Monday, April 29, 2002

Bin Laden escaped with Afghan commander's help: rival warlord oh look bin laden got away with the new afghani cia chief's help. how unpredictable. who is electing this government anyway?
US Plots Possible 2003 Air/Land Iraq Attack if the ny times is just figuring this out, how was i able to state with certainty that there would be a war on iraq a year ago? how is it that "regime change" a term that some junior genius in the bushoilcia came up with two weeks ago has now been us policy "for years?"

Friday, April 26, 2002

Merrill's Komansky apologizes oh lawd ah have sinned (remove glasses wipe tears) ahm too ovahcome. heres that brave hero of sept 11 rudy giuliani
Is Jack Grubman the worst analyst ever? You may recall that in the late 1990s, telecommunications stocks enjoyed a terrific run: New companies went public, old companies were recharged, growth was explosive. Demand for telecom capacity soared. No one -- no one -- warned that this demand was a mirage. well as my friends and relatives can testify this is a flattering delusion. as i was loudly warning such at the time, im sure there must have been others. its amazing how the capitalists can actively restrict access to their microphones to capitalists and not realize that what they hear on the radio does not represent the entire range of opinions.
2002 'warmest for 1,000 years' what a superlative year we've had: the largest corporate bankruptcy in history, enron; the largest sovereign debt default in history, argentina; the largest drop in corporate profit in history, att; the greatest terrorist attack in history, wtc...

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Army Aerial Spraying Tests Panic, Anger Florida Keys Residents perhaps chemtrails are some kind of test: do americans ever look up? do they notice radical changes in their environment?
"I'll win," Le Pen tells France after Chirac launches attack scene two: corporate capitalist candidate rides to defense of france from fascists

