Saturday, December 31, 2005

US probes eavesdropping leak

Forget the fascists; get the whistleblowers. Unless they're their own leak.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Five killed in Texas, Oklahoma wildfires


"Thousands of acres, scores of buildings burn with no rain due"

Unable to hit Crawford with Hurricane Rita, Mother Nature diverts wildfires from attack on Hollywood.

Enron ex-accounting chief Causey pleads guilty


rare sighting of enron raptor
in its judicial habitat

Pleading guilty means that remaining raptors will blame everything on him and Fastow and be acquitted. Nobody is above the law, and few are above testifying for immunity.

American's wouldn't buy a car from GM


"Almost three of every four American consumers polled would not buy a car from a manufacturer that had declared bankruptcy"

But a company that throws tens of thousands of families into unemployment during Xmas depends on the financing. Never mind the apostrophe. Everything is possessive for CNN Money.

US, UN dismiss claims of electoral fraud in Iraq


Lose your exit polls?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

A move and a misstep in the bird flu race


Friday, December 23, 2005

EU arrest warrant issued for 22 CIA operatives


"There has been a series of investigations into whether US intelligence officials used Europe as a hub to illegally transfer militant suspects to third countries for interrogation."

This tidbit, apparently offered by Reuters in the last paragraph as a theory as to WHY this rather old crime in the US/Italian spook wars might have been perpetrated would not explain WHY dozens of other supposed 9/11 terrorists have had to be released from Germany etc. before testifying in open court, or, like Moussaoui, are still awaiting their trip down the memory hole. Quicky quiz: what do German and Italian shpukes have in common with the Bush family?

House passes extension of 16 Patriot Act provisions

Guardian Unlimited

One chicken, two chickens, three chickens... Damn, start over.

Rumsfeld: U.S. to reduce troops in Iraq

Guardian Unlimited

"Rumsfeld did not reveal the exact size of the cut, but the Pentagon said the reductions would be about 7,000 troops, about the size of two combat brigades. The Pentagon has not announced a timetable for troop reductions, but indications are that the force could be cut significantly by the end of 2006. ...Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she hoped the reduction 'will quickly be followed by others that will result in all U.S. combat forces being redeployed from Iraq next year.'''

Don't count your chickens before they're vaccinated. See below for $4 billion anti-flu bill, Rumsfeld Gilead stake, ineffective Tamiflu, pulling feeding tubes from the brain dead, etc.

Gander crash in 1985 remains a huge cover-up

Greg Szymanski

"Some of the more notable tragedies to occur during the same time frame of Gander include the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut and the hijacking of TWA flight 847 in June of 1985. In February of 1984, the Multinational Force and Observer director, Leamon "Ray" Hunt was gunned down in his car in the streets of Rome, Italy. The official stories regarding all the incidents have also been seriously questioned similar to the Gander crash, critics pointing out covert U.S. military operations always seeming to be at the real underlying cause of the tragedies."

Where have all the bugs gone?

Patricia Doyle, PhD

Beetles, not Bush wiretaps.

Congress stages another hissy fit over ANWAR

My Way News

"A spending bill containing money for the military and Gulf Coast hurricane recovery also now includes a provision to allow Arctic oil drilling - a recent addition by Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, that has infuriated senators of both parties. The move would force lawmakers to vote for the package or be accused of withholding support for U.S. troops and storm victims. ... The poor humor in the Senate, some aides predicted, was nothing compared with what's expected from the House if all 435 members are called back into session to vote on Senate changes to legislation upon which they've already acted."

One chicken, two chickens, three chickens, four chickens...

Key drug studies show resistance to Tamiflu

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Avian influenza update: more deaths reported

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

More than half of House wants hearings on 9/11

Sen. Reid calls US Congress 'most corrupt in history'

Yahoo! News

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Patriot Act renewal fails in Senate

