Sunday, March 31, 2002

Chemtrails Over Arkansas more clear fotos. seen any over your head yet?
Don't always trust what they tell you in the war on terror Downing Street said al-Qa'ida was using chemical weapons: it was wrong. The Pentagon said Saddam Hussein was to blame for the anthrax attacks on the US: it was wrong. Raymond Whitaker and James Palmer unravel the West's war of lies and propaganda: Donald Rumsfeld retorts: "I don't believe very much what the regime of Saddam Hussein puts out. They're masters at propaganda." the pot calling the kettle a terrorist. the uk independent gives ony 4 cases with lame verdicts like "not proven" instead of "patent bullshit." in several cases officials rush to correct the premature press report only to arrive too late to prevent millions from reading it. ill bet saddam wouldnt let things like this get by him
No 10 postpones 'damning dossier' to avert a Labour backbench backlash: senior figures in the armed forces are concerned that any moves against Saddam could be ill-thought out and lead to British forces being involved in an open-ended and highly dangerous military mission. The decision to abandon the report has also led to speculation that the evidence against Saddam produced so far is not as strong as No 10 would like. 'They will have to do a lot better if they are going to get the widespread support they need for a move against Iraq,' the MP said. i can understand the public only just realizing that we are on our way to an open ended highly dangerous mission against baghdad. the public assumes that the mass media press would tell them if such was imminent so any appearance of war intentions would have been dismissed until reported by tom brokaw. but the brit military, like the iraqis themselves, now seem to just be realizing that baghdad invasion is on the agenda when they have been the partner in all the pre invasion operations going back over a year. why didnt they raise the issue of how well thought out such an invasion was when they were first asked to bomb a corridor of anti aircraft installations leading to baghdad last year? in any case, its clear that simply postponing the publication of such plans averts any political backlash or resistence while they are still being prepared so its best to deny that youre going to invade even while you are ranging troops and tanks around the borders. only when the first bullet flies and you say ok were going in will anyone stand up and object

Friday, March 29, 2002

A Knowledge Based Doctrine Tool For Command And Control: U.S.Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), Fort Monmouth, NJ Austin Info Systems (AIS), Austin, Texas EER, Leavenworth, Kansas: The objective of a Knowledge Based Doctrine Tool (KBDT) is to provide commanders and staff with a unified framework for accessing, analyzing, utilizing and extracting doctrinal material. Military and civilian Government organizations and commercial enterprises publish their mission and plans, policies and procedures. Large organizations such as the military also publish training material, e.g. field manuals and technical manuals describing their tactics, techniques and procedures. This documented material is a valuable reference source and a starting point for defining a knowledge base repository of the doctrine designing programs that can easily be used to extract political "doctrines" from masses of internet communications

