Friday, May 31, 2002
Danger for the Dollar: Outside of stocks, takeovers, and bonds, there isn't much else left to serve as a magnet for foreign capital. The U.S. economy has blown its wad, and the impending crash of the dollar can no longer be averted by peaceful means. then its really fortunate that going after the terrorists forces us to take over so much oil and gas resources
Thursday, May 30, 2002
America Betrayed - Bush Administration, FBI Complicity In 911: The September 11 attack on America was planned, coordinated, and carried out under the watchful eyes and with the helpful assistance of top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush Administration--officials who did everything in their power to insure that the operation would be a spectacular triumph unequaled in the world of terrorism and political opportunism. As planned, the mass murder of over 3,000 Americans, transformed an inept, seemingly incompetent president into a war time leader, possibly insuring his reelection and a Republican resurgence and power grab. american reichstag fire in a nutshell without the links and references (found throughout my site). theres more to the motive than bushoilcia power. the dow jones had just plummeted 900 points and would have continued to spiral into global depression until they usurped all control of federal spending which has broken all records (we have yet to see if there really is anything left in the social security box. since bushoilcia was bought into office for 100 million dollars on promise of multi billion dollar tax embezzlement, the difference has to be made up elsewhere), waged war on afghanistan for oil and gas interests, and are coordinating wwiii between israel, india and iraq. bushoilcia is the political wing of transnational capitalist elite ie bilderbergers, trilateral commission, imf. crash of global markets is end of their power. they will incinerate the world before they let that happen.
Afghan Leader Hopes To Sign Gas Pipeline Project In Pakistan: Leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan will meet in Islamabad on Thursday to discuss a gas pipeline plan that could bring $100 million a year in transit fees to the war-ravaged Afghan economy, officials said. Afghan officials said interim ruler Hamid Karzai would head to Pakistan with high hopes of a deal for the construction of a 932-mile pipeline to bring gas from huge reserves in Turkmenistan across Afghanistan and into Pakistan. just because some lefty radicals claimed the war had naught to do with terrorists and all with gas pipelines and now their signing a pipeline deal dont mean the leftys were right. 100 million to the economy? how does that get divided? you cant hardly feed ten capitalists with that. i hope the poppy seed industry provides for the rest.
Halliburton Shares Sink on Probe News The accounting policies under investigation were adopted in 1998 while Vice President Dick Cheney was chief executive of Halliburton. He held that post from 1995 to 2000. Under the policy adopted in 1998, Halliburton began to recognize some of its unresolved claims against engineering and construction clients as revenue, even though the amounts of money at stake were still in dispute. i dont see where they have a case. cheney knowing the bushoilcia was going to buy and cheat him into the white house knew that the unresolved claims would be resolved in his favor once he got there.
Microsoft could settle with SEC for slap on wrist: "We take our financial reporting responsibilities very seriously, and we work hard to comply with every aspect of the company's reporting obligations," a Microsoft spokesman reportedly said. "Microsoft has cooperated fully with the SEC, but because this is not a public inquiry, it's not appropriate to comment further." they take it seriously so that lets out negligence. they work hard to follow laws but sometimes laws stand in the way of profits. its not a public inquiry (terrorists may be listening) so we arent going to tell you sh*t. dont like it? try taking your business elsewhere.
During a conversation between Bush and Fernando Henrique, Bush bewiledered his colleague with the question "Do you have blacks too?" remember how his ignorance about europe and the world was excused as his real foreign expertise lay in latin america?
an expected announcement naming George Stephanopoulos host of ABC's THIS WEEK has become the talk of the network's Washington bureau. this backstabbing clinton era sellout of the working class makes me ill. now when he gets his talking head on camera he has to finish with "back to you ted"
U.S. Fund for Tower Victims Will Aid Some Gay Partners: New York State does not recognize same-sex unions. But an executive order by Gov. George E. Pataki in the wake of the terror attacks extending spousal benefits to gay partners under the State Crime Victims Board was intended to give Mr. Feinberg room to exercise discretion. "If the next of kin is supportive and there's no dispute, it's a nonissue," Mr. Feinberg said in an interview. "If the personal representative, say a parent, comes to me and says, `Cut a check for the same-sex partner,' there will be no problem. Then it's a ministerial function. What do I care?" complete with foto of sniveling dyke. how pataki plays both sides: look like a hero to nyc gays but raise ire of moron bigot upstate right wingers at lavish compensation packages.
Ex-Agent Had Key Data: classified information had been found during a search of possessions of a former FBI agent allegedly part of an insider trading conspiracy. Elgindy, 34, was being held without bail. During a hearing in San Diego last week, Breen said that Elgindy's attempt to liquidate the trust accounts of his children on Sept. 10 might "perhaps" mean he had "pre-knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, and, rather than report it, he was attempting to profit from that information." Defense attorney Jeanne G. Knight scoffed at that suggestion and said it was an attempt by the prosecution to smear Elgindy, a U.S. citizen and native of Egypt, with "terrorist innuendos." for 2 weeks weve been listening to inuendo about bushoilcia foreknowledge whithout a single mention of the term "put options." we wil never forget! except about put options we were supposed to have gotten to the bottom of until we found binladen couldnt have had anything to do with them. even the scoffing implies foreknowledge came from egyptian not fbi sources. remember the air traffic monitoring radio in the arab intelligence assets financial center hotel room that didnt really belong to him. i do that all the time. leave a thousand dollar piece of electronics behind in a hotel room which the maid doesnt find before the next guy checks in.
Andersen employee refused to shred: Once told of the message from Houston, McCune told Philpot that the firm's guidelines were a policy -- not a document destruction policy. Philpot called the Houston voicemail unusual because employees from another office were directing them on what to do with their files. Philpot's testimony will be used by Andersen to show that there was not a concerted effort in firm offices to destroy Enron documents. The Chicago-based accounting firm stands accused of destroying Enron documents while on notice of a federal investigation into the energy trader. Andersen has admitted that its employees destroyed documents related to its audit of Enron, but denied the action was part of a deliberate act of wrongdoing by the firm's top decision-makers. two other Andersen employees from the Houston office testified they were urged in October by two separate partners to comply with the firm's document policy, which they interpreted to mean purging extraneous files. John Boudreaux and Jennifer Stevenson both accountants on the Enron audit team said they did not consider the instruction a ruse to destroy critical documents. Boudreaux said he spent 90 minutes on Oct. 23 going through files; throwing out old drafts and deleting personal e-mails, like messages pertaining to a fantasy football league. Stevenson threw out old hand-written notes. But both testified they did not destroy documents to keep them away from regulators. "I don't recall any sense of urgency," Boudreaux said. Earlier that day, Thomas Bauer, Boudreaux and Stevenson's boss, urged employees in Houston to comply with the firm's document guidelines and informed them of an informal Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into some of the energy company's transactions. David Duncan, then Andersen's lead audit partner on the Enron account, also urged employees in an afternoon meeting to comply with the policy though he never told employees to destroy documents. He also informed them of the SEC probe. Andersen fired Duncan in January for directing the destruction of Enron documents. you buying this? why? didnt you see the movie where the drug terrorists/mobsters/bookmakers dumped gasoline over everything and lit the match as dick tracey was breaking down the front door? corporations firing andersen now seem to claim that their accountants took it upon themselves without consultation to inflate their profits why? if the corp thinks it has more money than it does itll be willing to pay exorbitant accounting fees? the sec is coming. lets dispel any doubts about our business practices by deleting irrecoverable fantasy football emails from every single branch office.