Don't count your chickens before they're vaccinated. An amazing insight into the swallowing of the federal government by neofascist corporate totalitarianism. The intention is to respond to the revelation of illegal wiretaps by convincing the cattle that the cowboys are still protecting their interests. The PATRIOT Act is not simply defeated, but in such a way that it can be brought back in two weeks. About what Russ Feingold calls an "abuse of power" a more shocking example of which he "can not imagine," Schumer says not: "We have no choice but to impeach the out-of- control bastards," but: "Today's revelation makes it very clear that we have to be very careful. Very careful." This ostensibly means that if they just go ahead with the usual rubber stamp, the cattle might stampede. The same logic is evident in the cross-over Republican caveat from Larry Craig: "I urge calm and sensitivity." Finally, the Dems are allowed to make an impassioned speech, the usual Democrat booby prize for Losers, Inc. after once again unsuccessfully opposing their own class interests, in which Pat Leahy repeatedly whines: "Let us have a government of checks and balances." The problem is that if checks and balances, which are a if not the fundamental principle of the Constitution have to be requested as a boon, they aren't really checks and balances, but merely voluntary self-restraint, and the Constitution is already gelded by the very request. One mightassume that a President who has openly confessed to so many crimes would not at this late date be threatening the Senate with his first Veto, but it's just that logic which would lead a restless herd of cattle to assume that a two week deferral does not amount to "careful, very careful."

Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

KTUU Channel 2 News

Strange approach to attack on industrial eco-destruction. Greenpeace backs lawsuit mounted by USGS concerning possible extinction of polar bears owing to melting ice caps. Global warming no doubt is contributing to making life harder for polar bears, but four bears drowned in a storm is bound to strike unsympathetic audiences as just tough luck, not the 2000 pound mammalian "canary in a coal mine," cited by Greenpeace in the last paragraph. Greenpeace should know that what is going to extinct the polar bears, and all other large mammals including us, has much more to do with endocrine disrupting persistent pollutants that circulate towards the poles and never deplete, backing up inevitably to lower and lower lattitudes. These attack sex characteristics directly, and, while global warming will make sure it's not an easy road, they will sterilize the polar bears completely long before they all drown.

MP calls for ban on Aspartame

China expects more bird flu via poultry transporting

Taiwan confirms low-pathogenic migratory bird flu

China province has sixth reported human H5N1 case

Malawi sends samples to SA to test for bird flu

Mail & Guardian Online

South Africa has alot of experience testing epidemic viral mutations. Stephen Hatfill, the person of uninterest in the anthrax attack, who can't be followed too closely because he will sue for harrassment, let alone rendered incommunicado to a foreign country to be tortured, and who was last seen suing the NY Times for cutting short his fifteen minutes of fame after returning from some undisclosed project in eastern Afghanistan (40km from the lake where migratory birds first caught the flu from Chinese chickens) used to work there during their bloody civil wars, and, as every American knows, Dick Cheney has long term business partnerships there which may be helpful in cutting through the red tape..

NIH uses live viruses for bird flu vaccine

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hollywood stink bomb fails to break records!


Homo Stupidus Americanus develops rudimentary olfactory sense

Bush can settle CIA leak riddle, Novak says | Politics

Hey! Where'd everybody go? The Plame game ain't over 'til it's over (or 'til the fat fascist sings). Lineup comes back around to Novak. Rove on deck. Yes, Bob Novak.

Hidden camera in boy's bathroom

Bush vows "War on Puberty "

Icy storm cuts power to 350,000 in South

Price drop largest in 56 years

Another superlative for the Bush Era

Warnings on transit strike as mayor outlines plan

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New Orleans left for dead


99% of public schools closed. God really is a Republican. Don't bother cleaning up; more hurricanes on the way.

9/11 evidence ignored by apathetic American public

How could they get away with it? Wouldn't somebody blow the whistle?

GM bankruptcy possible

ACLU opposes Patriot Act provision

Eighth human bird flu death confirmed in Indonesia

Ukraine leader orders top vet sacked over bird flu

Two suspect H5N1 patients hospitalized in Romania

Chinese girl is latest human bird flu victim

Bird flu could pose enormous threat to US economy

Efficient human to human H5N1 xmission in Indonesia

Bird flu claims 5 year old Thai child

Dangerous unique H5N1 mutation in Ukraine?

Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?

Lisa Myers & the NBC Investigative Unit -

Legally, they mean. Yes, they say.

Ex-Enron chief Lay blasts prosecutors, Fastow

As I said, after five Enron execs walked out on an unexplained mistrial by a Houston judge, one pleads guilty for immunity, and the rest will be acquitted by blaming all the crimes on him.