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Grand Juries In NY/DC Expose Ashcroft Major Conflicts Of Interest: At issue is a 25 percent stake purchased by Mobil in Kazakhstan's Tengiz oil field, following an earlier purchase of 50 percent by Chevron and an apparently desperate attempt a year later to start making money from the fields by engaging in an illegal swap with Iran as a means of getting the Tengiz oil to market. Until Sept. 11, there was only one obstacle preventing the oil companies and their related industries from building the necessary pipelines, immune from Russian influence, which would have turned the Central Asian oil into dollars -- the Taliban. American companies with unrequited heavy investments in the region's oil fields included ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, BP Amoco, Phillips, Total/Fina/ELF, Unocal, Halliburton and Enron. Possible penalties in the event of criminal convictions include disgorgement of any assets obtained as a result of the criminal actions. That would mean that two of the largest oil companies in the U.S. could lose billions of dollars in cash already paid into the region over a decade and forfeit their rights to profits from selling oil produced there. This possible outcome was surely not lost on Dick Cheney's energy task force. What is unknown at this moment is whether Ashcroft attended any meetings with the task force, or whether he discussed the status of the grand jury investigations while doing so. ExxonMobil was the single largest oil and gas contributor to Ashcroft's 2000 Senate race, donating $11,650 -- $4,140 more than Enron -- as disclosed by documents obtained from the Center for Responsive Politics. Other oil industry donors to Ashcroft's campaign which are heavily invested in Kazakhstan, or which represent firms that are, include Chevron ($7,500), Enron ($7,499), The Independent Petroleum Association of America ($5,000), BP Amoco ($4,000) and Halliburton ($3,500). Thus, the total reported corporate donations to Ashcroft's campaign, from firms with known vested interests in opening Kazakh oil fields, totals $39,149. Taken together, these contributions (which exclude soft money donations reported only to the Republican Senatorial Committee) halliburton is of course cheney's own corporation. is it possible for there to be any doubt as to the real motivating force behind the bushoilcia wwiii plans in the middle east? at what point does the 911 attack start to look too convenient in furthering the interests of the largest capitalist corporations in the world?
Consumer confidence in the United States exploded in March to its highest level since August 2001, a private research group said. "Consumers' confidence has been bolstered by the improvement in business and labor market conditions. The latest gains are striking. This new boom in confidence should translate into increased consumer spending and stronger economic growth ahead." But excluding volatile defense items, orders for goods meant to last longer than three years fell 0.2 percent in February after rising a revised 1.4 percent in January. Excluding volatile transportation items, durable goods orders fell 1.3 percent after rising a revised 0.2 percent in January. The durable goods report was also somewhat sobering. The gain in the headline orders number was led by an 8.6 percent gain in transportation orders, including a 41 percent jump in aircraft orders. Defense capital goods orders jumped 78.6 percent. some of the blatant disinfo that is status quo in the 21 century capitalist markets. a statistic reflecting unprecedented defense appropriations, obviously in no way connected with anyone's "confidence" appear on the graph cancelling out an actual drop in consumer goods purchases is touted by a "private research group" who are supposed to be using scientific method not advertising spin and who can read as well as i can as an indication that "consumers" are responding to improved market and employment conditions by buying things which means more buying ahead which means buy more stocks now or miss the big boom. ive been arguing for months that the wwiii plans in place since a year before 911 were the real capitalist "economic recovery package." this is basic marxist theory: that the accumulation of capital built into the capitalist system inevitably leads to periodic depressions (after a series of recession/recoveries) which can only be corrected by imperialist war. while marxs apparent miscalculations are touted by capitalists, confirmations of his theories go unrecognized and unacknowledged. marx was smarter than greenspan.
the stock buying binge this morning is my proof.

Monday, March 25, 2002

Cell Phone Users Behind Wheel Worse Than Drunk Drivers: Direct Line insurance, which commissioned the research, said that four out of 10 drivers admit to using a mobile phone when driving. how capitalism protects you. the interests of one large capital industry ie insurance conflict with those of another ie cell phone manufacturers and services. which has given the greatest amount to the greatest number of legislators in a given state and federally wins the debate. the power of the insurance lobby protects us from the greed of the cell phone industry. the problem is that cases where such conflicts involve powerful enough capital interests are the exception not the rule.
FORTUNE - Wall Street's Fake Rally? is the run-up for real, or are we simply heading for a trading range? If history is any guide, the answer is the latter. Consider this: Back in 1975 the conditions were almost identical to the head-fake rally we're seeing now. There was a relentless stream of dour news: a war overseas, a major scandal at home, and two years of falling stock prices. Then suddenly the Dow surged 40% in just six months. People raced back into Nifty Fifty stocks like Avon and Polaroid, only to get slammed as oil prices, inflation, and interest rates spiraled upward. The Dow went on to trade sideways for seven long years before finally breaking out in a prolonged bull market in 1982. Says Heartland Value fund manager Bill Nasgovitz, who became a value-investing devotee after the bear market three decades ago: "After all this time, we're back in the '70s." Sound depressing? It is. fortune magazine, not socialists. did thru archives to find my many identifications of wwiii as real economic recovery package (tax giveaways are only paybacks for donations).

here i would like to digress. since ive been in graduate school i have had to add many words to my word for windows custom dictionary. i think they give a unique perspective on the course of my studies (not to mention the different english languages that me and microsoft speak). here they are:

Cheney Says US Will Attack Iraq 'first and foremost for Israel's sake.' does sharon realize that cheney is playing to us anti semitism (like the original poster of this article--a website dedicated to unabashed anti semitism (not rense but joe vialls). the bushoilcia has no interest beyond the highly unlikely (but still probable) use of wmds on our soil. there is no oil; there are no pipelines and the real threat of wmds is to israel. bushoilcia simultaneously panders to us jews and to us antisemites who want someone other than the republican party of god to blame.
Crude oil prices have continued to rise with an agreement by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to maintain production cuts through June. It was the largest cents-per-gallon increase since the survey began a half- century ago, and followed a nearly 9-cent-per-gallon increase over the two previous weeks U.S. oil inventories are down as refineries continue to perform maintenance to gear up for a seasonal rise in demand that is already beginning. Economic recovery in the United States and abroad is increasing demand, as have gas prices that dipped sharply in the months after Sept. 11 i have to revise my original projection from november (see archives) that this would happen after the christmas buying season. at that time putin was chauffered to the bush ranch by bush jr then went home and announced he would not cut back oil production. the economy on the verge of collapse spiral then began a multi percent rise on consumer spending which cheap gas pump prices helped them think was prudent. once that effect had worked its way through the economy i thought the oil cos would want their profits back. looks like i jumped the gun by three months.
Ex-Andersen partner cooperating with Feds: Duncan said the shredding began after receiving an Oct. 12 e-mail from Nancy Temple, a staff attorney at Andersen, where she reminded the Houston office about the firm's document retention policy. "It would be helpful to make sure that we have complied with the policy," Temple said in the message. Duncan in January declined to testify before a Congressional hearing, invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. While Andersen was indicted for obstructing justice for shredding Enron documents, no individual employee or partner was named. Also, no Enron executive has so far been indicted. Former Enron Treasurer Ben Glisan is also seeking a similar deal. if both these guys turned up with multiple gunshots to the head and suicide death certificates, the us press would only stop to comment that capitalists are as disdainful of the earthly life as islamic suicide bombers
Military opposes spraying poppies -- The Washington Times: poppy cultivation in the coming weeks will net millions of dollars for Taliban and al Qaeda drug runners. The money from the poppies also will bolster anti-U.S. elements in the Pakistani ISI intelligence service. "The very sanctuary previously enjoyed by bin Laden was based on the existence of the Taliban's drug state, whose economy was exceptionally dependent on opium." Afghanistan produced over 70 percent of the world supply of illicit opium in 2000, and U.S. officials said the current crop is expected to be large. Afghanistan produced 74 metric tons of opium from 4,162 acres of poppy fields last year. The opium produced was significantly less than in 2000, when 3,656 metric tons of opium were produced from 64,510 hectares of land that year. Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, who was ousted during U.S. military operations in December, issued a decree in July 2000 banning poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. He ordered the militia to eradicate any poppy fields under Taliban control. But the State Department was slow to take steps to arrange the aircraft purchase, so the aircraft cannot be procured until August — well after the poppy fields have been harvested and the material turned into opium and heroin. The laboratories are known to be located in Afghanistan's northwest border areas of Kunduz and Badakhstan provinces. Administration officials also are upset that the Central Command did not conduct bombing raids against opium warehouses. us press disinfo rolls on. this moonie owned right wing propaganda rag makes no mention of the fact that it is the northern alliance warlords who grow and process most of the opium in the labs "in the northwest" of the country and that the taliban's plans to eradicate the fields were a key point in gaining warlord support against them. the excuse they cant find the special planes in time and they cant eradicate the poppies without damaging other crops is hard to swallow given the squadron of planes being maintained over colombia. read ruppert from the wilderness for evidence that bushoilcia is up to its ears in drug money. here they let tons of heroin flow into europe and us just as their economic crash threatens to become painful. better a bunch of junkies and a billion dollar black market than a bunch of riled up unemployed.
Uncle Sam's Lucky Finds: It started the day after the attacks on the twin towers, with the discovery of a flight manual in Arabic and a copy of the Koran in a car hired by Mohammed Atta. two blocks away from the twin towers, Atta's passport. We had all seen the blizzard of paper rain down from the towers, but Atta's passport had escaped from that inferno unsinged. Zacarias Moussaoui threw up a cropdusting manual, while four days later came Atta's suicide note. In December the laughing, boasting video of Osama bin Laden was unearthed in a house in Jalalabad. January turned up an email sent by "shoe bomber" Richard Reid from a Paris cybercafe (and found on its hard disk) shortly before boarding the Paris-Miami flight in which he claimed responsibility in advance for downing the plane. (Luckily, Reid had pocketed a business card from the cybercafe.) last Friday, Major General Frank Hagenbeck revealed that Americans had found a whole shelf of field manuals on undertaking terrorist activity, to put beside the instruction manual on how to use light automatic weapons left in a training camp in January. This isn't, of course, to claim a dirty tricks department somewhere in the heart of Washington. That would have you immediately accused of peddling conspiracy theories, though I'm coming to think that conspiracy theories have had a bad press. once again to british press to read about us beyond bushoilcia press releases. weapon number one of conspiracies is the fear of being accused of peddling conspiracy theories. so the us press reports the govt's statement that they found a key piece of evidence in the rubble of the wtc with a straight face and only political websites voice any skepticism defining skepticism for anyone that happens to find it as marginal and illigitimate. that's why the press is as culpable as the conspirators themselves. even the uk guardian only refers to "Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones's new book, Cloak and Dagger: A History of American Secret Intelligence (Yale), showing how, almost since their 19th-century inception, American intelligence bureaux have invented or exaggerated a succession of menaces to defend their spiralling budgets" to imply that the fortuitous discovery of well timed evidence was used to conceal the much more notable failures to find bin laden, anthrax attackers, pearl kidnappers or wtc plot before the fact. a real conspiracy peddler would suggest that these are themselves invented menaces.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