FBI Given More Latitude: New Justice Department guidelines to be unveiled today will give FBI agents latitude to monitor Internet sites, libraries and religious institutions without first having to offer evidence of potential criminal activity, officials said yesterday. so thats why they allowed the 2 pieces of evidence of bushoilcia complicity in 911 onto corporate network news. its not that we intentionally blocked low level agents from stopping the atrocity but that we need broader powers to infiltrate and surveil. somebodys underpayed teacher did not make clear that checks and balances and bill of rights were not designed to limit power of founders but to protect against tyrants that history shows will appear in future. no matter how altruistic philanthropic and scrupulously honest dick halliburton kennyboy enron george bushoicia john "oilmeupclarence" ashcroft donald remotecontrolbomber may be some powerhungry warmongering oilmoney fascists may buy their way into the government at some future date who would have these legal rights against anyone they perceive as threats to their power. as the economy crashes fundamentalist muslims may not have the monopoly on discontent.
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in
order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for
patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both
emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And
when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and
the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the
leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the
citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and
blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto
the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is
what I have done. And I am Caesar." -- Julius Caesar
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in
order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for
patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both
emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And
when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and
the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the
leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the
citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and
blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto
the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is
what I have done. And I am Caesar." -- Julius Caesar
So now Osama bin Laden is Hitler. And Saddam Hussein is Hitler. And George Bush is fighting the Nazis. Do we have to live forever with living, diminutive politicians playing Churchill (Thatcher and, of course, Blair) or Roosevelt? "He's a dictator who gassed his own people," Mr Bush reminded us for the two thousandth time, omitting as always to mention that the Kurds whom Saddam viciously gassed were fighting for Iran and that the United States, at the time, was on Saddam's side. note how carefully the ruthless Palestinian war against Israeli colonisation of the West Bank is being strapped to America's ever weirder "war on terror" Israel's policies are America's policies in the Middle East – or, more accurately, vice versa – is now being played out for real in statements from Congress and on American television. First, we have the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations
Committee announcing that Hizbollah – the Lebanese guerrilla force that drove Israel's demoralised army out of Lebanon in the year 2000 – is planning attacks in the US. After that, we had an American television network "revealing" that Hizbollah, Hamas and al- Qa'ida – Mr bin Laden's organisation – have held a secret meeting in Lebanon to plot attacks on the US. American journalists insist on quoting "sources" but there was, of course, no sourcing for this balderdash, which is now repeated ad nauseam in the American media. Then take the "Syrian Accountability Act" that was introduced into the US Senate by Israel's friends on18 April. This includes the falsity uttered earlier by Israel's Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards "operate freely" on the southern Lebanese border. Now there haven't been Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon – let alone the south of the country – for 18 years. So why is this lie repeated yet again? In Damascus, Majida Tabbaa has become famous as the lady who threw the US Consul Roberto Powers out of her husband's downtown restaurant on 7 April . "I went over to him," she said, "and told him, 'Mr Roberto, tell your George Bush that all of you are not welcome – please get out'." America praises Pakistani President Musharraf for his support in the "war on terror", but remains silent when he arranges a dictatorial "referendum" to keep him in power. America's enemies, remember, hate the US for its "democracy". Do not for a moment think that these oil and gas-rich lands have any economic importance for the oil-fuelled Bush administration. Nor the pipelines that could run from northern Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast if only that pesky Afghan loya jirga could elect a government that would give concessions to Unocal, the oddly named concession whose former boss just happens to be a chief Bush "adviser" to Afghanistan. Mr Bush goes on to do exactly what his enemies want; to provoke Muslims and Arabs, to praise their enemies and demonise their countries, to bomb and starve Iraq and give uncritical support to Israel and maintain his support for the dictators of the Middle East. Each morning now, I awake beside the Mediterranean in Beirut with a feeling of great foreboding. There is a firestorm coming. shall the mainstream press now grow indignant at its own "balderdash?" to be fair, the uk independent mostly only sins by ommission. even this pretty straight rant fails to remark the ultimate irony of delivering bush speech in front of the reichstag, the building hitler burned down and blamed on the commies which initiated his seizure of domestic control. i join others in maintaining that the wtc is the american reichstag fire and one wonders if granddaddy prescott bush gave his business partner adolph the idea. fisk also points out that bush always omits our siding with saddam when he gassed the kurds, but he omits that we gave him the gas (probably with user manuals). fisk rightly points to the absurdity of equating the terrorist threat to israel with that to america backed by bs sources and outright lies reported uncritically in all mass media. bush can hardly keep a straight face when he holds up democracy as the standard for states we do not claim the right to nuclear first strike while sitting next to prince abdullah discussing who will be the next foreign minister to afghanistan and how to reward the dictator musharref. we are not asked please dont think its about oil; we are told that some silly people always think everything is by condaleeza rice, the first human being named after an oil tanker standing next to harmid karzai former head of unocal now head of afghanistan. fisk seems confused that bushoilcia increases policies that can only lead to wwiii when prior knowledge of wtc should make their agenda clear. a firestorm is coming. remember that wtc fell down *after* dow jones dropped 900 points. history books will apparently write these down as unrelated incidents. but multi hundred billion dollar government spending, corporate book cooking, and univocal corporate press "economy is in recovery" lie campaign can no longer obscure the steady flow of capital out of middle level stock portfolios and equity averages must resume their true path downward. look for another unrelated incident. this time theyll be sure to get saddams fingerprints on the passport that magically flies out of the airplane window and lands undamaged five blocks away.
