Monday, October 31, 2005

Defense Secretary Rumsfeld sees growth in Gilead stake


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Scientists aim to beat flu with genetically modified chickens

Hurricane Beta Heads for Caribbean Coast

Government to Unveil Super-Flu Strategy

Beta upgraded into a hurricane

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Exxon Mobil, Shell Post Record Profits

Flu could mean a headache for business


Bird flu reminds scientists of virus that killed 50m people

How to stay free of flu

Avian flu hits Germany

Doubts Raised on Saudi Vow for More Oil

Loogie Found In Trooper's Turkey Wrap

Roche suspends Tamiflu delivery in Canada

Gov. Bush Takes Blame for Slow Wilma Aid

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

EU bird flu alert on raw eggs and chicken

BP profits rise, but oil rig problems weigh


"The main driver of the profit increase was a bumper result at BP's upstream oil and gas production division, with record oil prices during the quarter more than compensating for a fall in production, largely due to U.S. hurricanes."

The chop logic of the capitalist state is evident here in its sentence structure. "Largely due" is an ambiguous modifier. In this sentence, it might modify either "record oil prices" or "fall in production." It would probably be better for oil industry political interests if you think the record prices are largely due to U.S. hurricanes, but it's only when "record prices" "more than compensate" for the "fall in production" "largely due to U.S. hurricanes" that they can "drive" such a "profit increase."

In other words, record profits are equal to a rise in price beyond what is imposed by hurricane damage. Prices are restrained only by what anyone can afford to pay for a voluntarily curtailed supply. As with its explanation for a "surprising" drop in consumer confidence (see below), the capitalist state attempts to group the price of energy together with hurricanes as inexorable acts of god, attributable neither to the capitalist system nor to unrestrained corporate capitalist behavior. There is therefore no political solution but to pay the bills and bite the bullet.

Natural gas prices soar on cooler weather


Consumer confidence for October shows surprise drop


If you're not suprised, don't worry. It's only that, after years of baseless claims about job creation and outright fraud in housing and equity markets and in corporate and government statistics, all designed to make a strengthening economic recovery a credible reality, for the sake, not only of the stability of the global markets, which depends on mass sentiment, but of wartime morale, corporate media like CNN have to act surprised that confidence has not increased. The culprits are given in order of: first, acts of god; second, supposedly involuntary price gouging by the oil industry that now owns the part of the government not owned by arms merchants and bankers; and last, a "weakening labor market." The last has not to do with the triumph of supply side "productivity," praised endlessly by Greenspan who is then praised endlessly by equity investors posing as economists and politicians, but rather with culprits one and two, neither of which can be helped, except perhaps by another act of god like a pandemic that cuts unemployment the hard way.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Rumsfeld was Tamiflu Gilead Chairman

CHRONOLOGY-Spread of bird flu from Asia

Sunday, October 23, 2005

H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Confirmed In Croatia

Extensive Human-To-Human H5N1 In Indonesia?

2005 hurricane season most active on record.

StormTrack - Oh crap, not again

Another superlative for the Bush era.

Bird flu found in parrot in British quarantine

My Way News

I thought Blair was the only parrot in the UK.
"This budgie's dead." "No it isn't." "Yes it is"...

Sweden announces case of flu virus

Leading Historian Says U.S. Empire To Fail

Saturday, October 22, 2005

No right to sue if harmed by an experimental vaccine

Chickens Come Home to Roost on Cheney

Don't count your chickens before they cross the road. Going back to the Halliburton board room two years early is hardly perdition. You don't expect them to arrest themselves, do you? Something sure is fowl at the White House, though; the flu's in the chickens, and Cheney's in the duck blind.

Controlled Demolition of WTC a Fact, Not a Theory

US planning invasion, says Chavez

BBC NEWS | Americas

If the US invades Venezuela, it would only be because there was an al Qaeda training camp there.

The Avian Flu Fright is Politically Timed

Friday, October 21, 2005

British military investigator found hung in Basra


The socialists try to make sense of an unsuspicious hanging with no suicide note. Someone manages to get the word "devastating" into it.

Avian Flu Kills 2,600 Birds In Renewed China Outbreak

Jakarta H5N1 Patients Form 2 Familial Clusters

Sequencing Confirms H5N1 Migration To Europe

China facing 'grave' bird flu threat - vice premier

Bird flu fear grips Europe, Asia

Dog Flu Spreads through New Orleans Animal Shelter

Chavez Warns if U.S. Invades, Oil Goes Up

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Who's Blowing up Iraq?