US Gulf War Depleted Uranium Said Killing Fish In Iraq: "Researchers and specialists have attributed this disease which affected the fish to the use of banned weapons dropped by American forces against Iraq" who you gonna believe: an iraqi vet or donald "i have never and never will lie to the press" rumsfeld? what happens when they have to send us troops to baghdad while blowing off the whining gulf war syndrome victims as post traumatic stress pussies?
Piercing The Media Veil - 911 In Context by coincidence this editorial analyzes the disinformation policy used by us and brits to justify each military and domestic security action that i try to describe in the following two items. i get the sense that these guys are not as smart as they used to be. i was amazed at the thin attempts to explain away document shredding by the andersen chief attorney on pbs last night. the power brokers having succeeded in erasing the political awareness of the culture of the sixties have been spoiled by the apathy and ignorance of a public bribed with cheap third world sweat shop goods and free credit access into absolute uncriticality. fooling all of the people some of the time and most of the people all of the time has become so easy that they havent had to be that good at it for a long time. but there is a difference between establishing reasonable doubt in a legal proceding an establishing or sustaining public credibility and both accounting industry and bushoilcia wwiii plans depend on credibility
U.S. Says It Found Qaeda Lab Being Built to Produce Anthrax: The reference to the laboratory south of Gardez may be a garbled account of the new assessment by the Central Command about the laboratory near Kandahar. It is possible that the assessment was disclosed in London to strengthen the case to the British public for sending British combat troops to Afghanistan. heres the times article referred to by the guardian in the next item. compare the last sentence copied above with the headline. the times dances around the thinness of the evidence at least allowing a hurried reader to walk away thinking they have confirmed the development of chembio weapons by anti us terrorists. doesnt equipment that can be used for legitimate biology but also might be used for chembio weapons include test tubes and bunsen burners? the ny times placing this info under this headline implies an endorsement of the pentagon spin.
Britain was accused last night of falsely claiming that al-Qaeda terrorists had built a 'biological and chemical weapons' laboratory in Afghanistan to justify the deployment of 1,700 Royal Marines to fight there. The claim, carried by a number of newspapers yesterday, was denied emphatically last night by Pentagon and State Department sources. 'I don't know what they're saying in London but we have received no specific intelligence on that kind of development or capability in the Shah-e-Kot valley region - I mean a chemical or biological weapons facility,' said an official in the Army department in Washington. The only evidence of a biological weapons laboratory was the discovery last December of an abandoned, half-finished building containing medical equipment, near the Taliban's former power base of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan. This had been reported previously. The Observer has established that the source of the claims was an off-the-record briefing by Tony Blair's senior foreign policy adviser, David Manning. when bushoilcia ordered blaire to provide troops, he naturally used the policy of disinfo that theyve been using to justify all military action since the early joint bombing of iraqi antiaircraft not because were planning an invasion but because theyre shooting at our planes. he made up a tale of terrorists poised to wreak destruction on us. the tale must have been too thin this time for the us to deny it leaving blaire to blow in the breeze with his parliament (this cant be good for future cooperation with us disinfo). one difference is that despite us denial apparently covered in the nytimes, ive heard it presented as nothing but a credible report on the radio news. in the uk papers like the guardian jump all over it making the disinfo policy much more difficult. final irony: the adviser currently being scapegoated for giving blaire the inaccurate report is david manning, the same name as the invented film reviewer famous for touting hollywood crap movies for the past few years.
Apparently, one of the reasons why the Iraqi chapter of the so- called war against terror cannot commence earlier than September is because stockpiles of the crucial 1000-pound "smart bombs" have been depleted as a result of the Afghan conflict and cannot be replenished before then. This means that the US munitions plants will be working overtime to produce weapons of mass destruction, so that Saddam Hussein can be suitably punished for allegedly seeking to do the same. That would make an ideal theme for the theatre of the absurd. As would the fact that the Land of the Brave also does not wish to expose its troops to the heat of the Arabian summer - Iraq will, in other words, be too hot to handle before autumn. Unlike Afghanistan, where until recently the US has been reticent about committing troops on the ground, up to 200,000 soldiers may participate in the race towards Baghdad. everybody on wall st is pleasantly surprised at the positive production numbers. where could it be coming from? the consumer must be buying stuff.
