Friday, May 08, 2009

Bank demolishes new CA homes

CA wildfire burns thousands of homes


We cant subsidize the banks forever


Another capitalist gives us the bad news.

The myth of Talibanistan

Al Qaeda is a phantom

Oz intel officer faces jail over Bali bombing

Not guilty verdicts in London bombing

Preparing US for mandatory vaccination

Swine flu from industrial farming

Osama bin Laden hype misled public

FDR New Deal vs Obamanomics

Flying pigs tamiflu and factory farms


Smithfield is where Ursula the pig lady sells roast pig at Bartholomew Fair.

Mexican flu much worse than reported

7 swine flu deaths not 152 says WHO


CA declares swine flu emergency


Arnold's plastic face is starting to look like the Terminator's just before he pulled his eyeball out.

End the university as we know it

Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -

Humanities education is a losing proposition for the capitalist state. We shouldn't pay to teach poor people about literature, history and political science. They only make trouble, like they did in the 1960s. It costs us going in, and it costs us going out. Let's stick to math, science, and vocational ed.

US military called in to fight swine flu

Global Research

Why is it a matter for homeland security?

Is swine flu a biological weapon

Iran arms ship bound for Gaza downed


40 dead government microbiologists

Eskimos forced to abandon village


Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Telegraph UK

Lest we forget climate change is not the only poisoning of the ecosystem.

Giant sun shield to reverse global warming

Telegraph UK


Global warming slowed by pollution

Telegraph UK


YouTube Concerns about chemtrails


Video. They've only been over your head for the last ten years. Why don't you look up some time?

Antibiotic resistance in human swine flu

What caused the economic crisis

Firm set to reap rewards on swine flu


Maybe they should call it pork flu.

Capitalism threatens life on the planet

US jobless soar and home sales decline

Air pollution helps blunt climate change


So does nuclear winter.

Repeal real ID Act


Or not.

General bee decline


Solar superstorm due in 3 years

1 in 3 children fear Earth apocalypse

Greenhouse gases pose health hazard


Exxon Mobil profits

Why Fortune 500 earnings collapsed

Energy Secretary dire warming prediction

Climate refugees in Pacific flee rising sea

Senators demand audit Iraq oil revenue

CBS News

What was ExxonMobilChevronTexacon profit margin again?

IMF says prolonged deep global recession

Telegraph UK

That's the definition of a depression.

Longer summers are killing coral reefs

US behind recent Iraq bomb attacks

Second 911 envisaged in Chicago area

NATO war games in Georgia

Former Italian pres says 911 run by CIA

World fisheries in crisis

Dr David Kelly was murdered

Daily Mail UK

Dr Kelly in the woods with the penknife

Fraud that makes Madoff look small time


Honeybees in danger

Israel lobbies Russia on Iranian arms

US war game simulates financial crisis

911 media breakthrough in Denmark

Dutch TV exonerates Osama bin Laden