Sunday, June 30, 2002

Center for Public Integrity--Bush Violated Security Laws Four Times when he was a director of a Texas oil firm in the late 1980s and early 1990s, SEC Report Says This is why the capitalists will not fix their "crisis of confidence." Every time the corporate media replay Bush's indignant comments that CEO's who hope nobody mayhaps will notice them pocketing a billion here and there should remember their "higher calling" (?!) calls for the acknowledgment of Bush's own career as a genius capitalist. But between describing a spiral into depression as an economic recovery and the new Republican crusade against corporate privilege and immunity from oversight, regulation and taxation that they've spent twenty years strong arming through legislature, they have no time left to discuss the malfeasance in the corporate careers of the president, vice-president, treasury secretary, defense secretary, attorney general, etc. just as they see no reason to point out the perversity of the bushoilcia lecturing the world on free and fair elections. The vested interests of corporate capitalism ensure that they will never stop bullshitting the public and will therefore never regain the unwarranted credibility they enjoyed since the Reagan/Gingrich "revolution" and the US economy will therefore do nothing but continue its jobless, profitless, productionless (outside of $600 billion of treasury embezzlement for military/ intelligence contractors i.e. bushoilcia), growthless, recoveryless recovery.
MATT DRUDGE--Blair's senior aides accused US troops of "blundering" about during house-to-house searches for
Islamic fighters, according to the SUNDAY TELEGRAPH. "The Americans think they and the Pakistanis can just march in shooting," one told the paper. Americans did not understand the "sensitivities" involved in such tribal areas, where Britain has experience of operating, they said. "Using force will just backfire and increase sympathy for al Qaida," the source added.
The British position is hard to calculate. After participating in every pre invasion operation against Iraq for the past two years, they express surprise at and disapproval of Bushoilcia admission of invasion plans. Here they express consternation at the fact that the US "incompetence" in Afghanistan seem calculated to ensure al Bogeymen escape to prolong war indefinitely. That bushoilcia with its revolving door to the military/ intelligence contracting industry would intentionally escalate a war they could immediately end is as ridiculous as two separate firefighters starting forest fires. Are the Brits so stupid that they didn't realize what joint bombing missions over Iraqi antiaircraft installations was preparing for, or is this just plausible deniability of complicity in increasingly obvious imperialist agenda?
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)--On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees. The foreknowledge issue is a Red Herring. It gets tedious pointing out new theories that confirm my original commentaries on the events, but this one confirms my assertion below that the restriction of the media discourse regarding "Bush foreknowledge" to two disparate memos and now two Arabic phone messages nobody in the CIA was available to translate for weeks which amount to trivial confirmation of overwhelming evidence of conspiracy, while failing to inform the American public regarding multiple warnings from foreign governments is designed to cast doubt on Bushoilcia complicity by identifying only evidence that plausibly might be overlooked. This article identifies perhaps the biggest elephant in the living room omitted in the corporate press that the man identified as wiring the go ahead money to Atta was in DC on 9/11 meeting with US intelligence officials and planning the war nobody should have known was coming.
The Arizona Republic--Suspect in 'Rodeo' fire held: A Bureau of Indian Affairs firefighter has been arrested in connection with starting the "Rodeo" fire Two firefighters start two terrible fires. The last anyone would suspect. Like the Army bioweapons spooks spreading anthrax and the CIA antiterrorists knocking down the WTC. Letter from Osama Bin Laden: As for the elder bin Laden, even if he is still alive, evidence of his failing health is mounting. Intelligence experts have long believed that bin Laden suffers from kidney trouble— perhaps brought on by diabetes—that requires him to undergo regular dialysis. Now, according to a source with access to intelligence on the al-Qaeda leader's health, a group of physicians has hypothesized, after analyzing bin Laden's appearance in photographs over time, that he also suffers from the related problem of secondary osteoporosis. This condition can produce crippling back pain, and it makes for brittle. After accepting French account of letters suggesting bin Laden was alive in December, TIME article conveniently breaks off before stating current theory or support for it. No matter; few people read beyond misleading headlines and first paragraphs anyway. TIME repeats old news of bin Laden's kidney problems as though it's new, and purely the result of analysis of video appearances. This means they have rejected the French reports that CIA met with him in Dubai hospital at which time his condition would no longer have been a matter of conjecture. They do not bother to reject it explicitly however, simply to omit it as though it were a crank call. Recent coming attractions, priming us for video in which some unknown person claims bin Laden is alive and well and will soon be appearing at a theater near you seem pretty absurd, as bin Laden has appeared personally in all videos except the one designed to convince us he's still alive. A general consensus that he is likely dead would cast some doubt over the hundreds of billions of dollars being burnt up to neutralize him. Can't quite rhetoric your way out of it? Just break off in mid sentence.
Chemtrails Over SC - Four Planes Flying In Formation More fotos. They were over Manhattan again yesterday.