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

The American public is savagely misinformed on the situation in Iraq, according to a former ambassador to Iraq. Iraq President Saddam Hussein is relatively harmless, Peck says. "He would like to develop nuclear weapons, but you cannot hide a nuclear weapons development program," Peck explained. "Why I feel less than safe is because what we have been doing to the Iraqi people for the last 11 years makes an awful lot of people angry at us, angry enough to try to find some way to make us sorry we are doing it," Peck said. He said Iraq's sewage treatment plants were destroyed by the U.S. Air Force in violation of the Geneva Convention, and that the United States has refused to let Iraq rebuild them. Peck charges that Madeleine Albright, while ambassador to the United Nations, said, "It's a very hard choice, but the death of a half-million Iraqi children was worth it." why are americans so ignorant that they can be so easily misinformed about what is openly acknowledged?
IDF finds 12 liters of poisonous bromine hidden in Arafat's Ramallah compound: The Palestinians, perhaps with Iraqi inspiration, have begun preparing a chemical arsenal for their war against the Jews. absolutely no support offered for iraqi "inspiration." "inspiration" is the same term used to inuendo al ciada orchestration of various terrorist attacks. theory: cheney's deal with sharon--we wont interfere with invasion if you try to toss in some iraq inuendos when you can
The Iraq military has in recent days moved anti-aircraft missiles into northern and southern "no-fly" zones of that country to an extent not seen in years. "This is one of the things that we have seen over time, that in the no-fly zones there will be surface-to-air missiles moved in, moved around and moved out. It's just a little more activity in the last couple of days than we have seen in the last couple of years. But we don't think it means anything more than what we've been seeing" before, Myers said. the nuancing of rhetoric. instead of trumping up the understandable firing of anti aircraft at violators of their own airspace into aggression, the us brass now appears to downplay extraordinary activity that they released to the press in the first place. bushoilcia approval must be dropping. first hughes needs more time with her family. now myers is not gravely concerned about saddam moving his missiles. perhaps they conclude that trying to blame everything on saddam is starting to look like a disinformation campaign (leave it to the israelis with arafat bromine find). new approach: publicize missile movement, then make dismissive statement (after all, saddam might reasonably expect some sort of threat). that way, when its time to invade, trumped up justification will look reasonable.
But who would have believed, a few weeks ago, that the candidates of the left, of the Socialist Party, wouldn't be in the second round? It isn't enough to say that the left has been punished. It isn't enough either to note that the outgoing President did worse than any of his predecessors. We must find explanations. The reasons have been well aired by politicians of all camps, interviewed in the course of Sunday night. Weariness, disarray, crime, fear, the gap between politicians and the people, insufficient or erroneous solutions to numerous problems and, for a long time, a heavy bureaucratic burden provoking exasperation. i look in vain in the us, eu or french press for an echo of my first reaction: how convenient for chirac, the candidate of the capitalist property holder. just as wiping away peres ensured the defeat of barak and a sharon led war, wiping away jospin ensures that socialist policies will not disturb the tottering pyramid of derivative exposure propping up the paris club. isnt it possible that the trillion francs controlled by french capitalists had something to do with the guaranteed reinstallation of the corporate state? hasnt it always been the role of fascism to do away with the socialist threat to the propertied minority? dont they have a cia with keys to all the voting booths in france?
Lockheed Martin 1Q beats forecasts: Revenue in the quarter jumped to $5.96 billion from $4.75 billion a year ago, a gain of 26 percent. Its aeronautics segment saw sales rise 56 percent, boosted in part by work on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. see my comments going back over a year (months before any terrorists began to circle) that the economy would crash and that war on iraq was being planned to pull it out. lokheed profits have nothing to do with supply and demand or a healthy or recovering economy. the money is simply appropriated from the social security unlockbox and paid out at the asking price for top of the line equipment. but for war dividend to fix depression according to classic marxist theory, it must be accompanied by a significant genocide of the working class to drive the supply of labor down and value ie salaries up. americans will not volunteer in large enough numbers to go and die in iraq for bushoilcia and kenneth lay. they need another reichstag fire.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Democrats Criticize EPA on Utility Emission Rules: Democrats assailed the EPA Tuesday for charging ahead with a plan to relax air pollution standards for aging U.S. power plants without seeking advice from health and environment experts. At issue is the EPA's so-called "new source review" regulations which dictate how far a U.S. utility can go to enlarge or upgrade an old coal-fired plant before it must install costly technology to control smog, acid rain and soot. Last month, Lieberman hammered the Bush administration for its poor environmental enforcement
record and pressed EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman to turn over records on EPA's new source review process. The documents have yet to be submitted. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut threatened to resume litigation unless a settlement is finalized.
whats the big deal. do you think christie whitman would move to washington and poison the population of her home state permanently? there wont be acid rain because its not going to rain very much anymore.
When All the Good News Looks Bad: investors should be wary when supporters of a group use the term "bubble" without prompting or when they suggest high short interest is a reason to be bullish. Perhaps "the homebuilders will take out as many people on the short side as the Internet did," as the fund manager claimed. But, ultimately, I fear the sector will burn as many people on the long side as the dot-bombs. Schar bought 100,000 shares of NVR between Sept. 19 and Sept. 24 for between $130.97 and $138.59 a share. Moreland said the CEO took advantage of the SEC's loosening of "short swing" rules in the aftermath of Sept. 11; previously, Schar would have been prohibited from buying shares for six months after his sale of 113,000 shares at about $189 in late April 2001. Most notably, Schar has yet to sell those shares, which midday Friday were trading up $7.76 at $350.86. when big capital pools are free to short at will the market should start bouncing like a superball as millions of dollars go into stocks because they are expected to crash.

Monday, April 15, 2002

Big Jump in Spending Marks 2003 Budget: The president's 2003 budget proposals, combined with spending approved in the first year of his administration and the last two years of the Clinton administration, dwarf the spending increase from any four-year period since President Lyndon Johnson fought the Vietnam War while launching a war on poverty. Other periods of substantial increases in domestic spending, including the Nixon and Carter administrations, were accompanied by cuts in military spending. President Ronald Reagan boosted money for the military while trimming the domestic budget. In the short term, the latest spending hike is one factor helping to pull the nation out of recession. But over the long run, some experts say, most of the spending will be a drag on the economy, heighten the risk of sustained budget deficits and limit the maneuvering room of policymakers when, 10 years from now, the government must help fund the baby boomers' health care and retirement needs. go ahead take my social security investment to buy your way out of your free market crash.