Committee announcing that Hizbollah – the Lebanese guerrilla force that drove Israel's demoralised army out of Lebanon in the year 2000 – is planning attacks in the US. After that, we had an American television network "revealing" that Hizbollah, Hamas and al- Qa'ida – Mr bin Laden's organisation – have held a secret meeting in Lebanon to plot attacks on the US. American journalists insist on quoting "sources" but there was, of course, no sourcing for this balderdash, which is now repeated ad nauseam in the American media. Then take the "Syrian Accountability Act" that was introduced into the US Senate by Israel's friends on18 April. This includes the falsity uttered earlier by Israel's Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards "operate freely" on the southern Lebanese border. Now there haven't been Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon – let alone the south of the country – for 18 years. So why is this lie repeated yet again? In Damascus, Majida Tabbaa has become famous as the lady who threw the US Consul Roberto Powers out of her husband's downtown restaurant on 7 April . "I went over to him," she said, "and told him, 'Mr Roberto, tell your George Bush that all of you are not welcome – please get out'." America praises Pakistani President Musharraf for his support in the "war on terror", but remains silent when he arranges a dictatorial "referendum" to keep him in power. America's enemies, remember, hate the US for its "democracy". Do not for a moment think that these oil and gas-rich lands have any economic importance for the oil-fuelled Bush administration. Nor the pipelines that could run from northern Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast if only that pesky Afghan loya jirga could elect a government that would give concessions to Unocal, the oddly named concession whose former boss just happens to be a chief Bush "adviser" to Afghanistan. Mr Bush goes on to do exactly what his enemies want; to provoke Muslims and Arabs, to praise their enemies and demonise their countries, to bomb and starve Iraq and give uncritical support to Israel and maintain his support for the dictators of the Middle East. Each morning now, I awake beside the Mediterranean in Beirut with a feeling of great foreboding. There is a firestorm coming. shall the mainstream press now grow indignant at its own "balderdash?" to be fair, the uk independent mostly only sins by ommission. even this pretty straight rant fails to remark the ultimate irony of delivering bush speech in front of the reichstag, the building hitler burned down and blamed on the commies which initiated his seizure of domestic control. i join others in maintaining that the wtc is the american reichstag fire and one wonders if granddaddy prescott bush gave his business partner adolph the idea. fisk also points out that bush always omits our siding with saddam when he gassed the kurds, but he omits that we gave him the gas (probably with user manuals). fisk rightly points to the absurdity of equating the terrorist threat to israel with that to america backed by bs sources and outright lies reported uncritically in all mass media. bush can hardly keep a straight face when he holds up democracy as the standard for states we do not claim the right to nuclear first strike while sitting next to prince abdullah discussing who will be the next foreign minister to afghanistan and how to reward the dictator musharref. we are not asked please dont think its about oil; we are told that some silly people always think everything is by condaleeza rice, the first human being named after an oil tanker standing next to harmid karzai former head of unocal now head of afghanistan. fisk seems confused that bushoilcia increases policies that can only lead to wwiii when prior knowledge of wtc should make their agenda clear. a firestorm is coming. remember that wtc fell down *after* dow jones dropped 900 points. history books will apparently write these down as unrelated incidents. but multi hundred billion dollar government spending, corporate book cooking, and univocal corporate press "economy is in recovery" lie campaign can no longer obscure the steady flow of capital out of middle level stock portfolios and equity averages must resume their true path downward. look for another unrelated incident. this time theyll be sure to get saddams fingerprints on the passport that magically flies out of the airplane window and lands undamaged five blocks away.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Daschle Says Bush And Cheney Urged No 911 Inquiry: Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney, who last week denied he had warned Daschle off an investigation. Cheney telephoned him on Jan. 24 to urge that no Sept. 11 inquiry be made, and that Bush had followed up on January 28 with a similar request. Cheney denied calling Daschle to argue against a Sept. 11 probe, saying, "Tom's wrong. He has, in this case, let's say a misinterpretation. What I did do was ... say, we prefer to work with the intelligence committees." "We are not making any accusations against the president, but we know that we have to do a better job," Daschle said. thats exactly the problem with the democrats. when accusations are called for they dont make them. so this isnt like the cheney refusal to release documents on secret meetings with kennyboy. this is because of war on terrorism. both president and vice have to make personal requests in this matter why?
Strong earthquake rocks Taiwan parallel universes: first a jumbo jet inexplicably falls apart in midair, then a powerful earthquake hits/first a jumbo jet is sabotaged by the chinese, then the chinese blow off an underground nuclear warhead.
Iraq downed an American plane. This is a war!: Iraqi radio distributed information today claiming that the anti- missile defense of the country downed an American plane. The unmanned spy plane was downed on Sunday morning on the northern part of Iraq. It was reported that the plane fell on the Iraqi territory. Military sources of Kuwait confirmed that the plane fell to ground in the north of Kuwait. The Iraqi anti-missile defense excelled last month too, attacking two spy planes on the territory of southern Iraq. One of them was hit by a missile and then shelled near the ground. The other plane managed to disappear. The Pentagon has not yet either confirmed or rejected this information. isnt this just like the ruskies? you let them into nato and they spread lies that the bushoilcia's claim that no war is being planned on iraq is false. you mean bushoilcia military technology relies heavily on unmanned remote controlled aircraft? you mean you dont need suicide pilots to fly planes into targets?
Signs of Thaw in a Desert of Snow: Inuit elders and hunters who depend on the land say they are disturbed by what they are seeing swept in by the changes: deformed fish, caribou with bad livers, baby seals left by their mothers to starve. Just the other year, a robin appeared where no robin had been seen before. There is no word for robin in Inuktitut, the Inuit language. thats what these environmentalist special interest extremists always fail to acknowledge: that climate change can have positive effects like bringing pretty birds to people who never saw them before. i think the eskimos are showing a lack of american patriotism by harping on a couple of changes in their easy hunting lifestyle when terrorists are threatening to suicide bomb us all into oblivion.
John O'Neill And The Oil Connection He Died Trying To Expose: John O'Neill had spent the last years of his FBI career tracking Osama bin Laden. In the end he would die at their hands, killed in the collapse of the World Trade Centre on his second day as the Centre's new head of security. [He] had been involved in all of America's biggest recent terrorist cases: from Islamic extremists' initial attack on the Centre in 1993 to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing; from the long and inconclusive probe into the mystery of TWA Flight 800 to the attacks on US bases in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, the US embassy bombings in Africa in 1998, and last year's attack on the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen. With the exception of Flight 800 (with which no terrorist connection was ever proved) and Oklahoma City (which turned out to be the work of the all-American Timothy McVeigh), O'Neill established links between every incident and Mr bin Laden's group. In Yemen, his uncompromising ways brought him into a collision with the US ambassador, Barbara Bodine, an equally strong-willed figure who ultimately refused to have O'Neill in the country, saying that his methods in the Cole investigation were causing intolerable friction with the Yemeni authorities. denied promotion to a job he coveted, he resigned and took up a well-paid post at the World Trade Centre. But before leaving, O'Neill shared his grievances with the French authors Guillaume Dasqui and Jean-Charles Brisard. In Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth, published last November, they recount O'Neill's claim that his probe of Mr bin Laden and al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan had been blocked by the US oil lobby. does anyone think bin Laden knew of oneills transfer and bumped him off on purpose out of spite? must be just another "ironic" coincidence, like how come so much important stuff happened in florida last year: from malfunctioning ballot machines, to anthrax fatalities, to terrorist pilot training? this guy was kicked out and sent to his death not for uncovering bin laden terrorism but for getting too close to bushoilcia control of bin laden terrorism.
German police confirm Iranian deportee phoned warnings. 14 Sep 2001. German police have confirmed an Iranian man phoned US police from his deportation cell to warn of the planned attack on the World Trade Centre. The Lower Saxony Justice Ministry has confirmed the man warned of the impending series of terrorist attacks, but had not been believed. Spokesman Frank Woesthoff said the man phoned America "several times", but refused to give further details. He said the US Secret Service had not told the ministry about the calls received from the Langenhagen prison until after the attacks. "I cannot say anything about the man and the ministry does not know the content of the conversations," he added. The Hanover daily newspaper Neue Presse reported the 29-year-old was dismissed as mentally unstable when he gave the warning of a terrorist attack to occur this week. so far in addition to fbihq, the cia, and the secret service were given not vague but specific warnings not only by mentally unstable convicts, but by major allied state intelligence services. daschle seems to be threatenting to pull the bushoilcia covers on this matter. will we see the end of the good capitalist bad capitalist wwf smackdown in washington dc?
sraeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorised the leak of sensitive documents which reveal America's spy agencies were warned about a terrorist strike weeks before September 11. The controversial move has now directly embroiled President George Bush in the 'how-much-did-he-know?' debate over the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Sharon's reaction is a calculated response to growing claims that Mossad has been running spy operations within the United States and also reveals a split in the special relationship between the two leaders. Mossad chiefs insist the Israeli spy agency was tracking Osama Bin-Laden's terrorists in America before September 11 and that that the information was passed on to the CIA on five separate occasions before the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. As late as August 24, less than two weeks before the attacks, a Mossad warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, said that "terrorists plan to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." The warning alert was passed to the CIA. The warning was also passed to MI6. The agency made its own checks and also informed the CIA. Frustrated by its inability to alert the CIA to an impending attack, Mossad arranged on September 1, according to Tel Aviv sources last week, for Russian intelligence to warn Washington "in the strongest possible terms of imminent assaults on airports and government buildings." Mossad's fury at the failure of the US intelligence community to act has been compounded by the revelation that the Bush administration had ordered the FBI Only a Week Before the September attacks to curtail investigations on two of Osama Bin-Laden's close relatives living in the US state of Virginia at the time. the big lie du jour is that only 20/20 hindsight makes two fbi memos look like prior warning. im fully prepared to believe that junior knows nothing about nothing except how to read a teleprompter, but the fact that what is reported in the corporate monopoly press as small warning lost in a snowdrift of intelligence available to his gestapo giapettos is by fully open acknowledged fact blatantly false.
Izvestia Story: September 12, 2001 (14:15) Yesterday at the headquarters of Central Intelligence Service in Langley a confidential meeting between one of the Deputy Directors of CIA and a special messenger of Russian Intelligence Service took place. According to NewsRu sources he delivered to his American colleagues some documents including audio tapes with telephone conversations directly relating to terrorist attacks on Washington and New York last Tuesday. According to these sources, Russian Intelligence agents know the organizers and executors of these terrorist attacks. More than that, Moscow warned Washington about preparation to these actions a couple of weeks before they happened. the theory most consistent with the evidence (all the evidence, not the two fbi memos reported in the corporate monopoly press) is that between fbi field agents and foreign intelligence reports to the cia, the bushoilcia were fully aware of the impending attack and intentionally allowed them to happen in order to further their afghan to iraq war plan. two possibilities exist: 1) they merely frustrated all attempts to prevent an attack organized by a foreign organization 2) they themselves organized and orchestrated the attack. i need more evidence than the obvious humanity of bushcheneyrumsfeldlayroveashcroft to rule out number 2. it sure smells like number 2.
Monday, May 27, 2002
Bush Explanations For Pre-911 Warnings Fail The Test the tactic now is to steer us towards two vague memos as though they are the only evidence for bushoilcia foreknowledge/complicity in the wtc atrocity. the lies that are being hotly debated on the corporate media do not scratch the surface of the real evidence which is enumerated here.
Saturday, May 25, 2002
Military chiefs defy Bush on Iraq: America's most senior military commanders have staged a joint rebellion against calls for a swift strike against Iraq. They said United States forces would face appalling casualties as they fought their way into Baghdad "block by block" if President Bush went ahead with an early invasion. an irresistible force (the need of the capitalist markets for world war) meets an immovable object (military leadership in us and israel)? or more propaganda, i.e. the 76% approval rating given by msnbccnn poll below is as accurate as a florida vote count. in fact, after having their gnawing suspicions turned from nut conspiracy theory to mass media fact concerning dirty bushoilcia, the latter's approval ratings are plummeting everywhere but little cuba. ergo, go back and renegotiate unilateral withdrawal from icbm treaty and put on show of dissent among joint chiefs over war plans? even tar bush to get another right winger in rather than face a landslide that even the supreme court and funky voting machines cant fix.
Friday, May 24, 2002
Congressman criticizes Spitzer's agreement with Merrill: "Representative Baker is an embarrassment. He is wrong on the issue of enforceability, His response to our settlement is explained by his failure to grasp the issues at hand and his failure to do anything to protect small investors." and spitzer fails to grasp that it's not small investors who pay republicans' bills.
Texas, Mexico Quarrel Over Water the texans should go ask bush to buy them some with the money he made creating the drought. also scroll down: butterflies are free; unfortunately theyre extinct.
Pakistan-India Conflict is Funded and Fomented by the Same Faces that Brought you the 'War on Terrorism' alas, what is the world coming to when the only place to read the truth has a mystical egyptian pyramid in the top left corner?
Even including the farm bill and the Mar. 9 stimulus package, federal spending will likely total just 19.2% of GDP in the current fiscal year, according to estimates from Lehman Brothers Inc. That's still well below the 20.2% of GDP the federal government averaged from 1950 to 2000. except that historically defense spending decreased during massive increases in non defense spending. now they are both ramping up simultaneously. daily reports about durable goods orders and the "consumer" continuing to "step up to the plate" as increasing evidence that the economy is in recovery mode disregard the fact that the "consumer" has no choice when the government appropriates its money.
Dan Rather: Bush Issued Bogus Terror Alert to Cover Up 9-11 Bungle: Rather said he "believed" his network's report a week ago that the White House received a CIA briefing before 9-11 on possible al-Qaeda hijackings prompted the administration to issue the alert for political damage control. Prior to outlining his terrorist alert conspiracy theory, Rather sounded dismissive about the latest warning that had Manhattan in a virtual traffic lockdown Wednesday morning. Rather insisted that curiosity about a possible Bush 9-11 cover-up had nothing to do with partisan politics. "Some people probably would not have flown" had they also received the Ashcroft warning, he complained. this story from the right wing propaganda mill newsmax reveals a quiet crisis among the moron bigot army that keeps imposing republicans on me. it does not take the usual strong polemic position against "liberal media's" attempts to undermine christian morality in american government. instead it is peppered with terms like "believed" in quote marks, conspiracy theory, dismissive, insisted, and complained which are designed to suggest that Rather is a liberal media tool of the dems partisan politics, but it refrains from the usual expansiveness on the subject because many of their readers now perceive the bushoilcia as the very big government the corporate funded propaganda has conditioned them to war against. consequently, many will agree with Rather's assessment, so the polemic has to attempt to play both sides of the fence.
President Bush's job approval rating was at 76 percent. The poll of 1,002 adults was taken May 20-22, and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. can this be? is this possible? sixty percent voted against him, but half of them now are content that their votes were overturned by the supreme court and kenneth lay's money to install a president who crashed the economy with massive tax giveaways to the rich and is leading us into world war iii after allowing a terrorist attack to take place. only if the poll was taken among miami cubans, pittsburgh steel workers, midwest farmers, pentagon contractors and rich people. they're lying.
Thursday, May 23, 2002
Musa claimed the Hezbullah Alami had earlier in January and February attacked a militia camp in Thakot in Battagram district and police posts in Shangla district in NWFP. "We accept responsibility for the bomb explosion in the church in Islamabad and the car bomb blast targeting the French technicians in Karachi. The Hezbullah had kidnapped and murdered Daniel Pearl and his body would be found once we identify the place of his burial," he claimed. According to Musa, the Hezbullah first surfaced about four to five years ago in Darel valley of Diamer district in the Northern Areas. He said the organization was renamed Al-Saiqa when Major General (retd) Zaheerul Islam Abbasi founded a group by the name of Hezbullah after his release from prison. "We have again started using the name Hezbullah in place of Al-Saiqa now that General Abbasi has chosen another name for his organization. In future, we would claim responsibility for every attack against Westerners and also the Musharraf regime," he stressed. a group conveniently turns up to patch up the little problem of unattributed terrorist attacks actually perpetrated by the cia in conjunction with indian intelligence. note that this group plans to take credit for all attacks against westerners implying that they will claim them whether they did them or not.
