Monday, March 31, 2008

Mobile phones more dangerous than smoking

Independent UK

The Ear of Mauron

They obviously make you stupid long before giving you cancer.

Demise of random mutation H5N1 theory

Military tells Bush of troop strains

My Way News

Draft alert.

The coming war on Venezuela


Al Ciada must be training in the Amazon. Draft alert.

Social Security fix needed


Like I fixed my cat.

Bats perish and no one knows why

Huge Antarctic ice chunk collapses


H5N1 polymorphism via recombination

Hi level bio safety lab launched in Hanoi

US deploys nuclear sub to Persian Gulf

International News

Draft alert.

Illegal chickens in Vietnam with bird flu

Viet Nam News

Not migratory birds.

St Peter never went to Rome

Telegraph UK

Because the fictional character's fictional tomb was found in Jerusalem.

Record year for snowfall in Ann Arbor

That can't be easy. Another superlative for the Bush era.

2nd snowiest season in Milwaukee history

JS Online: Snow suspends spring

That can't be easy. A near superlative for the Bush era.

Is the worst over or just beginning?


Another superlative for the Bush era.

CCTV in class spies on teachers

Bush says US troops must stay


Draft alert.

NATO fighters intercept Russian bombers

RIA Novosti

Draft alert.

McCain says don't pull troops from Iraq


Draft alert.

Israeli warship in Lebanese waters


Draft alert.

H5N1 in Turkey near Greek border

All time Montreal snow record

Malaysia News

That can't be easy. Another superlative for the Bush era.

Merkel pledges Iran action


Draft alert.

Iraq humanitarian situation most desperate

Salmon vanish without a trace

US denies allegation on bird flu biowarfare

Bush asked for weaker smog standard


Second Great Depression- is this it?


Depression I said.

Kissinger plan for food control genocide


Venezuela switches to Euros for oil


Draft alert.

Vicious circle into financial meltdown

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kissinger plan for food control genocide


Venezuela switches to Euros for oil


Draft alert.

Glaciers shrinking at record rate


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Systemic financial meltdown

Mike Whitney

Depression I said.

Biggs expects 1000 pt gain in Dow

H5N1 cluster in Indonesia grows

Spitzer threat to Bush cartel

Bird flu detected in Scotland

Biggest Fed bailout in history


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Worst recession since World War II


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Air too dirty in 345 US counties

100 harmful chemicals in ME bird eggs

Kennebec Journal

Who needs global warming?

Bush aid to Pakistan funds insurgents

Salon News

Wagging the dog. Draft alert.

US immigration forces outsourcing


Not to mention the minimum wage. Hacking code apparently makes one an economist.

Hong Kong schools close amid flu fears

The dumbing of America

Government forecasts US recession

Financial Times

Depression I said.

Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief

My Way News

Draft alert.

Stocks rally after Fed announcement

Fed pumps more money into markets

$516 trillion derivatives bubble

A winter without end

CA meat worker was following orders

Safety of cellphones for children

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Highest consumer expenditures on record

Global Research

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Martial Law Inc a Halliburton subsidiary

Toxic chemicals sprayed over SF

Organic Consumers Association

What about the last ten years of chemtrails?

Plastic soup debris in Pacific Ocean


Americans love mobile phones


The Ear of Mauron.

Expansive police access to records

Warmest winter on record for north Europe

San Jose Mercury News

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Coldest summer in OZ in fifty years


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Over 5 dollars for regular in CA

London bombers say plot a hoax


See if you can figure out who they say perpetrated the hoax.

South America on brink of war

Washington Times

Draft alert.

Security Council sanctions against Iran

RIA Novosti

Draft alert.

Rockets fired from Gaza are Iranian


Draft alert.

H5N1 reemerges in Iraq

US could intervene in Colombia

Daily Mail

Draft alert.

The bull market wont come back

This war on terrorism is bogus

Ecuador pulls diplomat from Bogota


Rapid H5N1 evolution in Egypt

Sunday, March 02, 2008

US Southeast water negotiations failed

Iran sanctions vote soon

Yahoo! News

Draft alert.

US Navy ships move closer to Lebanon


Draft alert.

Exxon Valdez reckoning never coming


It's good to own the government. Another superlative for the Bush era.

Pennsylvania student loans halted


Draft alert.

US is not headed into recession

Dubai World's investment sets record

International Herald Tribune

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Oil price hits another record


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Feed the world a losing battle

Drug resistant TB at record levels


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Welcome to the new Ice Age

National Post

Climate stagflation.

Smallest wheat crop in fifty years

Times UK

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Here come more financier writedowns

Recession more likely this year


Exactly as likely as it was ten years ago. Depression I said.

Indians jump of bird flu virus to humans

Shoppers warned bigger bills on way

Arctic doomsday vault filled with seeds

Suspect H5N1 in Karachi area


More than one way to skin a labor surplus.

Philly Fed index hints deep recession

Financial Post

Depression I said.

Gorbachev says US targetting Russia

Moscow News

Draft alert.

World fisheries face collapse


Turkey launches operation in Iraq

My Way News

Draft alert.

Iran fails to answer weapons questions


Draft alert.

GM exec calls global warming a crock