million in 2006

Pioneer Press

Glaciers' melt rate surprises scientists

Lexington Herald-Leader

Time to have a look at the worst-case scenario?

GM to shed quarter of workforce this year

Financial Times

Japanese animation of simulated meteor collision

Ursi's blog

A call to investigate the 2004 election

Boston Globe

H5 test failure in Winnipeg raises surveillance concerns


H5N1 workers stuck with infected needles quarantined

Mirror UK

Not time to take international vacations in five separate countries like SARS?

First cases found of avian flu caught from wild

Guardian UK

Depleted Uranium kills quietly


Use your cell phone to cook an egg


Not yur brane.

Huge asteroid to fly past Earth July 3

Yahoo News

Bush: Climate change is 'serious problem'


You can clearly see that chad is punched.

US court to rule on pivotal global warming case


How to cool a planet

NY Times

Nuclear winter.

Rich invest in private generators

Miami Herald

Mid-Atlantic floods


Sunday, June 25, 2006

WHO says bird flu has mutated


But did WHO tell Hu and Wen when?

AZ fire a 'caged-up coyote'


Global warming fueled 2005 hurricane season

No shit

'End times' religious groups want apocalypse soon

LA Times

Senate reject calls for withdrawal from Iraq


Put down those rifles and get back to Washington at once!

Cheney: Iraq pullout 'worst possible thing we could do'

Earth 'likely' hottest in 2000 years

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Heat bursts occur across south-central NE


Army takes older recruits

Washington Post

Draft alert.

Bird flu spread between family in Indonesia


Crews battle wildfires in AZ and CO

Access North Georgia

Malaysia Forum to discuss possibility of World War

The Star

Thermite brought down WTC


The $27 trillion Leo Wanta banking crisis

International Currency Review

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Japan pulling troops from Iraq


Draft alert.

Guard troops ordered to New Orleans


"Police said the SUV attack was apparently motivated by drugs or revenge. Also, a man was stabbed to death Sunday night in an argument over beer."

Government orders spy blimps


Not to be confused with border drones.

Capitalism requires a Great Depression

Thomas Paine's Corner

And a world war.

Businesses prep for bird flu virus

News Observer

California getting ready for the bird flu

Ventura County Star

"Prepare for daily life disruptions, including closures of schools, banks, government offices and grocery stores. Have a supply of food, water, medicine and some cash on hand to get by for several days.

Consider how to handle special needs care for the elderly, disabled or chronically ill if regular medical and other services aren't available.

Seek options for working from home and plan for a loss of income in case you are unable to work.

Plan home study and recreation activities for children in case schools or day care facilities are closed" etc.

Abu al-Masri and the Pentagon's Iraqi propaganda war

Kurt Nimmo

US experts planning for the worst should bird flu hit

Norway to house seeds in doomsday vault

SF Gate

LA spy-in-the-sky drone sparks privacy concerns

Independent UK

More rain forecast for already-soaked Houston

Houston Chronicle

Bad heroin killing addicts from Chicago to Philadelphia

Medical News Today

Army Corps lied about Cheney role in Halliburton contract

Raw Story

Mosquito virus spreading

The Scientist

"In the mid-1980's, scientists at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) developed the only known chikungunya vaccine..."

1500 US troops seal off Ramadi


Geese in Canada had fatal Qinghai flu symptoms


Bird flu may have become more virulent

Mail & Guardian

Qinghai H5N1 sequences in Bali


False H5N1 negatives raise concerns in Indonesia


Bird flu confirmed in gosling on PEI Canada


North Koreans near missile test

New York Times

Jeffrey Skilling considered suicide


Sheehan supports US deserters in Canada


Oil execs defend high pump prices

My Way News

Small arms - the global trade in life and death


Canada finds bird flu case


Troops refusing Iraq duty get a haven

Seattle PI

Senate rejects U.S. troop pullout

Yahoo News

Draft alert.

Custodians of chaos

Kurt Vonnegout

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dark days in US academe

The US wont leave Iraq unless Iraqis force it out

Democracy Rising

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: dead again

Kurt Nimmo

US global arms & huge infant deaths

MWC News

Friday, June 16, 2006

US economy heads to extinction from excessive debt


Keeping Iraq's oil in the ground


Hawking says welre close to finding origin of universe


Drones launched off the San Diego coast


Scores of Cup arrests in Germany


"German and Polish hooligans have a history of violence"

Senate rejects US troop pullout in Iraq

My Way News

Global markets plunge on Fed worries


Hawking says humans must go into space

My Way News

Mutated Chikungunya virus caused epidemic

afrol News

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

London chemical bomb suspects freed



Germany refuses Iraq support

Der Spiegel

Draft alert.

Hundreds of Iraqi soldiers deserting

Political Gateway

Draft alert.

Mysterious mad cow cases in TX and AL

Mercury News

Norway dumps Wal-Mart stock


Doesn't "meet the government's ethical standards."

Children trained to become devout Christian soldiers


How not to get out of Iraq


Draft alert. I already busted Murtha and "redeployment."

