Friday, December 25, 2009

Russia building arms plants in Venezuela


WWIII alert.

US deeply involved in Afghan drug trade


Whats propping up the stock market?

Recession over welcome to the Depression

321 Gold

Depression I said.

911 Pentagon hijack impossible

Battleground for global domination

Global Research

WWIII alert.

Second wave of financial tsunami

Traffic fumes may cause dementia

Sea level rise could cost 28 trillion


US builds up its bases in oil rich South America

Independent UK

WWIII alert.

Cuba military exercise brace for US attack


WWIII alert.

Venezuela blows up Colombia border bridges

Guardian UK

WWIII alert.

Mutated swine flu in three Norwegians

Syria suspected of concealing nuke activity


WWIII alert.

Prepare for global collapse

Why boys are turning into girls

Australia issues catastrophic fire warning


US and NATO target Latin America

Global Research

WWIII alert.

US military ops in all regions of the world


WWIII alert.

Ukraine virus mixture of H1N1 and parainfluenza

Obama has failed world on climate change

The worst for economy is yet to come

Waiting for the end of the world


But its nobodys fault.

Bin Laden worked for US till 911

Birth defects in Iraqi city destroyed by US

Army tells its soldiers to bribe Taleban

Times UK

The Taliban is wagging the dogiban.

6 double dip warning signs

15% US cant put food on table

Ukraine plague worse than swine flu

Chavez asks Cuba to bomb clouds amid drought

Medvedev warns of climate catastrophe

Start a war to stimulate the economy

Hasan a patsy in a drill gone live

House speaks with voice of lobbyists

One billion worldwide face starvation


NATO jets shadow Russian bombers

RIA Novosti

WWIII alert.

China under heaviest snow on record

Ice Age Now

Another superlative.

Farmers scramble to finish harvest from hell

Bell tolling for the swine flu

Where they will get the troops

Global Research

Draft alert.

How the US funds the Taliban

The Nation

The Taliban is wagging the dogiban.

How the US pays the Taliban

Guardian UK

The Taliban is wagging the dogiban.

Mosques skyscraper seized over Iran link

Guardian UK

WWIII alert.

Ukraine flu dead increase to 239

Russia-India-China the Bush curse

Global Research

WWIII alert.

Possible deaths from H1N1 vaccine

Citgo running out of oil

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Americans are overpaid


But not bankers.

Taliban steal US weapons


The Taliban is wagging the dogiban

Megrahi was framed for Lockerbie


Who really did it?

Whistleblower allegations of oil cover up


Who is to blame for financial crisis