Friday, June 28, 2002

Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, the former Fort Detrick biodefense researcher whose Frederick apartment was searched Tuesday by the FBI, commissioned a 1999 study that described a fictional terrorist attack in which an envelope containing weapons-grade anthrax is opened in an office. This seems to be the guy Rosenberg was fingering, asking why the FBI gave him six months to clean his place up before searching. He's still a lone nut suspect, irate over losing his security clearance. There are still no conspiracies in the military/intelligence establishment.
Bush served on an energy corporation’s board and was able to realize a huge profit by selling his stock in the corporation because an accounting sleight-of-hand concealed it was losing large sums of money. Shortly after he sold, the stock price plummeted. That profit helped make him a multimillionaire. If the president and vice president are corporate criminals, and they are the highest law enforcement officials in America, how effective can reform of the capitalist markets be? Why does this obvious question not arise from journalists when Bush makes speeches displaying his indignation at sleazy capitalist ethics? It's like lecturing the Palestinians on free and fair elections.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

Hartford Courant--The FBI is investigating whether the anthrax spores used in last fall's attacks could have been grown secretly inside an Army lab and then taken elsewhere to be weaponized, according to three sources familiar with the ongoing probe. In her assessment - scheduled to be posted today on the Federation of American Scientists' web site - Barbara Hatch Rosenberg all but names the scientist, and provides details about his background. The Courant obtained an advance copy of the six-page paper written by Rosenberg, who is chairwoman of the federation's working group on biological weapons. She says, in her assessment, that the unnamed scientist suffered a career setback last summer that "left him angry and depressed" and that the FBI, with his consent, searched his home and computer. Rosenberg claimed that although the FBI had the scientist's name for months, the bureau dragged its feet before searching his home, and therefore could have lost valuable evidence. The unnamed scientist has declined interview requests, but in a voice-mail message left for a Courant reporter last month he denied that he was a suspect: "I happen to have a letter from our attorneys, who went up to see the FBI, who say I never was a suspect and am not a suspect now. I actually have no idea where you got this presumption." 1992 inquiry also found evidence that someone was secretly entering a lab late at night to conduct unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax. A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled back to hide work done by the mystery researcher, who left the misspelled label "antrax" in the machine's electronic memory, according to the documents obtained earlier this year by The Courant. Given the fact that this information is months old (posted somewhere in my archives), it's hard to understand the reason for the repeated reports today that the FBI has determined the spores to be fewer than two years old and that therefore the terrorist might attack again. Noone ever suggested anything different. Why should anyone have thought them more than two years old? Does it really take six months to determine the age of spores? Is carbon dating possible for material less than the half-life of carbon old? Doesn't everybody already realize that the envelopes sent may not have been the only one in the terrorists possession. Although I applaud Rosenberg's whistle blowing and am grateful for its demonstration of the control of the press by an unaccountably stonewalling intelligence structure, I question the lone disgruntled biochemist theory. The repeat today of the old profile of a lone sociopathic scientist who had access to secret government facilities and a knowledge of the Trenton area is bizarre, as it assumes that the person who made the poison must have mailed the letters and that some special knowledge of Trenton is necessary to find a mailbox there. But the bizarrest element to me is the misspelling of "antrax" on the rolled back counter. Could a bioweapons expert misspell this word? Taken together with the misspelling of "penacilin" (also not credibly attributed to a biochemist) in the letters, it's a poser. The latter may be an attempt to throw off suspicion, but the former can't be. I suggested a more likely hypothetical scenario when this information was news (see somewhere months ago below): the anthrax attack was part of a conspiracy by right wing extremist factions in the inner circles of the bushoilcia junta to create an atmosphere of fear of impending massive attack from abroad so that the 9/11 hijackings which they also engineered would not seem an isolated event unlikely to be repeated. Instead, it seemed as though a multi pronged offensive had been launched on US soil which gave the bushoilcia sufficient cover to ram through measures that have constituted the far right wing agenda since their suppression towards the end of the Vietnam War nailed shut by the public disgrace of Nixon and Agnew. Several of our current leadership cut their teeth in the military/ intelligence establishment of that era, waging an illegal war in Southeast Asia and dirty secret wars sabotaging nascent Socialist governments in the Third World and their Soviet sponsors, and infiltrating, supressing and sabotaging organized political dissidence at home. After being shoved into the shadows by Nixon's bad PR, their agenda rode back into public prominence on Reagan's coattails when Reagan puppet master Bush Sr. moved from head of CIA into White House to stay. The Gingrich/Armey Congress "mandate" gave them a green light to pick up where they left off establishing permanent control of military/ intelligence apparatus (it's interesting that they no longer seem to need to claim the mandate of a landslide election by the people to ram through their unilateral agenda). The dissatisfaction with their twelve year control of the federal government forced them back into the military/intelligence shadows under Clinton whom they proceeded to sabotage with every underhanded tactic at their disposal honed to perfection by their fifty year secret wars against small foreign states while