Insurance will not rebuild homes


Iraq contractors make billions on the front line


Troop cuts in Iraq will not meet goal

New York Times

Draft alert.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Top 10 signs of the impending police state

Buffalo Beast

Hurricane videos


Army meets recruiting goal


British soldiers refusing Iraq service face life sentence


Draft alert.

Why did Canada allow alleged terror plot to grow?


French candidate wants unruly youth drafted


This seems to be a job for the liberals.

No hard evidence linking Bin Laden to 911

Muckraker Report

China confirms new flu outbreak

Excite News

US financed human trafficking

Chicago Tribune

Bomb attack planned on abortion clinic


This oddly racially neutral terrorist doesn't look like the talking in tongues type to me. Nevertheless, where's the usual visual presence of machine gun armed police?

Border webcams for Texas


Troops will be armed in Texas and NM

El Paso Times

The government short sells America

Online Journal

Plastics chemical alters female brains


That explains the twentieth century.

H5N1 oi Brasil


Terrorist leader from the Canadian Royal Regiment

Prison Planet

Drone aircraft for use in LA


Crater tied to worst ever mass extinction

Earth is heating up like a meteor from hell

SF Chronicle

Voting machine politics

Salt Lake Tribune

The Bush - Lay connection


Chinese climate control


Academic freedom violation at Roosevelt Univeristy


The bursting asset bubbles of 1929


Back to the bunker

Washington Times

"On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities..."

Pentagon timeline


US refuses to compensate Agent Orange victims

ABC Australia

FDA revoked aspartame petition


Desert cities are living on borrowed time

Guardian UK

Was the 2004 election stolen?

Common Dreams

CIA hid Nazi war criminals in Cold War

USA Today

Perhaps Toronto 17 not terrorists at all

Prison Planet

Ten highest-radiation cell phones


Stop the beast


Canada plot allegedly involved PM attack

My Way News

"Some of the 17 Muslim men accused of plotting terror bombings in Canada also planned to storm Parliament, take hostages and behead the prime minister and other leaders..."

Then they were gonna steal all the gold out of the Federal Reserve and hijack a plane to crash into the space needle.

Oil at 100 dollars a barrel would threaten airlines


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Human flu transfers may exceed reports

New York Times

Slogan downsized: News that's fit to print.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Canadian terror probe expands to 7 nations

My Way News

Although the 19 terrorists arrested in Canada in 2002, and the 19 terrorists that came over the border at the end of 2003 turned out to be bad intelligence, they're going to make hay of the 17 terrorists arrested in Toronto anyway.

Intelligence behind raid was wrong, officials say

Guardian UK

Chill out over global warming

Denver Post

"'Let's just say a crowd of baby boomers and yuppies have hijacked this thing,' Gray says. 'It's about politics.'"

Hijacked it from the oil and auto industries who repressed it all these decades you mean? Denver is the Evangelical capital.

Millions have road rage disorder

Yahoo News

Apocalypse now? 666 arrives

Washington Times


Mortgage demand dips as 30-year rate hits 6.66%

USA Today

Check the date.

Affluent Americans sour on real estate

CNN Money

Dow finishes down almost 200 points

Yahoo News

Global warming beach parties


I guess Pat Robertson's attempt to attribute it to God's wrath didn't go over well in the polls (it obviously would have to be directed at them after all). so they're sticking with mocking the tree hugging Chicken Littles.

Plot began in chat room

Toronto Star

Well never mind the bad intel then; crack down on internet freedom.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Offensive counterspace and US military superiority

Mass rioting reveals Afghan opposition to occupation


Osama tape appears fake experts conclude

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Hezbollah plotting World Cup attack?

Kurt Nimmo

Try to get past all the "Straussian neocon" stuff.

CIA analyst says Iran strike possible in June or July


Sees "staged terror attacks across Europe, US"

Restoring the draft

Michel Chossudovsky

The Universal National Service Act 2006

New bird flu in Siberia Nigeria Indonesia Sumatra

Patricia Doyle


Memories of 1918 flu pandemic

Patricia Doyle

H5N1 onset dates confirm human transmission


Is the Bush regime a sponsor of state terrorism?


New Orleans sinking faster than thought


Woman hit by lightning while praying

Action News

Big rodents overrun Washington seniors


Friday, June 02, 2006

Bird flu explodes in Indonesia


Hurricane-prone states are trumpeting dire warnings

New York Times

Flawed WHO surveillance of H5N1 human transmission


Bird flu kills seven of man's close family

Times Online

Deception about the GM food you eat

Seeds of Deception

The artificial origin of AIDS

Alan Cantwell, M.D

Insurgent attacks in Iraq at highest in 2 years

Another superlative for the Bush era.

All 1990s Thimerosal vaccine contained Mercury

AUTISMconnectThe Dots

Atypical strain of BSE in US cattle

Rapid City Journal

China warns of toxic baby bottles


Recycled CD's.

New CIA director plans massive domestic spying increase

Capitol Hill Blue

US sends more troops to Iraq


Draft alert.

Pesticide industry plotted Bush human testing

Common Dreams

Bernanke and Greenspan agree housing boom is over

Daily Reckoning

Bill Moyers "really sorry for the mess" grads inheriting


KS cell phone ban includes hands-free devices

LJ World

Schwarzenegger to order troops to border

Yahoo News