No talks, says India, amid warning of nuclear war if you read my site youll see that the overall premise is that we are approaching an orchestrated wwiii involving three axes: india/pakistan; israel/palestine; us/iraq. the tactic of withdrawing and deescalating rhetoric when public resistence starts to mount tends to obscure its inevitable progress. marx showed that capitalism has a built in self destruct mechanism. as capital accumulates, the poor get poorer and cannot afford to buy the goods produced. this leads to increasing unemployment and a spiral into depression is therefore periodically built into the capitalist system. marx was working with a national as opposed to a global model, and many devices have been developed in the ensuing century to defer the process, but deferral is only temporary and in fact, the longer the crash is deferred, the worse it becomes. there is only one way out of depression for capitalism and thats war. the global plutocracy represented by groups such as the bilderbergers, the trilateral commission and the imf know this, and while they spend huge sums in the mass media to create the illusion that a recovery of the markets is a natural event that is already taking place, they are planning for the real recovery package, ie wwiii. israel has backed off from the gaza strip and the world breathes a sigh of relief for the moment, just as india and pakistan seemed to have backed off for the fiftieth time in fifty years only two weeks ago. but as you see, the missiles were not disarmed, and the troops were not sent home. instead, a round of conveniently timed and placed terrorist attacks along with indian sponsored civil violence have put the world's first nuclear confrontation back in the batter's box while israel figures out how to get gaza back on the agenda and bush tours europe trying to undo the damage caused by his hypocritical protectionism to garner support for the central axis of the war: iraq.
President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting:
Q Hi, Mr. President. I want to say, they haven't won. I got in my car today, and I'm in the same building with you, speaking to you. They have not won.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.
Q And would you say hello to my son Jordan, and my daughter Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Jordan and who?
Q Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Hi, Patricia; how are you? How old is Patricia?
Q Five, and Jordan is in 3rd grade. And Jordan has a question, if I could give him the microphone.
THE PRESIDENT: You bet. Your mother is relaying the Mike to you, Jordan.
Q One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country. And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack? (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack." And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.) I tried to get as many facts as I could, Jordan, to make sure I knew as I was making decisions that I knew exactly what I was basing my decisions on. I've got a fabulous team. A President can't possibly be President without a good team. It starts with having a great wife, by the way. (Applause.) And so, I got on the phone from Air Force One, asking to find out the facts. You've got to understand, Jordan, during this period of time, there were all kinds of rumors floating around. Some of them were erroneous. Obviously -- for example, there was a news report saying that the State Department had been attacked. I needed to know what the facts were.
But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the Commander-In-Chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so, I've talked to the Secretary of Defense; one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert. An interesting thing happened shortly thereafter. Condoleezza Rice -- who was not with me but was with the Vice President because they were in the White House compound -- called me on Air Force One after that, and said that she had gotten a call from Russia, from Vladimir Putin, who understood why we were putting our troops on alert, and, therefore, wasn't going to respond. That was an important phone call. Because when I was coming up, and a lot of other older-looking people here who were coming up with me -- (laughter)-- that would never have happened in the past. An alert by the United States would have caused Russia to go on alert, which would have created a complicated situation. But that wasn't the case. By the way, we're heading into a new era. One of the positive things that comes out of the evil was, we're reassessing relationships in order to make the world more peaceful. I believe it's important for us to have positive relations with our former enemy and to rethink the defenses of the United States of America. (Applause.) At any rate, I knew I had a job to do. And I was quoted in the press the other day as saying I haven't regretted one thing I've decided. And that's the truth. Every decision I made, I stand by. And I'm proud of the decisions I've made. (Applause.) among the growing chorus of 9/11 skepticism is the observation that this transcript taken from the white house's own website has bush blatantly lying as he could not have seen the first plane hit the tower on television. well it is a lie, but as the lies around this atrocity go, its a pretty inconsequential lie (on the order of al gore supposedly claiming to have invented the internet) even if delivered to a third grader. there were pictures of a smoking hole with voice overs identifying it as a plane crash and questioning whether it was an accident or intentional (assuming there was a television on in a public school corridor; maybe he was in the teacher's lounge). what is more disturbing is that the scene we saw of him being informed of the second crash was followed by his continuing to read calmly to the kiddies (probably the very hungry caterpillar, his standard kiddy book no matter what the age). at that point two other hijacked planes were known to be in the air, and everybody knew a major attack was taking place. having no clue what else might be involved beyond the two planes destination unknown, a president would be obliged to cut short the fairy tale. only a group who knew that no suitcase nukes or smallpox dirty bombs were about to go off all over america could have finished reading before reacting.
Q Hi, Mr. President. I want to say, they haven't won. I got in my car today, and I'm in the same building with you, speaking to you. They have not won.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.
Q And would you say hello to my son Jordan, and my daughter Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Jordan and who?
Q Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Hi, Patricia; how are you? How old is Patricia?
Q Five, and Jordan is in 3rd grade. And Jordan has a question, if I could give him the microphone.
THE PRESIDENT: You bet. Your mother is relaying the Mike to you, Jordan.
Q One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country. And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack? (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack." And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.) I tried to get as many facts as I could, Jordan, to make sure I knew as I was making decisions that I knew exactly what I was basing my decisions on. I've got a fabulous team. A President can't possibly be President without a good team. It starts with having a great wife, by the way. (Applause.) And so, I got on the phone from Air Force One, asking to find out the facts. You've got to understand, Jordan, during this period of time, there were all kinds of rumors floating around. Some of them were erroneous. Obviously -- for example, there was a news report saying that the State Department had been attacked. I needed to know what the facts were.
But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the Commander-In-Chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so, I've talked to the Secretary of Defense; one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert. An interesting thing happened shortly thereafter. Condoleezza Rice -- who was not with me but was with the Vice President because they were in the White House compound -- called me on Air Force One after that, and said that she had gotten a call from Russia, from Vladimir Putin, who understood why we were putting our troops on alert, and, therefore, wasn't going to respond. That was an important phone call. Because when I was coming up, and a lot of other older-looking people here who were coming up with me -- (laughter)-- that would never have happened in the past. An alert by the United States would have caused Russia to go on alert, which would have created a complicated situation. But that wasn't the case. By the way, we're heading into a new era. One of the positive things that comes out of the evil was, we're reassessing relationships in order to make the world more peaceful. I believe it's important for us to have positive relations with our former enemy and to rethink the defenses of the United States of America. (Applause.) At any rate, I knew I had a job to do. And I was quoted in the press the other day as saying I haven't regretted one thing I've decided. And that's the truth. Every decision I made, I stand by. And I'm proud of the decisions I've made. (Applause.) among the growing chorus of 9/11 skepticism is the observation that this transcript taken from the white house's own website has bush blatantly lying as he could not have seen the first plane hit the tower on television. well it is a lie, but as the lies around this atrocity go, its a pretty inconsequential lie (on the order of al gore supposedly claiming to have invented the internet) even if delivered to a third grader. there were pictures of a smoking hole with voice overs identifying it as a plane crash and questioning whether it was an accident or intentional (assuming there was a television on in a public school corridor; maybe he was in the teacher's lounge). what is more disturbing is that the scene we saw of him being informed of the second crash was followed by his continuing to read calmly to the kiddies (probably the very hungry caterpillar, his standard kiddy book no matter what the age). at that point two other hijacked planes were known to be in the air, and everybody knew a major attack was taking place. having no clue what else might be involved beyond the two planes destination unknown, a president would be obliged to cut short the fairy tale. only a group who knew that no suitcase nukes or smallpox dirty bombs were about to go off all over america could have finished reading before reacting.