simultaneously creating and funding the mujahadeen as a proxy against Soviet expansion during which time Bush Sr. became more intimately involved with his spiritual brethren the dynastic oil Sheikhs of Saudi Arabia. Carlyle Group which not only puts Bush in a business partnership with the Bin Laden family but involves Carlucci, Weinberger, and Baker all CIA/Defense dep't. graduates own BioPort, the only company licensed to produce anthrax vaccine (that must have been a vicious contract bidding comptetition, not). BioPort is in a position to have access to Detrick spores. BioPort has facilities in which these legally can be weaponized in secret (and paid for by secret military appropriations). Bush Sr. and company's intimate long standing occupation of highest levels of military/intelligence establishment makes them familiar with all the apparatus necessary to secure such an arrangement. Bush jr./Cheney bloodless coup d'etat makes such an arrangement possible with no knowledge outside of their small circle (let me not leave out the veteran fascist Donald Blofeld). The plot was to sell a war plan to highest elite global capitalists who know as well as I that the global economy is facing an inevitable crash into depression that will dwarf the 1930's, putting their power base at risk from rising instability brought about by an exploding impoverished population and exponentially declining resources. The key focus of this plan has always been a military invasion of Baghdad, taken together with the covert backing of the right wing Zionist agenda of permanent occupation of all of Palestine, the installation of a puppet government more reliable and pliable than the Taliban who outlived their usefulness when the Soviet Union fell, and the goading of India into war and occupation of Pakistan, results in a "new world order" in which the access of global capitalism to the world's remaining (and dwindling) energy resources is stable and permanent, while doing for transnational capitalism what WWII did for American capitalism: pulling it out of depression by killing off a large portion of the unemployed working class, raising the value of labor in the free market, thereby reducing world poverty and discontent leading to instability, and bringing industrial production back to full wartime mode. The problem for the capitalist elites and their bushoilcia henchmen was getting a complacent American population to enthusiastically join in the war effort as they did against the Nazis without any Nazi Army, Air Force, Navy invading all of Europe and genociding huge populations. Fortunately they had been propping up bin Laden as the Joker to their Batman in the American consciousness for several years. What remained but a Reichstag fire blamed on an evil doer conveniently unlocalized and invisible? This extraordinary ambition was not flawlessly feasible and much effort had to be expended preventing investigation into the details of 9/11 with which the press has been thankfully fully cooperative. Having the BioPort facilities at their disposal, the anthrax attack was an easy enough tactic to raise 9/11 from an Oklahoma City time one off event to a state of war. Whatever scientist or scientists they used (up to 14 biowarfare specialists died under questionable circumstances in the past couple of years), it was a small group of spies who coordinated the project. Watching their lackey Bush Jr., it's easy to explain the misspelling of words like "antrax" and "penacilin" by someone involved in a sophisticated bioweapon attack. Here's my scenario again: the National Enquirer reporter in Florida was one of the CIA's many assets in the US press corps. Jeb Bush, or one of his subordinates gave him the assignment of driving up to New Jersey to mail a bunch of envelopes full of something or other (the first reports had him in North Carolina drinking out of a stream of contaminated water). By the time he carried out the operation, he was crawling with the highly virulent, highly dispersive weapons grade spores (precluding the need to suicide or mug him to death). His symptoms clued him that he had something bad. He drove over to Manhattan and bribed a worker at the eye, ear and nose clinic to smuggle him some medicine. She caught the disease and died. He drove back to Florida where he contaminated his office and died. The bushoilcia told the FBI leadership to stonewall. Those that were less pliant were fired and replaced; those that cooperated for "national security" reasons no explanation necessary were, like the supervisor who stonewalled Rowley et al's investigation of Moussouai, were promoted. Nine months later, and months after Rosenberg's Princeton lectures in which she all but named the obvious suspect scientist collaborator, carbon dating is offered us to create the impression of an ongoing and (slowly progressing) investigation. Rosenberg, a scientist, does not seem to suspect the political dimension and also talks in terms of an assumption of a lone nut, albeit a nut with a degree.
CorpWatch--Climate Shift Feeds Desert Growth: Over the next 20 years some 60 million people in northern Africa are expected to leave the Sahelian region if desertification there is not halted, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today. June 17 is the day set aside each year by the UN as World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, twin problems that must be solved if world hunger is to be relieved, Annan said. In northeast Asia, "dust and sandstorms have buried human settlements and forced schools and airports to shut down," Annan said, "while in the Americas, dry spells and sandstorms have alarmed farmers and raised the spectre of another Dust Bowl, reminiscent of the 1930s." In southern Europe, "lands once green and rich in vegetation are turning barren and brown," he said. Diallo said that most of the 179 countries that are Parties to the convention are hosting activities today such as roundtable discussions, field trips and media campaigns at the national and local levels and involving government and nongovernmental organizations, the media, and other stakeholders. "Global climate change is not solely being caused by rising levels of greenhouse gases. Atmospheric pollution is also having an effect" Oh yeah. That's why between the fifteen to twenty car commercials, every network news show Monday ran an item on desertification of the bread basket states and its connection to global warming and aerosol pollution.