"...evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos"

Investigator in Basra dies under mysterious circumstances

Military police chief found dead

BBC NEWS|World |Middle East

"...circumstances were not regarded as suspicious. ... Defence analyst Robert Fox told the BBC ... 'It's quite an onerous job. ...there is, I think, quite a lot of stress involved ... It's pretty tough for them and it's not very comfortable doing the kind of work they have to do...'"

"Circumstances are not suspicious" conventionally means that the cause of death is readily evident and no reason to doubt it. No cause of death is named here, though; just a lot of discussion by a "military analyst" about how stressful it all must have been.

If millions of readers precipitously conclude that the death is unambiguously a suicide, it won't be because the BBC said so. This article doesn't even use the word suicide (unlike other articles about the investigator's stress, anxiety, fear, and worry that feel compelled to point out the absence of a suicide note). After (or during?) the Dr Kelly scandal, however, it's doubtful they would even if the BBC did say so.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Americans in Arab Dress captured setting off car bomb

Hatfill to sue NY Times for slander

The Times unsuccessfully tried to spread his name all over the media as the most likely suspect in the 2001 anthrax attack. In order to right this injustice, he's spreading his name all over the media as the most likely suspect in the 2001 anthrax attack, after everyone has forgotten all about him.

EBay halts bird flu drug auction as price soars


Is this the end of the world?

Independent Online > World Environment

Would someone with a subscription to the Independent let me know?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Senior military investigator dead in Iraq

Vote Totals Under Inquiry in 12 Iraqi Provinces

Evidence Of H5N1 Coverup In Europe Mounts

H5N1 Confirmed In Multiple Species In Russia

Ex-pres blames Bali bombings on police or military

MPs set to back Blair on ID cards

EU chiefs in bird flu crisis talks

Iraqis Probe 'Unusually High' Yes Tally


Lose your exit polls?

Over 1,000 birds found dead in Macedonia

Bird flu reaches EU as Greece finds virus

Monday, October 17, 2005

Miller's Confession; last gasp before indictments

Mike Whitney

"If you plan to read Judy Miller's long and circuitous apology in the New York Times Sunday edition, bring your hip-waders. The obfuscating manure is knee-deep and bound to stymie even the most curious reader."

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tests Confirm Deadly Bird Flu in Romania

Martial Law and the Avian Flu Pandemic

Thursday, October 13, 2005

21 Bush Officials Involved In Plame Leak

Think Progress

see Aug 19 for my rants and raves on the Plame Game

Turkish bird flu 'is deadly strain'

Bird flu reaches the Philippines

H5N1 Wild Bird Deaths in Bulgaria

Possibility of drug-resistant avian flu

Federal troops for bird flu quarantine

New Orleans hospital staff debated euthanasia

Monday, October 10, 2005

FBI Claims 84 Videos Show NO Flight 77 Impact

The Police State Is Closer Than You Think

GM crop 'ruins fields for 15 years'

1918 Human/Swine Flu Recombination

Human H5N1 Bird Flu Cases In Hungary?

H5 Confirmed In Turkey

Dead Wild Geese In Romania - Quarantines

Romania And Turkey Bird Flu Outbreaks

Feds Prepare for Super-Flu Disaster

Squibs along southwest corner of WTC-7

Videos - Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Romania begins vaccinations

Yahoo! News

...of birds and people.

EU bans bird imports over flu fears

Europe on bird flu alert

Desperate Pakistanis Wait for Quake Aid

Guatemalan Towns Abandoned As Mass Graves

Snowstorm Drops 20 Inches in Colorado

Friday, October 07, 2005

Plane Carrying Viruses Crashes in Canada

Amazon River at lowest level in 36 years in Peru

Toronto Officials: Illness Legionnaires'

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Canadian Mystery Illness Stumps Officials

George Bush on Elusive Peace

Animals 'hit by global warming'

Bush: Iraq crucial in war on terror

Are you saying, Mr. President, that the fact that Iraq contains a third of the world's oil supply bringing the greatest profit windfall in the history of capitalist warmongering to your and the vice president's former employers is only an accident?

$4 b more for anti-pandemic drug budget


Afghan Heroin a Growing Threat Across Europe

Harold Doan and Associates Ltd.

if Osama was hiding in a poppy field, they'd never find him.

Did Bush attack peace marchers with bacteria?

Bush considers changes to Posse Comitatus Act

The Hindenburg Omen

NM may be first state to ban aspartame.

Bush military bird flu role slammed

Mystery Illness In ON Kills Healthy Staff Member

European satellite to scan poles in climate study

Death Toll From Canada Outbreak Now at 16

Early Blizzard Knocks Out Power in West

Security fears as virus that killed 50 m is recreated

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Warming could create all-female turtle populations

Bird flu still infecting Siberian farms

At the Very Top, a Surge in Income in '03

New York Times

"...the share of income going to the richest slice of Americans - the top tenth of 1 percent - grew significantly in 2003 while the share going to 99 percent of Americans fell... At the same time, the effective income tax rates paid by the top tenth of 1 percent fell sharply, declining at more than 10 times the rate reduction for middle-class taxpayers..."