Aukai Collins, the informant, said he worked for the FBI for four years in Phoenix, monitoring the Arab and Islamic communities there. Hani Hanjour was the hijacker Collins claimed to have told the FBI about while Hanjour was in flight training in Phoenix. Collins said the FBI knew Hanjour lived in Phoenix, knew his exact address, his phone number and even what car he drove. "They knew everything about the guy..."They drank alcohol, messed around with girls and stuff like that... They all lived in an apartment together, Hani and the others... I can't figure it out either," said Collins, "how they went from their back yard to flying airplanes into buildings." let me help you. just like the florida crew who didn't act like fundamentalist suicide bombers drinking and womanizing in bars, they were really cia/saudi assets preparing for a mission they didn't know was suicidal (assuming they were on the planes, which looks increasingly unlikely). when the bushoilcia was ready, they rounded them up and shipped them out.
FBI agent airs allegations about Moussaoui case, prompting internal probe: The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said some of the allegations involve how the bureau handled efforts to get a special national security warrant and a regular search warrant to gather evidence against Moussaoui. Those warrants were not granted before Sept. 11, but afterward FBI agents found evidence allegedly linking Moussaoui to the suicide hijackings. One official familiar with the allegations said they also suggest FBI headquarters in Washington hampered the efforts. The official declined to be more specific. well allow me. after planning the attack and training the pilots, the bushoilcia inside the cia made sure nobody could foil the plot by getting an arrest warrant before 9/11
Western Intel Knew bin Laden's Plan Since 1995 - German Paper so much for condaleeza rice (the first us official named after an oil tanker) and ari fleischer. its amazing what you can get away with when you control the tv in a country that doesnt read foreign newspapers
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Now That We Know Bush Had Prior Knowledge. is the corporate news campaign to identify two memos and scapegoat ashcroft and mueller only a whitewash of the mountain of evidence not of foreknowledge but of complicity?
Monday, May 20, 2002
Chemtrails Over Yosemite more fotos
Friday, May 17, 2002
British troops stricken with a mystery illness at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. "The exact nature of the illness is not yet known and medical tests continue to isolate the cause," the British Ministry of Defense said earlier. The first case appeared three days ago when one of the medical personnel came down with severe diarrhoea, vomiting and a high fever. maybe they should ask a microbiologist. if they can find one still alive.
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Chemtrails Over South Dakota more good fotos. before this last week of overcast weather they were also over manhattan on a regular basis (i should carry my camera with me)
Americans aren't saving enough for retirement, notes the evolution in corporate America from traditional pensions to 401(k)s has left thousands of workers short on savings. Companies in the old days sat down with actuaries and figured out exactly how much it would take to pay a person a pension for life. They took into account factors such as life expectancy and inflation. But with 401(k) investing, workers set aside only what they think they can spare from living expenses. And companies only contribute enough to impress their workers. "Employees put in what suits them, not what they need to retire... Employers are contributing enough to keep employees happy -- not enough for employees to retire on." a certified financial planner from Phoenix, estimated that about 90 percent of her clients aren't saving enough for retirement. hey who let the commie into cnn. an astute observation about the benefit of a pension system i never heard once during the gingrich era. if employers contribute what makes workers happy, but not enough to retire on, then workers must not be actuaries and do not have a realistic understanding of economic matters. this explains why they vote so often for republicans. werent there alot of capitalists blowing hard about how the pension system only dragged down corporate profits and 401ks would let people enjoy the benefits of the zooming profits that would result from doing away with it? or was i hearing things? i want kenny boys retirement plan.
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
SUMMER SNEAK: COULTER CRIES 'SLANDER'; NEW BOOK DOCUMENTS DEEP MEDIA BIAS: She reserves top billing for NBC's TODAY SHOW, which, ironically, she is scheduled to appear on next month to launch SLANDER. ironically indeed. this is how you get a publishing contract from the "liberal biased" corporate media monster. drudge finds her point that you never hear "far left wing" on the media next to many references of "far right wing" compelling evidence of bias. doesn't it occur to them that this is a ploy to render the left so illigitimate that it's not worth mentioning. their tactic is to brainwash americans into thinking only of "liberal" as the opposition to "right." nevermind. just read below "talk radio top volume on the right" and ask yourself where bill oreilly gets hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy his way onto radio time no socialist will ever have
Carter backs Castro on 'lie': Secretary of State Colin L. Powell yesterday appeared to back off the charge, while saying Mr. Bolton's speech "was not breaking new ground." Speaking to reporters on his way to a NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Iceland, Mr. Powell said: "As Undersecretary Bolton said recently, we do believe Cuba has a biological offensive research capability. We didn't say it actually had some weapons but it has the capacity and capability to conduct such research." good one colin. they've got some test tubes and bunsen burners. time to start pushing for cia agents disguised as inspectors to start moving for a regime change. or maybe you know they have some bugs since you dropped them on them.
Monday, May 13, 2002
Unheeded Warnings: ONE FBI MEMO, written by a Phoenix agent in July 2001, warned about suspicious activities by Middle Eastern men at an Arizona flight school. Last week, in little-noticed testimony before a Senate panel, FBI Director Robert Mueller referred to another internal document that may prove more explosive: notes by a Minneapolis agent worrying that French Moroccan flight student Zacarias Moussaoui might be planning to “fly something into the World Trade Center.” too many smoking guns stinking up the place. time for msnbcnewsweek to start spinning government complicity
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Cable host and now talkradio broadcaster Bill O'Reilly was pushed over the edge this week after the DRUDGE REPORT revealed exclusively that $300,000 was promised to O'Reilly's New York City flagship station WOR-AM to carry the program. Although VIACOMCBSINFINTYWESTWOODONE radio head Joel Hollander publicly denied to reporters that compensation was being paid to affiliates for carrying O'Reilly -- behind the scenes on Tuesday, Hollander threatened to pull the payout guarantee to WOR, blaming the station for the DRUDGE REPORT leak! Meanwhile, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, Los Angeles' KABC-AM is receiving $250,000 in outdoor advertising from VIACOM in exchange for clearing The Bill O'Reilly Radio Program. A similar comp deal has also been promised to O'Reilly's San Francisco affiliate. Difficulty clearing O'Reilly in the Washington, DC market raised the payout price to $200,000, according to insiders -- a payout that was rejected by all major stations in the region, including ABC's WMAL-AM. Just as O'Reilly showed signs of increasingly reckless behavior. "There is no other cure than to kill Matt Drudge," O'Reilly charged on the IMUS in the MORNING radio show on Wednesday. "I just want to tell everybody that Matt Drudge is smoking crack - right now, in South Miami Beach on Washington Avenue... And the authorities should know it." This reporter is currently in London, England, not South Beach, and I have never smoked crack. is it my imagination or are clinton era right wing commentators (except for outright whores like oreilly) sounding awfully leftist lately? do the idiot right wingers who listen to these whores (see below on liberal biased media lie) ever ask themselves where the money is coming from?
