Thursday, May 22, 2008

US pledge of war an "October Surprise"?

Food stamp use hits record

Chicago Tribune

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Curious tamiflu resistance in FL

Bush worst environmentalist on record

Global Research

Another superlative for the Bush era.

White House denies Iran attack report

Rumsfeld suggests another 911

Mobile phone while pregnant damage

Independent UK

The Ear of Mauron

They obviously make you stupid long before damaging your fetus.

Bush says Arabs running out of oil

World economy on brink of downturn

Fatal H5N1 in Jakarta grows to H2H2H

Airport style scanners on the streets

Evening Standard

For knife crime not terrorists.

Cops with rifles hit DC streets

China bloggers quake conspiracies

Einstein called belief in God childish

Nature gone wild


Vatican says its OK to believe in aliens

Food riots are coming to the US

Iran Blames US for mosque explosion

Barely surviving on credit cards

War profits taint 25% of US Congress

Marines ignore Afghan heroin market

More commercial bee colonies lost


Fighting intensifies across Afghanistan

US should bomb Iranian camps

Who should die in a pandemic

Global Famine

Global Research

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Pollution impedes bees and flowers

Bush to flee to Paraguay

Need to deal with water needs crucial

Salmon fishing banned on West Coast

SF Gate

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Auto industry destroys the world


CDC withdraws chemical pollution study

Buffett says recession worse than feared


How'd that happen Porky?

Scientists find way of peering into future

News Monster

Why don't all the concentrating researchers affect the results?

Anchorage digs out after record snowfall

That can't be easy. Another superlative for the Bush era.

Kidnapped Britons claimed held by Iran

Times UK

Draft alert.

Wachovia in drug money probe


But not of course Afghanistan.

US military assails Iran role in Iraq

Russian Navy missile drill in Barents Sea

Russian bombers patrol Atlantic Ocean

RIA Novosti

Draft alert.

Petraeus promotion keeps US on war course

My Way News

Draft alert.

Idaho ski season into May

Machine gun officers patrol NYC subway

Oil prices prompt warnings of global recession

Mystery buyer of Afghan poppy resin

Times UK

If Osama was hiding in a poppy field they'd never find him.

Scientist aims to alter weather

Denver Post

After ten years of chemtrails.

Disneyland comes to Baghdad

Times UK

Another of my satires comes true.

Hyperinflationary depression

Analysis beyond govt economic reporting

Climate change may put world at war