Friday, June 21, 2002

Chemtrails And Old Glory Over Eastern Washington more fotos. this one shares my opinion that they are there to mitigate the thinning ozone layer. today there was a tv commercial warning us about melanoma dangers of too much sun.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

UN food summit ends in fiasco after it was essentially boycotted by the wealthy countries of North America and the European Union: Fifty-five percent of the 12 million children who die yearly are victims of malnutrition. By staying away from Rome, top US officials also avoided dealing with the criticism of the recently enacted farm bill in Washington, which increases subsidies to huge agribusinesses by $18 billion annually. While touting “free trade,” the US government arrogates to itself the right to dump US agricultural exports in the poorest countries, wiping out the livelihoods of tens if not hundreds of millions in Africa and elsewhere. In Mozambique, severe flooding in 2000 and 2001 has been followed by drought in 2002. If the world leaders didn’t show up at the food summit, it’s because their business is defending profits, not fighting hunger. In the case of the US, the Bush administration found a way to use the discussion on hunger to advance the interests of US big business. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, leading the American delegation, came with a very specific purpose in mind—securing approval for genetically modified crops. The FAO meeting endorsed research into these crops, thus handing a major victory to huge US biotechnology firms. The root cause of world hunger is not inadequate food supplies. Food shortages go hand in hand with food surpluses under capitalism. This situation applies to the US as well as the poorest countries. The US grows 40 percent more food than it needs, but hunger is widespread and 26 million people in America rely on food stamp assistance. India has a record surplus of 59 million tons of grain, but almost half of Indian children are undernourished. Here we are rehashing the same truths about capitalism that became evident decades ago to deaf ears. What is the difference of starving six million children with self interested agricultural policies and global warming induced droughts and floods and terrorism?
World Socialist--Afghan war documentary charges US with mass killings of POWs Showings in Europe spark demands for war crimes probe: Leading international human rights lawyer Andrew McEntee, who was present at the special screening in Berlin, said it was “clear there is prima facie evidence of serious war crimes committed not just under international law, but also under the laws of the United States itself.” McEntee called for an independent investigation. “No functioning criminal justice system can choose to ignore this evidence,” he said. The Pentagon issued a statement June 13 denying the allegations of US complicity in the torture and murder of POWs, and the US State Department followed suit with a formal denial on June 14. The film has received widespread coverage in the European press, with articles featured in some of the main French and German newspapers (Le Monde, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt). Jamie Doran has also given interviews to two of the main German television companies. While the documentary has become a major news story in Europe, it has been virtually blacked out by the American media. The UPI released a dispatch on the screenings last week, yet the existence of the film has not even been reported by such leading newspapers as the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post. The film and its allegations of US war crimes have been similarly suppressed by the television networks and cable news channels. One of the problems with trying to discuss the nature of recent events is that while Americans find it very hard to believe that US military could be guilty of attrocities, they find it even harder to believe that the mass media is so completely censored that they are not getting all information that is valid and relevant. If this (i.e. Bushoilcia complicity in 9/11; CIA complicity in anthrax attacks; etc.), the New York Times or the Nation would cover it. Believing themselves to be more or less fully informed by a free press of independent journalists of all political stripes, accusations of atrocity don't appear credible. This power of the press to marinalize and invalidate in America what is commonly accepted in the rest of the world should be understood in the context of the current FCC plot under Powell Jr. to knock down the last remaining barriers to monopolization of the mass media.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

World Socialist Web Site--Bush's new Department of Homeland Defense the scaffolding of a police state: In its substance, the proposal represents an acceleration of the moves towards presidential dictatorship that have characterized every step taken by the Bush administration since September 11—represents an unprecedented concentration of police powers at the federal level. The new cabinet level department would become overnight the third largest in the federal government. The Bush administration presented the plan as a measure to protect the American people. But it would be more correct to say that the new department will concentrate the police forces of the government for the purpose of surveillance and repression against the American people. As the Washington Post noted, the agencies to be combined in the new department “go well beyond policing the borders.” The newspaper continued: “They reach deep into American life... it blurs the boundaries between gathering intelligence on foreigners and doing the same with American citizens.” Perhaps the most ominous measure is the inclusion in the Department of Homeland Defense of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now headed by Bush’s former campaign manager, Joseph Albaugh. FEMA was designated as the lead agency in plans developed 20 years ago under the Reagan administration to impose martial law in the event of a new and unpopular Vietnam- style war in Central America. FEMA’s brief included the establishment of prison camps at mothballed military bases for the detention of hundreds of thousands of US citizens and foreign immigrants. Only three months ago the American media was filled with reports about the Bush administration’s decision to establish a “shadow government” But today there is not one comment from the media or the Congress connecting those preparations of a behind-the-scenes dictatorship to this week’s unveiling of the scaffolding for a police state. Not a single voice in Congress opposes what amounts to a gross violation of fundamental US constitutional principles: separation of powers, checks and balances, congressional oversight of the executive branch, and the right to privacy and freedom from government prying. parallels another major action by the Pentagon, which in April won White House approval to set up a new four-star command, dubbed the Northern Command, covering the North American continent. These measures are combined with constant alerts, warnings and sensationalized publicity of alleged terrorist threats, aimed at keeping the American population off balance and creating the conditions where some new catastrophe— perhaps on an even more terrible scale than September 11—can become the occasion for an outright suspension of democratic rights and the imposition of martial law. The process bespeaks an administration in enormous crisis, concerned that its political support is eroding, that the US and global financial situation is balanced on a knife edge, and that emergency powers may be required to deal with domestic social unrest. Only four top Bush aides reportedly discussed and drafted the proposal. The plan then went to Bush and Cheney for ratification. On September 10, as the White House recently admitted, a National Security Decision Directive calling for all-out war on Al Qaeda, including an invasion of Afghanistan, was sitting on Bush’s desk awaiting his signature. All the evidence suggests that, far from September11 being unpreventable, it was foreseen by the US intelligence apparatus and permitted to happen. The most innocent explanation—although not the most plausible—is government negligence on a colossal scale, rising to the level of criminal negligence. The more plausible explanation is deliberate complicity. A significant faction within the American state viewed a major terrorist atrocity as a reasonable price to pay to obtain the necessary pretext for a war in the oil-rich regions of Central Asia and the Middle East. Say. If the fatherland security scaffold only needs another worse 9/11 to establish martial law with all the apparatus conveniently in place, and if the most plausible explanation for 9/11 "intelligence failure" (I'll say) is deliberate complicity by the bushoilcia, then these lefties must think donald blofeld is planning to drop some nerve gas on us.