Sunday, April 14, 2002

Thursday, April 11, 2002

A Rightwing Blueprint for the Middle East: the State Department's perspective -- which is shared by virtually all Mideast specialists in the United States, Europe, and even Israel -- sees the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a central factor in the region's politics. Bureau analysts argue that any effort by Washington to build Arab support for an attack on Iraq will be made far more difficult by an escalation of the conflict or, worse, the complete collapse of the peace process. Their view of Israeli actions is best summed up by Nicholas Veliotes, retired head of the Bureau and ambassador to Egypt, who told CNN that the situation "in the West Bank and Gaza is an obscenity," which will badly damage U.S. interests in the region. The right-wing lobby however disagrees. "Washington needs to wean itself from viewing the Israeli-Palestinian collision as the center of the Middle East," according to Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA covert operator who is now at the staunchly neo-con thinktank American Enterprise Institute. It is a view repeatedly echoed on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, which noted just last week that "the path to a calmer Mideast now lies not rhough Jerusalem but through Baghdad." i don't see the disagreement. both sides view baghdad invasion as us interests. which city is the "center" is immaterial. what the wsj means by calmer mideast is stable oil supply preferably controlled by us corporations. israels invasion of palestine is only useful as far as it promotes feasibility of baghdad invasion. the disagreement is whether reducing palestinian infrastructure to rubble and thereby permanently crippling militancy and opening up secure invasion staging grounds promotes feasibility better than preserving arab compliance through israeli withdrawal.
SEC charges Xerox with securities fraud, fined $10 million. Xerox later acknowledged it had uncovered some irregular accounting practices following its own internal investigation, saying the practices did not comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The fuzzy accounting reduced shareholders' equity by $137 million and net worth by $76 million, Xerox said. all the way through the boom i said if you hitch your wagon to the corporate capitalist star when things go well and collaborate with their political drive to dismantle all socialist working class protections, when they have milked the working class as far as possible without forcing them into general strike they'll start milking you
Chemtrails Over Minneapolis/St.Paul more fotos showing the sequence of the operation. this is not the normal behavior of jet contrails. these things spread slowly until they are indistinguishable from natural clouds. there were more in long island yesterday. it puzzled me because it was very cloudy in the morning when i saw the first ones being laid down and i had decided that their function was to substitute for natural clouds either to mitigate ozone depletion and reduce melanoma rates or to mitigate drought by slowing the drying of the ground water but by early afternoon the whole cloud cover had vanished leaving a blue sky from horizon to horizon with no trace of cloud. this has been a frequent condition in new york in the past few months and is not normal in this part of the world. and neither are the mirages i passed through on the highway on the way home yesterday
Mystery oak disease may threaten nation's forests as a student of history i am struck by the idea of how an epidemic of sudden oak death would have been viewed by ninety-nine percent of our ancestors for whom the oak with its magical mistletoe was viewed as the thunder tree in both totemist and polytheist pagan cultures throughout the western hemisphere. this is the tree that lightning prefers above all others and ancient forests were full of evidence that it had been used as the route of travel of the life force from heaven to earth sometimes remaining in the tree and made available for use by magicians in the vessel of mistletoe. by now the druids would have been sacrificing human victims. california would look like england with piles of sheep and cattle carcasses burning

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

chemtrails over las vegas good fotos showing sequence. first it looks like plain old contrail. then two like maybe military flight. then some cross the parallels. then they disperse into simu clouds

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Tax Burden Falls on the Wealthy: As a group, Americans whose incomes are in the top 5 percent are footing an increasing share of the national income tax burden. People in the bottom half, on the other hand, are paying only a fraction of the total take... Perhaps the biggest reason the rich are paying a higher share is that they continue to get richer. Between 1980 and 1999, the share of taxable U.S. income earned by the top 5 percent rose from 21 percent to 34 percent. interesting approach to inverted pyramid journalism thats supposed to start with main points and work down to least relevant. compare first two sentences of article above with last two. between these two are a slew of statistics that few people will work their way through to the apparently minor point that the rich have increased their share of the gdp by 13 percent since reagan/bush took power.