... and nobody even bothered claiming it would lead to a strengthening economic recovery.

Federally Funded "Border Militia" Proposed

WOAI: San Antonio News

Where's Negroponte?

NYC Unveils Hurricane Evacuation Plan

British Terrorism in Iraq

"Al Zarqawi and his Al-Qaeda in Iraq are inventions of the occupying forces"

Bush to expand military, attack social programs

Occupied New Orleans and Resistance

Bali II: Another Elusive Terror Mastermind

Bush proposes using military in flu pandemic

The Threat of the Avian Flu Pandemic

Martial Law and the Avian Flu Pandemic

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush Broke Law With 'Covert Propaganda'

Bird Flu Sample Collection Problems in Indonesia

Mystery Illness Hits Patient Vistors in Toronto

US Army falls short on recruiting for 2005

Monday, October 03, 2005

Bush picks own counsel for Supreme Court

"He called on the Senate to 'review her qualifications thoroughly and fairly and to vote on her nomination promptly.' ...Miers has no judicial experience..."

Ebbers asks court to overturn convictions


Miller's Big Secret

"So what was Miller doing in jail? Was it all just a misunderstanding? The most charitable explanation for Miller is that she somehow concluded that Libby wanted her to keep quiet, even while he was publicly -- and privately -- saying otherwise. The least charitable explanation is that going to jail was Miller's way of transforming herself from a journalistic outcast (based on her gullible pre-war reporting) into a much-celebrated hero of press freedom."

For the least charitable explanation look at my own long diatribe below (Aug. 19; a month and a half before the Washington Post had any question about it):

"The Plame Game... Judith Miller, The New York Times, the US Supreme Court, never had anything to do with the Plame Game. The Times, least of all Miller, doesn't stoop to that kind of "outing the undercover" tabloidism so popular in the nation's check out lines. Unsuccessfully defending the right of the press to protect the identity of whistle-blowers from their powerful accussees is more their speed. By the time the game left the Supreme Court, the administration leaker's identity was nobly protected, and the right to blow the whistle on the administration was dismantled: pretty impressive Karl Rove or whoever.

Judith Miller is in prison, or so claims The New York Times, and even if Justice Scalia was in the same duck blind with Cheney that time, rather than a couple of duck blinds down, it doesn't mean that if you're not with Dick you're with the ducks."

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Suicide bombers likely behind blasts: Susilo

Malaysia denies any terrorist cells in the country

Typhoon forces Taiwanese president to Bali

Typhoon, minor quake strike Taiwan

Science Daily

"Longwang -- which means "dragon king" in Chinese -- was expected to hit the mainlaid after crossing the Taiwan Strait."

US finds fever bacteria during war protest

Target for Right Wing Attack?

"I'm Right Behind you." The president demonstrates chirality to the Heritage Foundation or the American Enterprise Institute.

FDNY Chaplain Resigns After 9/11 Remarks

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest

"...he believes something other than al-Qaida hijackers brought down the World Trade Center. ``It became clear to him that he would have difficulty functioning as an FDNY chaplain,'' Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta told reporters ... ``There has been no prior indication that he held those views.'' " [my italics]

Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent

Army's Recruiting Lowest in Years

New Strain Of H5N1 Resistant To Tamiflu Anti-Virals

Saturday, October 01, 2005

H5N1 Deaths In Java Raises Phase 5 Concerns

U.S. preparing for bird flu to arrive from eastern Asia

Mexico denies link to bird flu cases in Japan

Oceans becoming more acidic: scientists

Bird flu 'could kill 150m people'

Minutemen step up Mexican border patrol


You can't have a fascist coup d'etat without death squads. These showed up when Negroponte was made reichsuberfuhrer of fatherland security.

More evidence links SARS to bats

Sun's Changes to Blame for Part of Global Warming

LiveScience Managing Editor

See my repeated caveats "maybe it's the sunspots" stretching out at least fifty times over the last five years below. This is the article I was waiting for.

'Sex slaves' rescued in raids

This is London

Future capitalism.

WHO warns against bird flu 'scaremongering'

World News from AFP "...a day after one of its officials said it could claim 150 million lives."

Containment Of Burbank Fire 'Nowhere In Sight'

NBC 4 - Weather

Earth's immune system: scramble the Gulf oil platforms and burn Hollywood to the ground.