Dubbed "The Protect Children from Video Game Sex and Violence Act of 2002," the bill is the brainchild of Rep. Joe Baca (D. Calif.). In it, he targets games that feature decapitation, amputation, murder, carjacking and other real-world felonies. That would put games such as the wildly popular "Grand Theft Auto 3" and the forthcoming "Doom III" square in the bill's sites. A 2001 Surgeon General report on youth violence found no research to back up claims that violence in the media results in long-term violence. Looking specifically at video games, the report said "the overall effect size for both randomized and correlational studies was small for physical aggression. ... The impact of video games on violent behavior remains to be determined." what do you suppose this wall street pundit's concern is? a threat to the first amendment or a threat to somebody's profit margins? that he puts [sic] next to someone's british spelling of "behaviour" while spelling sites instead of sights may point to the real effect of video games.
Lawmakers leading the investigation of intelligence agencies' failures surrounding the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are increasingly concerned that tactics by the CIA and the Justice Department are actively impeding their efforts, congressional sources said Friday. Members of the Senate and House intelligence committees are so frustrated with the tactics, sources said, that they intend to complain directly to CIA Director George J. Tenet and Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft. At the Justice Department, the intelligence committees' requests for records take weeks to wind their way through the department's bureaucracy and sometimes are simply not acted upon, according to sources familiar with the investigation. The perceived heel-dragging has bogged down an inquiry that already was sidetracked last week by the resignation of its lead investigator. CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said: "We have provided thousands of pages of documents, facilitated numerous interviews, housed members of their staff in our headquarters and provided briefings on counterterrorism, all while fighting a war." in other words you shouldnt be bothering us during war time anyway. i wonder how a florida republican gets a prominent place on this investigation committee.
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
Osama bin Scapegoat FORMER AFGHAN PRESIDENT BURHANUDDIN RABBANI TOLD IZVESTIA, "I DON'T BELIEVE BIN LADEN WAS BEHIND SEPT. 11, DO YOU?" : RABBANI: It interests me very much, to know, how such a complex, multilayered, painstakingly planned and technically masterfully organized terrorist operation, as the attack on the U.S.A. on Sept. 11, could have been organized and carried out by a small group of bandits, sitting in uninhabited Afghan mountains. Personally this is incomprehensible to me. Q: You mean, you doubt, that the guilty party in the American tragedy of the 21st Century was bin Laden? RABBANI: And don't you doubt it, too? A big investigation is absolutely necessary. Of course, anything is possible. I never met bin Laden, but people have come to me, who sat at the same table with him, and observed him in various situations. Not a single one of these told me that bin Laden is a great personality. On the contrary, all who knew him spoke of him as a simple field commander. Bin Laden sat for a long time in the caves. One does not control the world from such a place. Q: Is it possible, that other people were behind bin Laden? And are behind him now? RABBANI: Without a doubt. And I would like to know who exactly. but we dont care. its obvious who. who set up osama in the first place to fight the endless war against soviets that led to their collapse and then shipped him to the balkans to help get rid of milosevic? bushoilcia. why does kenny boy lay still get to attend trilateral commission meetings?
Iran, with an assist from Russia and other countries, is developing a long-range missile that would give it the ability to strike NATO countries in Europe, a senior administration official says. The Shahab-4 missile would initially have a 1,250-mile range but anticipated upgrades would allow it to reach Italy, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece, according to the official. together with murder of 17 french nationals in pakistan, this should put a dent in european opposition biggest stumbling block to bushoilcia wwiii. just a coincidence that the usurpation of us forces by vietnam era super hawks: former head of cia's son/former secty of defense leads to wwiii. just a coincidence that wwiii follows global capitalist market crash.
Pakistan Bomb Kills 11, Mostly French Nationals: "It was apparently a suicide bombing" There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack in the city where slain U.S. reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped earlier this year while investigating a story linked to the U.S.-led war on terrorism. together with the bomb in israel the forces of darkness have succeeded in getting wwiii back on track just as the global markets were threatening to push past their september 15 lows. both european and asian markets jump at the news and the us futures markets are now (8:30 am) monumentally high. still theres no talk of a connection between war and capitalism beyond oil prices. but if this were the real implication, the market would drop at the news of impending war.
Talk Radio, Top Volume On the Right: Rush and G. Gordon. Ollie and McLaughlin. Sean Hannity and Alan Keyes. Armstrong Williams and Pat Robertson. Michael Medved, Michael Reagan, Michael Savage, Michael Graham, Laura Ingraham. Sensing a pattern here? The biggest names in political-talk radio -- and increasingly, political-talk TV -- tend to run the
ideological gamut from conservative to . . . very conservative. Liberals and moderates, it seems, can't or don't attract much of a crowd. Today, for example, Bill O'Reilly, host of the most popular talk show on cable,
Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," starts his own two-hour radio program on 205 stations -- the biggest debut ever, according to his syndicator, Westwood One. So, conservatives we got. "Independents" we got. But where have all the liberals gone? The few proudly progressive hosts who've ever gotten their own national gig generally haven't lasted long. A few liberals and centrists... do appear regularly on TV. But typically, they tend to be "canceled out" by a conservative in a "Crossfire"-style format..." Conservative people tend to see the world in black and white terms, good and evil," says O'Reilly in an interview. "Liberals see grays. In any talk format, you have to pound home a strong point of view." one of the opinions always covered on "inclusive" "liberal" media talk is the unanimous opinion of the american right that the media is controlled by liberals (mostly jews) and good american christian opinions dont get any air time. oreilly is right as far as the annoying inclusiveness of left leaning media discourse when up against the unilateral extremism theyre supposed to balance but the rarity of left discourse in mass media has little to do with drawing power and all to do with sponsorship. no corporation is going to pay me to get on five radio stations and state my opinions about corporate capitalist destruction of the planet. even the money to be made as the american public in the wake of enron is increasingly ready for an anti capitalist rush limbaugh is not enough to make up for the drying up of corporate advertising money. the tactic is simple: you create an impression of center discourse being far to the right by excluding altogether anything left of "liberal" capitalist and underrepresenting this position. then you foment the lie that the discourse is left dominated and people dont see any right wing repression. all they see is that only extremists hold anti capitalist views and those views must be as illigitimate as views to the right of oreilly that get just as little air time (even more owing to the left wing bias of the whole media).