Monday, June 17, 2002

CNNMoney--It's easy to get mad, but hard to remember. There's a privileged elite in this country, but will we ever do anything about it? The agency is considering a rule that would essentially require CEOs to certify that the information in their companies' annual reports is, as far as they know, correct. So that means up until now they have been allowed to lie?! You need a rule to make sure corporate leaders tell the truth?!!! Shouldn't this be a given in the first place???!!! WHY DO WE NEED A SPECIAL RULE TO ENFORCE WHAT SHOULD BE PLAIN TO BEGIN WITH?????!!!!! my blood gets boiling not so much because someone did something wrong, which is bad, but because it is indicative of a development in our society that is worse. Sometime while our back was turned -- probably while we were busy counting our fat 401(k)s and bulging portfolios -- America became an aristocracy. Not sure? Close your eyes. Picture 17th Century France. Use the movie "The Three Musketeers" Voila ... our modern world. Disagree? C'mon. You've been reading the stories about CEOs. Think about the lavish company perks like city apartments and limos and jets -- perks paid for with shareholder money. Ex-Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski, for example, is being investigated for using company money to buy art and homes for himself and other top corporate cronies. Similar accusations about personal use of Adelphia money are being made against the Rigas family as well. And you've read the tales of their contracts guaranteeing them millions of dollars, even if they run their company into the ground. Kenneth Lay, for example, reportedly got $67.4 million from Enron before it went down. How does that happen? Well, corporate board members, the ones who review these contracts, are typically members of the same privileged class. Theoretically our by-the-people, for- the-people government should guard against it, but it doesn't. Money talks and lobbyists spread a lot of it. The accounting industry has spent over $4 million on the 2002 election cycle ... seen any accounting industry reform come out of Congress? No, of course not. Well, Congress better do something about this aristocracy or we'll vote them out next fall, right? No. We all wish -- some overtly and some secretly -- we could be a part of that aristocracy. Whatever. I'm writing myself a note: "Stay mad as hell. Start revolution." Careful Mr. Capitalist; that puts you in the early planning stages of a terrorist attack on Ashcroft's testicle electrode list. I can't speak for the entire left wing, but as far as I'm concerned you can go to hell with your portfolio. While "we" were counting "our" bulging portfolios, the silly naive lefty radicals were warning "us" about the growing power of the capitalist elites. The operative principle is that you have to stop power before it gets unstoppable, not after it starts sapping you like it did the third world for your benefit. Don't worry, after awhile your boiling blood will cool down to a steady simmer. Dirty-bomb, car-bomb, boat-bomb, bomb plots—meet the new al-Qaeda men, less polished than the 9/11 crew, but any less lethal? Gitmo is no place for a vacation. U.S. interrogators have developed a technique to pry information out of some detainees. Moroccan police in Casablanca announced the arrest of three Saudis—Zuher al-Tbaiti, Abdullah al-Ghamdi and Hilal Alissiri—on suspicion of plotting an attack on an American or British warship in the Strait of Gibraltar. Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the capture in Chicago of Jose Padilla. Ashcroft said Padilla was exploring a plan to build and detonate a radiological dispersion device, or "dirty bomb," in the U.S. In Bosnia, American and local officials are continuing investigations into Islamic charities suspected of money laundering for al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. And French authorities picked up five men for questioning in the case of Richard Reid, the would-be shoe bomber, who is now in U.S. custody. In Sudan police arrested a man suspected of leading an al-Qaeda cell responsible for firing a surface-to-air missile at an American warplane in Saudi Arabia. Most frightening of all, on Friday a car bomb exploded outside the U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan; 11 Pakistanis were killed, and at least 45 other people were injured, including one U.S. Marine. Inevitably, the attack called to mind the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam—for most Americans, the first time they heard the name Osama bin Laden. A previously unknown group called al-Qanoon claimed responsibility for the Karachi bombing, but State Department officials in Washington said they believed that al-Qaeda was responsible. At least the Karachi consulate was better protected than the embassies in Africa. The building is like a fortress, with thick walls, concrete bunkers and bulletproof glass; the vehicle exploded next to a guard post outside. But the bomb left a crater 5 ft. deep and blew charred body parts into a park hundreds of yards away. Windows were blown out of the consulateand the neighboring Marriott hotel. If anyone had missed the week's message, a top U.S. counterterrorism official underscored it. The terrorists, he said, "are still out there, and there's still an army of followers they can call upon." That sounds scary, but there's another way of reading the news. Just possibly, the good guys may be winning. Many of those in the hard core of al-Qaeda have been captured; Pakistani officials claim to have detained 378 foreigners linked to al-Qaeda this year. instead of being able to plan attacks from the safety of the terrorist camps, they were forced to use Internet cafes to communicate with al-Qaeda superiors. In a similar vein, the arrest of Padilla, for all the frightening claims that Ashcroft made for his plot, may reveal a weakness in al-Qaeda's position rather than a strength. Al-Qaeda appears to be relying on irregulars— inexperienced, unsophisticated operatives like Padilla and, for that matter, Reid—rather than the highly trained, disciplined jihadis who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks. In the view of many experts on Islamic terrorism, converts to Islam who grew up in the West sometimes lack the deep conviction of those born into the faith who grew up in its Arab heartlands, as the 19 hijackers did. Here Time ties all the horseshit propaganda threads together into a coherent picture for easy digestion by sound byte conditioned but literate Americans. Some points that go unremarked: gitmo prison camp is a pre 9/11 Halliburton government contract; Morrocco busy reporting arrests of bomb plotters just got an unnoticed and unprecedented free trade deal with the US; other than Padilla and Reid, all alleged targets are military. This makes the current al-Qaeda membership (do they have an initiation ceremony or do they just get an id card?) not only "less polished" but less terroristic than whoever perpetrated 9/11; the question in the headline "any less lethal?" appears to be answered in the affirmative, but the propaganda campaign is torn between 1) maintaining an atmosphere of fear that allows homeland security and first strike policies to fly through congress unresisted or criticized, and 2) easing fears to a) demonstrate effectiveness of "war on terror" and b) prevent stock market selloffs; Ashcroft's accusations of "operative" status and dirty bomb plot have been recanted; there is precisely no evidence of Reid's connection with al-Qaeda which would surely have been mentioned in connection with the French arrests; Islamic charities, however some of their funds may be misused, are enormously charitable and the only force against the miserable poverty in the Moslem world (no, capitalism is not bringing prosperity to the world); the "deep conviction" of native Islamicists does not fit the summarily convicted 9/11 hijackers, as they were all drinking and womanizing before the attack. That this is a propaganda exercise rather than a news story is evident from: claiming Morroccan arrests "confirmed the continuing danger posed by al-Qaeda" without any claim of their connection with said al-Qaeda, but implying intentions beyond military targets; French "pick-up" is compelling while French claims of CIA visit to Osama bin Laden in hospital is not; terms such as "most frightening of all," "inevitably, the attack called to mind," "Al-Qaeda appears to be," "the week's message" identify the centrality of public perceptions and the marginality of concrete facts. So the frightening image of masked terrorists armed with dirty bombs closing in on your apartment building should make you grateful for bushoilcia fascism and vote Republican in November for more of the same, the lack of real evidence shows how effectively bushoilcia is protecting you.