Monday, April 08, 2002

Sharon says "point of no return" in Israeli blitz, Powell readies tour: The Palestinian leadership charged Bush had given Sharon the green light to continue the assault by not fixing a pullout date and sending Powell to five nations before he comes to Israel on Thursday or Friday. But US national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said: "A military mobilization of this kind, an operation of this size, cannot be undone in moments." the point of no return was when they kicked shimon peres out of the election. after netenyahu nobody would have voted for sharon unless the only choice was the unpopular barak. the task then was pushing the palestinians to declare intifada and bring destruction on their heads over their spurious claim to the temple mount and to offer bushoilcia a staging ground for baghdad invasion in exchange for acquiescence. now bush makes loud public protestations to a military offensive that only saves him a load of dirty us casualties while sending the black girl out to explain why these things take time.
Chemtrails Over Disney World more good fotos. more trails over long island wednesday
W Bush today to plan an attack on another country, Iraq. Their decision may condemn to death more than 10,000 civilians. That is the "medium case scenario" drawn up by the Pentagon. If the Americans implement their current strategy of "total war" and target Iraq's electricity and water, the consequences will be even more horrific.Blair's culpable silence is imposed by the most dangerous American administration for a generation. The Bush administration is determined to attack Iraq and take over a country that is the world's second largest source of oil. The aim is to get rid of America's and Britain's old friend, Saddam Hussein, whom they no longer control, and to install another compliant thug in Baghdad. THAT is why Bush now tells Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian cities it recently occupied while continuing to replenish the Israeli war machine. The Americans want a rampant Israel guarding their flank as they attack Iraq and expand their control across the Middle East, whose oil is now more critical than ever to US military and economic dominance. after a year and a half of joint systematic bombing of anti aircraft defenses leading to baghdad a brit paper realizes there are invasion plans in the offing. their bushoil wwiii looks alot like my bushoilcia wwiii. will they ever get to the wtc/anthrax component? marx explained why according to dialectical materialism capitalism makes cyclical depression followed by war inevitable. he didn't fully explain how the necessary war gets started. you cant just launch into wwiii out of the blue. the era when military power was its own justification ended with the nazis. all war prosecuted by nation state military must now be a last ditch defensive operation against a national threat. since dialectical materialism demands war of the most powerful nation states on the least powerful, such threats get harder to come by as capitalist power grows more unassailable. the timing of wtc/ anthrax would introduce a hegelian mysticism into marx's historical dialectics unless it was staged by capitalist power itself.

Sunday, April 07, 2002

Last fall FBI profilers announced that the person who sent deadly anthrax-laced letters to news organizations and Capitol Hill was probably a grudge-bearing, sociopathic male laboratory nerd with knowledge of the geography of Trenton, N.J. But a new scientific analysis sent to top government officials suggests the anthrax attacker may be a scientific whiz so smart that he succeeded in making a “weaponized” form of the bacterium more sophisticated than any previously known. ground to a microscopic fineness not achieved by U.S. biological-weapons experts. The Leahy anthrax—mailed in an envelope that was recovered unopened from a Washington post office last November— also was coated with a chemical compound unknown to experts who have worked in the field for years; the coating matches no known anthrax samples ever recovered from biological-weapons producers anywhere in the world, including Iraq and the former Soviet Union. Hopes that the anthrax genetic code would point to its lab of origin are fading. Insiders now say that the Leahy strain traces back to an anthrax epidemic in Texas cattle in the 1970s. the FBI had begun to focus on the possibility that the anthrax letters might have been sent out by a disgruntled scientist or technician who once worked on a U.S. government biological-weapons program. But investigators question whether any laid-off U.S. government scientist is able enough—and has access to the right equipment—to produce the unusual substance found in the Leahy letter. One alternative to the theory that the anthrax was produced by a brilliant loner is that it came from a team of scientists with access to sophisticated labs—the kind of team and labs that could be assembled only by a government. U.S. investigators can’t rule out the possibility that a foreign government, perhaps Iraq but more likely the former U.S.S.R., could have put together such a team. Another possibility is that an American scientific psycho bought the anthrax from a foreign government team. But there is no evidence to back this theory, either. let's review. 1) anthrax attacks following on wtc attack helped create atmosphere of terror threat allowing buhsoilcia to seize unprecedented executive, police, surveillance, war powers. one incident can be seen as the exception that proves the rule, but two implies a situation, a changed world with new terms that demands immediate extraordinary measures. among these measures was the prosecution of a war in afghanistan long advocated and planned by the corporate cabal patronizing bushoilcia. 2) bioport the only company licensed to produce anthrax vaccine is jointly owned by carlyle group: bush sr, baker, carlucci, weinberger, et al and the bin laden family of saudi arabia. this company would be able to carry on the most sophisticated research into weaponized anthrax in complete secrecy necessary for security probably subsidized by govt funding. 3) strain came from cattle epidemic in texas, former governor bush jr. 4) first victim was in florida, present governor bush jr. 5) fbi scratching their heads

