Chemtrails Over Hampton more fotos. this is the pattern i saw over long island in the past couple of months. instead of checkerboard crisscrosses, there are huge sweeping v shapes in the late afternoon focused on the point where the sun sets (you can locate the sun behind the house in the first foto and see the trails turn red in the rest). it seems clear to me that this is a filter for uv rays. not only are they concentrated where the rays are strongest but they began to appear about the same time the normal cloud cover began to vanish. some people have inferred that the trails destroy the cloud cover because the clouds often evaporate after they are laid down, but this only means that they have forecast the empty sky.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Sunday, December 15, 2002 - Mike Boettcher: Arrests may link al Qaeda, Iraq - Dec. 14, 2002: Salem Sa'ed (Salem) bin Suweid, a Libyan national, and Yasser Fathi Ibraheem, a Jordanian, have confessed to belonging to (al Qaeda), Jordanian authorities have announced. Suweid, authorities said, had trained at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan. They say (Suweid and Ibraheem) received directions from a top al Qaeda operative named Abu Musa'ab Al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, authorities said. According to German authorities, Zarqawi -- a chemical weapons expert who is still at large -- is the head of al Qaeda operations in Europe. President Bush -- earlier this year -- when he was trying to tie al Qaeda with Iraq, said a top al Qaeda operative had received safe haven and medical treatment in Baghdad. Now, that is Zarqawi. During a speech delivered October 7 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Bush referred to "one very senior al Qaeda leader who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been associated with planning for chemical and biological attacks. Now, that is Zarqawi. " There is no other direct link between Iraq and Zarqawi that we know about, but that will be looked at very closely. Remember, we had an unsuccessful SAM attack on November 28 in Mombasa, Kenya, on an Israeli charter jet, and a suicide bombing at an Israeli- owned hotel there that killed 13 people and the three attackers. Responsibility for the Kenya attacks was initially claimed by the previously unknown Army of Palestine, but within days, al Qaeda claimed responsibility on an Islamic Web site. One more for the how convenient file. The headline implies a confirmation of Bushoilcia attempts since 9/11 to tie terrorism to Iraq. After Kenya "officials" state their "opinion" that al Qaeda did Mombassa bombing despite Army of Palestine claim, and somebody claiming to be al Qaeda posts a claim on the internet, a confession is extracted in Jordan of orders received from a named al Qaeda who is somewhere trying to kill a bunch of Europeans in a subway (see my prophetic comments below) who all oppose the war on Iraq just like the bombers in Bali identified by Indonesian "officials" as al Qaeda killed Australians and Germans when an American club was down the block. Where does the headline link come from? Bush delivered us the shocking news from sources that can't be divulged that a senior al Qaeda got treatment in Iraq. Boetcher delivers the line: "now that is Zarqawi." It's not clear whether the "now" refers to since the confession. I don't even want to think about how Jordanians being pressured by Americans go about extracting confessions, but these two were allegedly paid $18,000, and whatever qualifies as "membership" in al Qaeda, they are just paid assassins whom I would suspect of saying anything that would seem to help them if not for my implicit confidence in the judgment and forthrightness of Jordanian, Kenyan, and Indonesian "officials." If terrorism is going to be foisted as a justification for the Iraq genocide, what you would need would be a link before January between an actual murder and the guy bushoilcia referred to. The reliability of the website has been trashed in the foreign press. The Indonesian intelligentsia are convinced the US perpetrated the Bali bombing. The scratchy cassette purporting to be bin Laden has been trashed by European specialists as 99% certainly a fraud.
CBS News | Naming Names To Head 9-11 Panel | December 14, 2002 17:21:18: President Bush is expected to try to move swiftly to find a replacement for Henry Kissinger as chairman of a commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks after the former secretary of state abruptly resigned Friday due to conflict-of-interest concerns. I can't investigate terrorism because of conflicts of interests.
Thursday, December 12, 2002
U.S. Suspects Al Qaeda Got Nerve Agent From Iraqis ( The Bush administration has received a credible report that Islamic extremists affiliated with al Qaeda took possession of a chemical weapon in Iraq last month or late in October, according to two officials with firsthand knowledge of the report and its source. It also would be the most concrete evidence to support the charge, aired for months by President Bush and his advisers, that al Qaeda terrorists receive material assistance in Iraq. Knowledgeable officials, speaking without White House permission, said information about the transfer came from a sensitive and credible source whom they declined to discuss. Among the hundreds of leads in the Threat Matrix, a daily compilation by the CIA, this one has drawn the kind of attention reserved for a much smaller number. "The way we gleaned the information makes us feel confident it is accurate," said one official whose responsibilities are directly involved with the report. "I throw about 99 percent of the spot reports away when I look at them. I didn't throw this one away." So after arresting Saddam's stepson for flying all the way to Florida from Australia to take flying lessons (ostensibly there's just no place like Florida for pilot training) didn't go anywhere, they're rehashing the original plan to hook the anthrax attacks to Saddam through al Qaeda. That fell through because some dim wit didn't realize that competent biochemists would be able to trace it back to Fort Detrick in less than a week. I trust there'll be no US military fingerprints on whatever nerve gas finds its way into a European or US subway system. Think about places where a flunkie Saudi smack dealer dressed up like a fundamentalist could spread around nerve gas without killing any rich people and avoid them.
