Friday, June 19, 2009

Global climate change impacts in US

Spain warns of summer jellyfish invasion

Telegraph UK

It looks like the plastic garbage it will live in when we're gone.

Book shows Bush in JFK assassination

Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world

Telegraph UK

Leaving no posterity...

Cheney wants US attacked


Wishes somebody else would for a change.

Biden says stimulus not effective


No reason to get upset apparently.

June chill is one for the records

US Persian Gulf forces cautioned on Iran


China sub collides with US sonar array


An accident this time.

Most widespread frosts in recent memory


Another superlative.

Environment chief urges ban on plastic bags

US police to get pain beam weapons

The big collapse could be very near

Gates sees dark future in NK nukes

Cancer risk in mobile phones

The Sun

They obviously make you stupid long before giving you cancer.

Last chance to stop climate change

Greenland ice fuel severe US sea levels

Iran sends warships to Gulf of Aden

China warns Fed over printing money

Russia fears Korea nuke conflict

American double dip depression

Bilderberg plan for remaking global economy

Venezuela sends uranium to Iran

China Russia forge closer military ties

Decline of UK bird species

Credit Default Swaps poison the system


Biblical prophesy and the Iraq war


I thought Gog and Magog was Russia and China.

Isreali exercise simulating all out war

War on Terrorism

Global Research

On terraism

Pentagon preparing for war with Russia

Russia may deploy missiles near Poland

Poland expects 09 missile shield

Climate odds much worse than thought

60 percent in US breath toxic air

Australia announces military buildup


Draft alert.

Coral Triangle collapse


Osama bin Laden was US operator


Iran deploys missiles in Persian Gulf

Afghanistan is a heroin ravaged state