Friday, April 05, 2002

What The CIA Doesn't Want You To Know - Vreeland Interview this site was hacked a couple of days after i spent 35 bucks on a subscription. for the last few weeks this story has been unavailable and in the mean time an alternative interview with vreeland has circulated discrediting ruppert's account and putting the finger squarely on the iraqi's and russians and "red mercury" nuclear weapons targeted at america. who would have hacked the site but the cia? who stands to gain from respinning the vreeland case away from the cia and toward the iraqis but the bushoilcia?

Thursday, April 04, 2002

Ridge to Brief Congress, Not TestifyRidge said Wednesday he will informally brief members of the House Government Affairs Committee on April 11, and the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the near future. A spokesman for Energy and Commerce said that probably would come this month. The House and its committees are run by Republicans. Ridge promised last week to give informal briefings to the House and Senate, taking questions from lawmakers in front of the public and news media. But Ridge will not testify formally in front of any committee, said spokesman Gordon Johndroe. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., and the committee's ranking Republican, Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, have requested that Ridge testify at an April hearing about the administration's request for $38 billion for domestic security programs. even a wwf smackdown has to look convincing. wheres the money coming from on the heels of federal threats of default and announced plans to invest civil servant pension funds?
prime minister, Bulent Ecevit, continues to oppose publicly the idea of attacking Iraq. But there is every reason to believe that the US has already offered control of Iraq's northern oilfields to Turkey in return for its support in Afghanistan and Iraq. confirmed by press reports of what Richard Perle, an influential adviser in the Bush administration, said while he was in Ankara with the vice-president, Dick Cheney. dont, stop, dont, stop, dont stop, dont stop. turkey gets the mosul oil fields. who pray tell gets the rest? cheneys whole career before suddenly appearing with his bad ticker in the white house was shuffling around control of oil fields. anyway someone seems to believe that public statements of condemnation of war by national govts dont mean much
Worst-Case Scenario: how the crisis could push the region's armies into a conflict beyond their control. it would start with Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, who is in the most exposed position. the Egyptian army could send part of its vast forces--say, the four tank divisions and eight mechanized divisions with 1,600 battle tanks, including first-line U.S. M1A1s--into the Sinai peninsula to threaten the Israeli frontier. Compelling the Israelis to mobilize their own army, which would very likely freeze any further action against the Palestinians, would make sense as a piece of military gamesmanship. But strategically it would be catastrophic, because if the Egyptians acted, Syria's young and insecure President Bashar Assad would most likely feel compelled to compete with them by sending his own armored forces--seven divisions with 2,000 tanks--to threaten the Golan frontier. And then even King Abdullah of Jordan, who greatly values his peace treaty with Israel, might come under irresistible pressure from his Palestinian subjects to send his two armored and two mechanized divisions, equipped with some 700 tanks, opposite the Jordanian frontier. That would cue Saddam Hussein to demand his opportunity to send armored forces to threaten Israel by marching through Jordan or Syria or both. Finally, there is the Hizballah militia in southern Lebanon, already deployed close to Israel's northern frontier with hundreds of bombardment rockets ready to strike as far away as the port city of Haifa. Certainly each government has powerful reasons to refrain from anything more than diplomatic protests even if Arafat is killed. Egypt would lose the U.S. aid that pays for the very weapons it would deploy ($2 billion a year) and for much of its daily bread. Jordan is likewise dependent, Syria's equipment is too outdated to risk war, and even Saddam Hussein can hardly threaten Israel with ballistic missiles and weapons of mass destruction whose existence he strenuously denies. But for the Israelis such