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Yahoo! News - EPA to relax pollution rules for utilities, allowing more plants to expand: A Bush administration decision to let some coal-burning power plants escape costly pollution controls is intended to help keep electric bills in check, but environmentalists say it will increase smog and contribute to asthma and other respiratory ailments. "These reforms are about making the Clean Air Act work effectively," EPA Administrator Christie Whitman said. "These same plants emit pollution that triggers between 107,000 and 170,000 asthma attacks every year, most of which occur in children," said Angela Ledford, director of a coalition of environmental groups called Clear the Air. "If these plants
were forced to install pollution controls and comply with the law, between 80,000 and 120,000 of these attacks could be
avoided." Vickie Patton, an attorney with Environmental Defense in Boulder, Colo., said the decision will enable thousands of power plants, oil refineries and industrial facilities across the country to increase their pollution, often without notifying the public. "Many of these people who are affected have chosen to leave in place old equipment, which pollutes more, rather than replace it and modernize it, which pollutes less," Fleischer said.
as the bill is targeted at coal burning factories in the ohio valley that blow into clouds that then carry their acid rain primarily east, whitman has effectively screwed her own home state nj besides sentencing new york city, the site of many republican foto ops since 9/11 to perpetual acid rain. fleischer gives us the typical capitalist rhetoric: relaxing restrictions, although they allow industry to increase their output of poisons in secret in order to reduce their overhead, they are really designed to reduce the poisons by making it easier for them to voluntarilly refit at enormous expense. my anticapitalist rhetoric is that if they didnt voluntarilly reduce emissions during the boom nineties when they were rolling in cash, they will not do so as the economy and their profits crash. to understand why i am a left wing anticapitalist, just measure polluting emissions in five years. - FBI ‘guilty of cover- up’ over anthrax suspect: AMERICAN investigators know the identity of the killer who paralysed the US by sending anthrax in the post but will not arrest the culprit, according to leading US scientists. This week, the FBI and John Ashcroft, the attorney general, were at the centre of controversy when they claimed that they had apprehended an American citizen intent on detonating a ‘‘dirty bomb’’, a conventional bomb which would contaminate a large area with radioactive material. Both were forced to admit that there was no evidence that Jose Padile had done little more than associate with suspected al-Qaeda agents in Pakistan. Dr Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, director of the biological warfare division at the Federation of American Scientists, first accused the FBI of foot-dragging in February with a scathing investigation that included a portrait of the possible perpetrator so detailed that it could only match one person. Rosenberg said she knows who that person is and so do a top-level clique of US government scientists, the CIA, the FBI and the White House. "Either the FBI is under pressure from the Pentagon or CIA not to proceed because the suspect knows too much and must be controlled forever from the moment of arrest," she said, "or the FBI is sympathetic to the views of the biodefence clique or the FBI really is as incompetent as it seems." George Soros, the billionaire financier, accused the Bush administration of deliberately manipulating the aftermath of September 11 and the arrest of Padile to promote an authoritarian agenda. ‘"I feel that what happened was that Ashcroft (the attorney general) basically detonated a ‘dirty bomb’ plot. The plot is his. The detonation is his. The Bush administration is exploiting the terrorist threat for its urposes, to generate fear and to overcome constitutional constraints on the use of force,’’ he said. uh oh. soros who used only to have to call in the target and us missiles started flying seems to have been decommissioned by the bushoilcia. overstepping the will of the american people is one thing but hell hath no fury like a billionaire capitalist scorned. the identity of the anthrax culprit is old news. the fbi who couldnt find him even though rosenberg sent them his address and phone number does not seem to have shaken off their keystone kops act after the multi hundred billion dollar fatherland gestapo ministry. the dirty bomb lie was timed to shove the new ministry through congress. its amazing that a bill to send fifty bucks to a public school for a history book that covers the vietnam war gets hung up for months before dying quietly but fatherland security moves like shit through a goose. i believe our government protectors know that rumors of the economic recovery are exaggerated and are preparing for an exploding population of unemployed and discontented citizens. ashcroft said unambiguously that bushoilcia had certain evidence that padilla was an al qaeda "operative." nobody asked him how he could know his status and the details of his plan and yet not be able to direct us troops currently perpetrating war crimes in afghanistan in their direction. in one week ashcroft and rumsfeld tell blatant lies, rumsfeld denying that us brass were involved in botched philipine hostage rescue (heard a whisper about it since?).