Sunday, December 08, 2002
Chemtrails/Chemclouds Cover Entire Sky Over Santa Fe fair fotos: note again the extremely bright sun
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Chemtrails Over St. Petersburg good fotos. no smallpox yet
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Chemtrails Over Vancouver Wa. so so fotos, but note the position relative to the bright sun
Sunday, December 01, 2002
Lansing State Journal: Besides the rise in mortgage foreclosures, more Ingham County properties are in the foreclosure process. That's in part because of a new state law that lets the state foreclose more quickly on property owners not paying taxes, officials said. see what happens when the largest cluster of big donors to republican party meets unfortunately timed plane crashes and malfunctioning computerized voting machines? Apparently losing your house doesn't mean you can't go christmas shopping at walmart (see below)
Yahoo! News - Wal-Mart Reports $1.43 Billion Sales Fri.: at its thousands of U.S. stores, which includes Sam's Clubs. That compares to day-after Thanksgiving day sales of $1.25 billion last year. who believes that, even with computers and everything else selling for 1/3 of what they did last year, and 2 million layoffs, wallmart pulled in 200 million more dollars? When is the SEC going to look at their books? oh, that's right, instead of discussing his appointment with pitt when it was suggested, webster (what wall street intelligence revolving door?) announced it in the ny times, so it may be awhile before the sec can get back to cutting down the money tree.
Poindexter redux | Cutting-edge technology would be used to gather everything that the computer age has to offer, from travel plans to pharmacy prescriptions. Pentagon officials say it's meant to be a tool in the war against terrorism, not an invasion of privacy of innocent citizens. Well, maybe. But that would sound more reassuring if it were not for the identity of the project manager. Admiral Poindexter is probably better known for destroying information than for gathering it. Before a congressional investigating committee in 1986, he admitted that, as President Reagan's national security adviser, he destroyed evidence in connection with the Iran-contra affair. Specifically, he tore up the only signed copy of a document called a "presidential finding" that retroactively authorized shipment of arms to Iran in return for the release of American hostages in Lebanon. He testified that he did this to avoid embarrassment to Mr. Reagan. Poindexter, like Oliver North, who reported to him, was convicted in federal district court of lying to Congress and of obstruction.The conviction was overturned on technical grounds by an appeals court majority of two Reagan- appointed judges, Douglas Ginsburg and David Sentelle, over the vigorous dissent of Carter-appointed judge Abner Mikva. On ABC television, Sen. Charles Schumer (D) of New York said he was urging Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to fire Poindexter. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich defended him as one who "understands the danger of government having too much power." again the cs monitor is the daily worker of mainstream press. gingrich, the scapegoat driven out of dc bearing the sins of the contract on america, is now a common link between poindexter and kissinger. it seems he only went where the real power is. would poindexter be able to vote in florida?
Yahoo! News - U.S. troops leave Germany for Gulf exercise armed with rifles and laptops: "My personal feeling is that we should stay out of other people's business," said Staff Sgt. Craig Nance, a native of Palmdale, California who said he had served six months in Saudi Arabia in 1990. "But I don't really have that choice. I go ahead and do what people tell me to do." "I was just following orders," said every Nazi who shot and gassed unarmed civilians and tortured prisoners, but only because somebody was able to make them answer. If this is the comment of a ten year staff sgt., what are the one term privates really thinking? What will they think when they start seeing their buddies dying on the streets of Baghdad while trying not to shoot children? I always found soldiers' answers to reporters questions during the gulf and yugoslavian wars comically identical: "we have a job to do;" "We want to go in and get the job done as quickly as possible and come home." This amoral "job" metaphor must have been so thoroughly drilled into them in boot camp, that they eventually mistook it for their own view. Interviews from Vietnam and WWII by contrast (not all volunteer forces) were full of independent thinking. Perhaps the necessary but completely unjustifiable war coming up has put a dent in the total indoctrination process.