a war would not be a repeat of 1967. Since then, the military balance has moved greatly in favor of Israel. while if Saddam Hussein chooses to blow his cover by launching the handful of ballistic missiles he has kept hidden all these years, they are unlikely to do much damage. The theoretical potency of agents like VX--one tiny drop kills--or anthrax is defeated by the mechanics of distribution and dilution. A missile warhead would have to open up to release its cargo on top of a crowd to kill many, and that is a far more advanced capability than Saddam Hussein could possibly have. factor in us and allied military intervention and you have what ive been calling wwiii. this last point by time magazine so perceptive in identifying mubaraks ulterior motives in "controlled" media continual focus on palestinian plight to divert attention from his own govts corruption is curious as the real threat of iraqi wmd is the whole justification for us baghdad invasion plan. what time calls worst case scenario might be best case if marx is right in claiming that major war is the only way out of cyclical depression of capitalist market
Veteran Labour MP challenges destruction of Lockerbie evidence: Dalyell quoted a subsequent statement from Boylan in which she described how, in 1999, she attended Dumfries police station and was asked to describe a suitcase rim, with a handle attached. Boylan asked the Procurator Fiscal, a local Scottish legal official, about the significance of the case. He would not say, but, “What he did say was that the owner of said suitcase was a Joseph Patrick Curry and that I would be hearing and reading a lot about him at the time of the trial.” Boylan later found out that Curry was a US Army Special Forces Captain. According to Dalyell, Boylan claims a colleague informed her that Curry’s suitcase contained the bomb that blew up the aircraft. Dalyell said, “I want to know who will verify the statement and show whether it is true or false. If the bomb was in Curry’s suitcase, Mr. Megrahi is hardly likely to be guilty....something highly irregular has taken place, apparently with consent.” Joseph Patrick Curry was one of several members of a US Special Forces team on PanAm 103, whose luggage, and remains at the crash site were the subject of a great deal of well documented US CIA and FBI activity in the hours and days after the disaster. A special forces major, Charles McKee, and the CIA’s Beirut station deputy chief, Matthew Gannon, also died on the plane. i always thought that it didnt make sense that people in malta or turkey would risk a bomb being taken on a plane, then transferred to another plane at london before blowing up. it would have to pass through at least possibly two sets of metal detectors greatly increasing the risk of detection or mishap. why not set it to go off before it got to london? i suppose they might have really wanted to get people who boarded in london and the were willing to risk the transfer, but the risk seemed too great for the benefit. that several special forces and cia were on board (i think i remember hearing it, but certainly not in mass media) raises obvious questions of its purpose. that the apparent smoking suitcase belonged to one of them raises others. that evidence has been destroyed well according to andersen that doesnt mean anything

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

U.S. Plans Attack Between July and September market crashing. time for wwiii

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Clinton White House axed terror-fund probe -- The Washington Times right wing moonie propaganda rag still busy tarring dems with same brush as reps for upcoming congressional election. no mention of bushoilcia suppression of terrorist probes far more extensive. clinton took his intelligence advice from right wing cia that didnt like him. now he expresses regret over marc rich pardon etc.
Islamic states warn of 'all-out war' in Mid-East; split over terrorism threatening the bushoilcia with all out war is like threatening kids with tossing all your candy out into the street
Israeli Spying in the US *everything* you didn't want to know about it in one long page of links
Taiwan-gate: The scandal that threatens to destroy the Bush White House if kenny boy didn't do it, nothing will. the real result of campaign finance sideshow is that us public has moved from denial to taking for granted that us poltiics are controlled by money

Monday, April 01, 2002