Pinochet and Kenneth Lay
Are just too sick for court today.
Not Saddam and Slobodan.
Blinded justice marches on.

Bush: Constitution 'just a goddamned piece of paper'

Capitol Hill Blue

Another dialogue we're all allowed to overhear. It's not the whole right wing dominated federal government that just wiped their collective butt with the Constitution by renewing the PATRIOT Act, it's Bush and a small cabal of lunatic neocons of whom we should really try to get rid by 2009.

Katrina victims: 'Living in barns'

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

5 Ways to beat the oil crunch

Business 2.0

"Tight supply and soaring prices -- the very forces leading many to see the end of the petroleum era -- are also spurring innovation that could keep us in black gold for years."

CNN denies peak oil and says civilization won't end for years.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Qaeda-Iraq link U.S. cited tied to coercion claim

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Forecaster predicts busy 2006 US hurricane season

Like a good neighbor, State Farm has abandoned ship.

Heating sticker shock not tamed by warm start

Analysts question strength of GM's cash reserves

November planned layoffs rise due to auto sector

Ford plans to close 10 plants, cut up to 30,000 jobs

Mercky Xmas and Happy New Jeep

Monday, December 05, 2005

The 911 North Tower air show

Eighth human bird flu death confirmed in Indonesia

Vietnamese nurse suspected of contracting bird flu

Has feared mutation of avian flu arrived?


teeny weeny terrorists

Tamiflu is 'useless' for avian flu


Caution; moonies.

H5N1 false negatives in Europe and the Middle East

Did Big Oil participate in planning invasion of Iraq?


"Document puts lie to oil executives' testimony"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Analysis casts doubt on Vietnam War claims

Yahoo! News

"Forty years before the United States invaded Iraq believing Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, it widened a war in Vietnam apparently convinced the enemy had launched an unprovoked attack on two U.S. Navy destroyers."

Not very "neo"; is it?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Ford likely to close five plants

The Wall Street Journal

Mercky Xmas and a Happy New Jeep

Recombination in H5N1 wild bird flu in Tula Russia

Recombination and reassortment in H5N1 in China

Artificial sweetener causes cancer in rats

Greenspan: US deficit may become "quite painful"

Bush welcomes good news on economy


faith -based economics

Storm epsilon reaches hurricane strength

Thursday, December 01, 2005

DIA proof of Cheney's lies released

Kids being conditioned to police state

China has two new birdflu outbreaks

Bird flu found at Sun Valley, CA farm

Alarm over dramatic weakening of Gulf Stream

Guardian Unlimited | Science

The Guardian predictably downplays the consequences of 1 to 6C temp drops over England. "More severe winters and cooler summers" doesn't really convey the spirit of the thing. London is on the same latitude as Labrador and Newfoundland where Inuit live, and there are no highways, railroads, electrical grids to speak of. Northern Europe was built in a climate made temperate by the jet stream. If the jet stream, which managed to remain intact for fifteen thousand years has already declined 30%, it's a cinch that the Arctic will get to Europe before an Arctic-ready infrastructure replaces the creaking old Roman engineered one on which the whole political economy is built. EU corporations are not likely voluntarily to blow all their hard-won profits on preventing disasters that they can tell themselves may never occur. Besides infrastructure, the flora and fauna are not just going to pack up and move as the walruses and polar bears start coming down from the north. Instead, ancient symbiotic relationships will go rapidly haywire, leading to all kinds of unpredictable population shifts. French vintners and British sheepshearers will have to become urban proletarians, selling their labor cheap, like in the land enclosures of the Middle Ages. There is also, furthermore, the problem of the Sahara desert which has jumped the Mediterranean and is slowle edging up southern Europe, collapsing ancient agricultural production as it goes. As in the Ice Age Near East, there will be only a thin strip of temperate arable land running across the middle latitudes of Europe obviously incompatible with current population trends. If food production collapses faster than population, the result is famine, not "more severe winters and cooler summers."

2005: A season of superlatives


On the twelfth day of Xmas, my true love gave to me:
12 hurricanes
11 lords a lyin
10 forgers forgin
9 fascists judgin
8 years o' cheney
7 bubbles burstin
6 no-bid contracts
5 riot squads
4 falling stocks
3 dead hens
2 foreign wars
and a pink slip with my paycheck