Friday, October 03, 2008

Califs largest fire event


Another superlative for the Bush era.

Chemtrails and European parliament

Soldiers haven no longer in Canada

New York Times

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Russia starts naval exercise in Pacific

Poisoning of Americas water supplies

Die off of bats mystifies experts

Iran in warning to US and Israel

Russia threatens military response

Bush admin buries anthrax investigation

Earth near tipping point


Israel will attack Iran before election

There wont be a rebound


2 billion mobile phone cancer victims


They obviously make you stupid long before giving you cancer.

Generation x ray


The Ear of Mauron.

Lawmaker takes 911 doubts global

The gulfs growing dead zone

Cell phone hazards

Will Thomas

The Ear of Mauron.

2500 troops on streets of Italian cities

Last century of human civilization

ABC News

Another superlative for the Bush era.

How much radiation from your phone

New York Times

The Ear of Mauron.

Longest era of turmoil in memory

Telegraph UK

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Health risk of mobile phone use

Independent UK

They obviously make you stupid long before giving you cancer.

Experts revive debate over cellphones

New York Times

The Ear of Mauron.

Bush worst approval in history


Another superlative for the Bush era.

US can strike any country from Iraq

Economic depression in America

NASA misled on global warming