Saturday, June 15, 2002

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

DynCorp links

Monday, June 10, 2002

Insight on the News: According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit filed in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in] other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased." Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behavior stopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. He laughs bitterly recalling the work habits of a DynCorp employee in Bosnia who "weighed 400 pounds and would stick cheeseburgers in his pockets and eat them while he worked. The problem was he would literally fall asleep every five minutes. One time he fell asleep with a torch in his hand and burned a hole through the plastic on an aircraft." This same man, according to Johnston, "owned a girl who couldn't have been more than 14 years old. It's a sick sight anyway to see any grown man [having sex] with a child, but to see some 45-year- old man who weighs 400 pounds with a little girl, it just makes you sick." dyncorps sleaze isnt news but id like to know how this right wing propaganda mill intends to blame the enormous freedom from oversight of this corporation whose board of directors is a revolving door of republican military pigs on liberals.
World Socialist Web Site--US-Indian military ties: an incendiary factor in an unstable region: Although barely reported in the international press, the US and India last month held their first joint military exercises in more than four decades. The two-week war games, which were held in the Indian city of Agra and concluded on May 28, were code-named “Balance Iroquois” and involved Indian para-commandos and US Special Forces, along with military aircraft from both countries. Exact details of the exercise have been kept secret but its basic object was training in air-borne assault and closer collaboration. With India poised for war against Pakistan, the decision not to cancel the exercise could only encourage the BJP-led government to take a more belligerent stance. As one Indian official noted with satisfaction: “Ordinarily, at any other time, the tense border situation would have simply sidelined the DPG meeting. But it is a measure of how far we have come that discussions moved ahead even during this crisis.” While New Delhi previously relied on the Soviet Union, then Russia, for military supplies, US arms sales to India are accelerating rapidly. In April the Indian army acquired eight AN/TPQ-37 Firefighters, an artillery-locating radar system, at a cost of $US146 million. The AN/TPQ-37 can pinpoint mortar, rocket launchers and artillery at a range of up to 300 km after tracking a shell for just a few seconds. A US Defence Security Co-operation Agency spokesman commented with delight: “We have no one here who can recall our ever having sold a major weapons system to India.” The US Defence Department underscored the key role of India in US strategic planning, declaring: “This sale [of the radar system] will contribute to the foreign policy and national security interests of the US by helping to improve the security of a country that has been and continues to be a force for political stability and economic progress in South Asia.” As far as “stability” and “progress” are concerned, it should be noted that the sale took place as around a million Indian and Pakistani troops, backed by artillery, tanks, missiles and warplanes, confronted each other on high alert along the border. While the joint patrols are taking place under the banner of “the war against terrorism,” the real aims are to ensure US control over key naval routes such as the Malacca Strait, through which a substantial portion of world trade, including in oil and gas, pass. The “war against terrorism” has been used as the pretext to set up US military bases in Central Asia, provide military aid to Nepal, establish close military ties in South East Asia, particularly in the Philippines and strengthen relations with Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Control over the Malacca Strait is a key element in this strategy of encirclement and the choice of India as a partner in this exercise is not accidental. New Delhi’s willingness to participate is bound up with the ambitions of the Hindu chauvinist BJP and more broadly of the political establishment to transform India into a world power. The BJP’s advocacy of an alliance with the US stretches back to the 1962 war with China in which the Indian military suffered a humiliating defeat. The first-ever joint Indian- US war games took place in the aftermath of the conflict. The Jana Sangh, the forerunner to the BJP, called for the establishment of permanent military ties with the US, arguing that India would have defeated China if it had had American backing. the india pakistan conflict is usually described as an old war that is breaking into belligerence as it has many times in the past fifty years. this implies that there is no real connection with bushoilcia wwiii plan. as with israel their allies dont listen to bushoilcia pleas for everybody to just get along. war especially nuclear is bad and bushoilcia dont want it to happen. but we see that peace and stability only makes people start thinking about bushoilcia running economy into ground while usurping unprecedented police power and abrogating civil rights. war terror instability and uncertainty give them opportunities for press conferences where they pose as our protectors and assure us that they are taking even more money and power to get the job done.
