Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama looks at climate engineering

AP Newsbreak

For those not looking up at Chemtrails for the last decade I guess.

Israel successfully tests Arrow 2

Antarctica ice bridge snaps

Britain protecting biggest ever heroin crop

Mail UK

Another superlative.

Fish in US rivers tainted with medications

H5N1 virus adapting to pigs

Silent spread of human H5N1 in Egypt

Conference in Montreal about 9/11

OPEC says oil not to blame for climate


Now oil cartels are climate scientists.

10000 more troops for Afghanistan


Draft alert.

Billion plus to go hungry in 2009

Dire warning on rising sea levels

Earth population exceeds limits

Rise of sea levels greatest lie ever told

Telegraph UK

Denial is not dead.

Chinese weapon to destroy carriers

Surveillance towers for Detroit Buffalo

Escalation and Obama's war on terrorism

India predicts China war by 2017

NATO to rebase F-16s to Poland

Israeli drones attacked Iranian convoys

Iran Venezuela revise ties

Commercial property will fall 30%

Italy Swiss to redraw border for melting


Deflation? Not if youre buying food

The worst recession not a depression


Depression I said.

Government warns of nuke terror threat

Telegraph UK

Guess we need a police state.

Economic slump to engulf the globe

Private security to act as cops


Clean up banks to tackle dire world crisis

Perfect storm of problems by 2030


Was the bailout itself a scam

Preparing for civil unrest in America

Declare default or trigger war


West Antarctic ice sheet will melt

National service and conscription


Draft alert.

90 percent CT bats are gone

Energy production choking birds

Stressed force linked to suicides


Draft alert.

US military encirclement of Russia

Fed did cause the housing bubble

Massive Indian poultry culling

Russian bombers to Cuba and Venezuela

Mullen sketches US strike on Iran

So lets attack Iran

China worried about US Treasuries

Russia weighs Cuba Venezuela bases

World faces irreversible climate change