ideological gamut from conservative to . . . very conservative. Liberals and moderates, it seems, can't or don't attract much of a crowd. Today, for example, Bill O'Reilly, host of the most popular talk show on cable,
Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," starts his own two-hour radio program on 205 stations -- the biggest debut ever, according to his syndicator, Westwood One. So, conservatives we got. "Independents" we got. But where have all the liberals gone? The few proudly progressive hosts who've ever gotten their own national gig generally haven't lasted long. A few liberals and centrists... do appear regularly on TV. But typically, they tend to be "canceled out" by a conservative in a "Crossfire"-style format..." Conservative people tend to see the world in black and white terms, good and evil," says O'Reilly in an interview. "Liberals see grays. In any talk format, you have to pound home a strong point of view." one of the opinions always covered on "inclusive" "liberal" media talk is the unanimous opinion of the american right that the media is controlled by liberals (mostly jews) and good american christian opinions dont get any air time. oreilly is right as far as the annoying inclusiveness of left leaning media discourse when up against the unilateral extremism theyre supposed to balance but the rarity of left discourse in mass media has little to do with drawing power and all to do with sponsorship. no corporation is going to pay me to get on five radio stations and state my opinions about corporate capitalist destruction of the planet. even the money to be made as the american public in the wake of enron is increasingly ready for an anti capitalist rush limbaugh is not enough to make up for the drying up of corporate advertising money. the tactic is simple: you create an impression of center discourse being far to the right by excluding altogether anything left of "liberal" capitalist and underrepresenting this position. then you foment the lie that the discourse is left dominated and people dont see any right wing repression. all they see is that only extremists hold anti capitalist views and those views must be as illigitimate as views to the right of oreilly that get just as little air time (even more owing to the left wing bias of the whole media).
Bomber Kills 15 - Sharon Vows To Uproot 'Terror': The devastating blast in Rishon Letzion south of Tel Aviv threw a dark shadow over earlier talks between President Bush and Sharon. "Israel will act the same as any democracy that protects itself. Israel will act like any other democracy which fights the forces of darkness." The bomb exploded just before Sharon and Bush met at the White House to discuss the Middle East crisis, with Sharon once again seeking to sideline Arafat. "The president was able therefore to personally convey his condolences ... and to register his disgust at this wanton taking of innocent life," said White House national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. The U.N. General Assembly voted to condemn Israel's six-week-old West Bank offensive, but 54 countries were jolted into abstaining after news of the bomb. Al-Manar television run by Hizbollah guerrillas in Lebanon said the militant Hamas group claimed responsibility. Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip did not confirm or deny the report. Israel blamed the blast on Arafat's Palestinian Authority, although the Authority issued a statement condemning the blast and vowing to act against those behind it. i cant help wondering at the timing of this bomb. it goes off while bush is meeting with sharon. whether before or after is unclear. sharon made no reference to it on tv interview. he was giddy and smiling but rice says it gave bush opportunity to express disgust. bush can now throw off charade of opposing israeli offensive. meanwhile 54 countries have excuse to abstain from anti israel offensive un declaration. no one actually takes responsibility for bomb that buries israeli withdrawal. these "forces of darkness" that sharon is warring against must be pretty stupid as waiting a couple of days to set off bomb would have served their purposes a whole lot better. they would have had a us president statement still calling for israeli withdrawal and a un declaration almost unanimously condemning israel. another couple of weeks and they would have had a partial withdrawal of troops allowing them to plot their evil more freely. instead they have open season on their heads.
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Armies prep for U.S. Iraq attack told you so
Saturday, May 04, 2002
Thursday, May 02, 2002
Mugabe Declares National Drought Disaster drought in zimbabwe, drought in afghanistan, drought in new jersey. what a coincidence, unless its all one drought. liberal anti industry environmentalists predicted drought. that must be a coincidence.
With the year four months old, the Dow Jones industrial average, Nasdaq composite index and Standard & Poor's 500 index are all lower in 2002 following two straight annual declines. But will this year's market resemble 1982, when stocks began a string of nearly 19 uninterrupted annual gains? Or will it look more like 1975, when the market, following two years of losses, rose and fell in fits and starts until 1982. Stocks haven't recorded three straight losing years since 1941. But historical precedent may be unable to keep that from happening this year. as usual the capitalists miss the real historical implication. 1941 was the first full year of us participation in wwii and the last year of the great depression. as marx predicted world war reorganized the global markets while reducing the working class population driving up the value of surviving labor and restoring industrial production to full operation. us consequently emerged as the worlds economic superpower. as we return to depression cycle another world war is arming reconfirming marxs description of dialectic progression. they miss it because they dont seem to distinguish between 1982 and 1975 by any reference to historical processes like the major offensive of the cold war culminating in the destruction of soviet socialism whose communist resources were appropriated into western stock markets as pc technology was introducing new access to a saturated monopoly industrial economy. there is no soviet union to ransack. there is no transformational technology. there is only impoverished iraq and the possibility of appropriating through genocidal world war global energy resources into the hands of us corporations. the blissfully ignorant capitalists will ignore the genocide as 1941 becomes 1945 in their portfolios. they will also ignore the implications for the future of the ecosystem of totalitarian power in the hands of oil monopolies
Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao, on an inaugural visit to Washington, warned on Wednesday that "trouble" over Taiwan could set back improving U.S. -China ties but said the overall trend in the relationship was positive and the future bright. hu's the vice president of china? i dont know. third base. i couldnt resist
FBI Chief Says 911 Hijackers 'Left No Paper Trail' Whatsoever: "Law enforcement officials say that while they have been able to reconstruct the movements of the hijackers before the attacks -- all legal except for a few speeding tickets -- they have found no evidence of their actual plotting." Lyndon LaRouche has said repeatedly that not a shred of evidence has been presented by the U.S. government to prove that Sept. 11 was carried out by Osama bin Laden. Mueller continues, incredibly, to maintain that the lack of evidence proves the "professionalism of the hijackers" how speeding tickets, barroom appearances, expired visa incidents, and airport altercations are consistent with such flawless professionalism is beyond me. the right wingers now have larouche, buchanan and ron paul to protect them from accepting the validity of the left wing position. putting bushoilcia into the white house to restore integrity and jesus halt big government spending and protect the unborn was a minor miscalculation. they now see that bushoilcia (probably led astray by the wily jews) is no better than janet reno hillary clinton red chinese spying men in black ops helicopters gun controlling waco abortionists. lepen i mean larouche will syphon off their newly enlightened votes to be counted no doubt by arthur andersen
16th time in the past 17 months that job cut announcements exceeded 100,000. The monthly average in 2002 is about 140,000, the firm said, far greater than the 26,000 average recorded during the height of the 1990-91 recession. "Companies are far from finished when it comes to thinning out their ranks" But the 555,783 cut announcements in the first four months this year were below the 572,370 announced in the first four months of 2001, a year that saw a record 1.9 million announcements thats funny, the media managed to report the less than expected rise in new claims, but somehow missed this. its hard to see how the same article can claim that the recession is probably over as the effects of 2 million layoffs a year can not even have begun to be felt. newly layed off people still have savings to spend while they optimistically look for jobs that arent there expecting to be offered the same salaries and benefits they got when the labor market was tight
"We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not... Sept. 11 was a watershed event, and things will never be the same. The battle lines have been drawn... It's a clash between the forces of evil, as (President Bush) so neatly described it, and forces of life." ... part of a 12-day tour of the United States to promote the purchase of Israel Bonds. "The collateral is the eternity of the Jewish people ...We believe the state of Israel will continue to exist forever. Therefore, it's a sure investment." not the war reported on NBC. more like armegeddon. this is what the zionists really believe but does the bushoilcia? im sure ashcroft does. isnt israels eternal victory supposed to follow the advent of messiah? at least someone agrees with me that we are entering wwiii