CNN/Money--Has the recovery begun?: This weekend we're going to see referees making a lot of tough calls, from the Tyson-Lewis fight, to the Red Wings vs. Hurricane play-offs, and another round of World Cup games. But that's nothin' compared to the tough call the nation's business cycle referees are going to have to make, perhaps in the next few weeks. A lot of interesting commentary today on how long it took for jobs to start growing after the 1990-91 recession, the last time there was discussion of a jobless recovery. But if you were around then and following economic issues, there was also some debate and some surprise over how the NBER set the date for the END of that recession. A lot of people thought and still think that the recession actually lasted longer than the NBER said it did, and that's why unemployment stayed high for so long. yea the economy is about as tough to call as the tyson lewis fight. im pretty sure lewis won. so the fairy tale du jour of a "jobless recovery" is based on a decade old misdating of the end of a recession.
Washington Post--U.S. Arrests Alleged Terrorist: The U.S. government has arrested an alleged al Qaida terrorist who plotted to build and detonate a radiological "dirty" bomb, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Monday. The attorney general said Mujahir had served prison time in the United States in the early 1990s, then traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan during 2001 and met with al Qaida officials. Ashcroft said Mujahir "trained with the enemy, including studying how to wire explosive devices and researching radiological dispersion devices." The probable target of Mujahir's plans to detonate the bomb was Washington, according to a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity. The plot was not believed to have passed the early planning stages. early planning stage? that means no bomb just a moron excon islam convert thinking he can fly round trip to pakistan with grandiose revolution plans without ashcroft watching him as soon as he buys his ticket.
Straits Times--Manila Says US Forces Planned Botched Rescue Mission: Contradicting the Pentagon's version of Friday's bloody rescue attempt, Mr Reyes said the Americans 'participated in the planning and the execution in terms of advice and intelligence reports, and in the training of our soldiers' who carried out the mission. The operation ended a 376-day hostage drama that drew 1,000 US military advisers and engineers to the separatist- plagued south for a six-month campaign to help local troops stamp out the Abu Sayyaf guerilla group, described as a local ally of the Al-Qaeda terror network. 'The fighting was done by Filipino soldiers, but in the conduct of the rescue and recovery mission the Americans actively participated,' Mr Reyes told reporters. 'We cannot overemphasise the importance of the American contribution,' he told local radio earlier yesterday. Earlier, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military first learned of the operation when the Filipino military announced Martin Burnham's death and refused to criticise the operation. 'When something does not go perfectly there are always a lot of people running around who say this, who say that. I'm not one of those,' he said. now explain how lying about american planning of the botched hostage rescue was necessary to protect sources and methods. rumsfeld implies some people might accuse the flips of incompetence but not me. this magnanimity was supposed to keep the philipinos from mentioning the us orchestration, but they arent playing along by taking the blame.

Sunday, June 09, 2002

MSNBC --Hiding (and Seeking) Messages on the Web: Al Qaeda uses the Web as a communications network shot across the bow of internet free speech. all the evidence of bushoilcia engineering of terrorism is also available nowhere else.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

US Refuses Iraq Offer Of 1993 WTC Bombing Suspect: The news program 60 Minutes last night interviewed Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz who said Washington rejected his country's offer to deliver Yasin, who is the US list of most-wanted terrorists for his alleged role in the bombing. He said he was so co-operative the agents later released him and gave him a ride home, allowing him to flee the United States for Iraq. He was detained by Iraq in 1994 according to the report. "Twice we ask them to come and take him. They refused," Aziz said. US officials did not comply with the network's requests for a comment, CBS said. Washington has offered a $25 million reward for information leading to Yasin's capture. ok you tell me why. id say they thought he might be used later as a terrorist being "harbored" by iraq. or maybe they didnt want to send 25 mil to saddam? but the strangest thing of all is that CBS reported on it.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Sunday, June 02, 2002

In a stunning U-turn for the Bush administration, the United States has sent a climate report to the United Nations detailing "specific and far-reaching effects" that it says "global warming will inflict" on the American environment. Also for the first time -- the White House places "most of the blame for recent global warming on human actions -- mainly the burning of fossil fuels that send heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere ...The new report's predictions present a sharp contrast to the administration's previous statements on climate change, in which President Bush always spoke in generalities and stressed the need for much more research to resolve scientific questions." more research you want? ok. this is how you know their approval rating isnt the 75 percent they claim.