US supported al-Qaeda cells during Balkan Wars: The United States, which had originally trained the Afghan Arabs during the war in Afghanistan, supported them in Bosnia and then in Kosovo. When NATO forces launched their military campaign against Yugoslavia three years ago to unseat Mr. Milosevic, they entered the Kosovo conflict on the side of the KLA, which had already received "substantial" military and financial support from bin Laden's network al qaeda is a cia front group recruiting islamic militants by funnelling money through the dressed up saudi millionaire aistocrat scion of the bush business partner bin laden family. first they were used to fund and arm the afghan resistence to the soviet occupation. then they were moved to bosnia and kosovo do to away with the last remnants of socialist power in europe. bin laden is a fake, set up as a way to recruit islamics into the capitalist war against world socialism. after bosnia he is being used as the patsy for a capitalist funded terrorist attack as a springboard to world war to save the capitalist markets from inevitable collapse.
Bush's Death Squads Updated: President Bush tours Latin America as his newly-empowered CIA death squads rub out all those opposed to U.S. corporate interests and their local power-hungry surrogates. The latest victims: The Archbishop of Cali, Colombia Isaias Duarte was shot and killed in front of a church on March 17. He had previouslyclaimed legislative candidates were receiving drug money. However, the only "recognized" candidates are those who support the Colombian oligarchy, supported by the right-wing paramilitaries (also involved in cocaine), the US-trained military, the CIA, and CIA front companies like Dyncorp, MPRI, and East, Inc. So Archbishop Duarte became a "target of opportunity" (or a "terrorist" to use the language of our mentally-impaired President Bush). The Colombian government, of course, blamed "leftist guerrillas" for Duarte's death). The right-wing death squads in El Salvador tried the same line in 1980 when they, in fact, killed, with the support of the CIA and its local intelligence agency ANSESAL, Archbishop Oscar Romero. Those death squads were aided and abetted at the time by State Dept. operative Elliott Abrams, now the human rights coordinator for the National Security Council in the American unconstitutional regime of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld. The same day that the Archbishop was assassinated, Jorge Rosal Zea, the head of operations for Guatemala's Patriot Party in
Suchitepequez Province was gunned down by several men waiting in a parked car. The assassination came a few days after
Rosal Zea led a 3,000-person demonstration and called for the resignations of President Alfonso Portillo and Vice President
Juan Francisco Reyes, both stooges of the CIA and its minions who now control U.S. Latin American policy in the State
Department and National Security Council.
as per next item, the bushoilcia is perfectly capable of carrying out murderous agenda without being led astray by the wily jews
Was 911 A Mossad 'False Flag' Operation? as the cia connections to the anthrax attack become more indisputable an old (florida) doctor's report suspecting anthrax in a suspected hijacker is plastered across the monopoly press (its dismissal by the govt and lack of confirmation by the doctor buried at the bottom of print articles and omitted from broadcast) shifting suspicion to arab terrorists by inuendo accompanied by weak attempts to link them to iraq. similar is this american adoption of the arab theory that israel did the wtc. obvious mossad activity around the fishy business of the wtc (including spying in florida) must mean that the wily jews with the help of some zionist partisans inside the us govt planned and carried out the attack leading the poor gullible bushoilcia to declare a war against their enemies. as with the anthrax, the cia, or the bushoil faction within it, could not be the orchestrators who were using mossad agents for some operations no matter how much they have benefitted from it and no matter how many connections they have with the bin laden's through carlyle group, with afghanistan, with iraq wars, with bioport anthrax vaccine manufacture facilities, with pipelines, with the defense industry, etc etc (see archives). if the public gets too close to the smoking guns as with the anthrax, inuendo their suspicions elsewhere.
Sharp Rise in Federal Spending May Have Helped Ease Recession: Some of the stepped-up outlays, of course, went to the military and to pay for domestic actions to fight terrorism in response to the Sept. 11 attacks. Significantly more, however, was delivered in the form of increased spending on highways, school construction, Medicaid, unemployment insurance and numerous municipal projects. since this "extraordinary increase in government spending" followed a two trillion dollar tax give away 40 percent of which goes to the top 1 percent richest americans, it must be coming out of things like social security funds. no wonder bush started comparing himself to fdr: pulling the economy up with world war and govt spending programs. only fdr gave the bill to the corporations rather than the working class. the bushoilcia approach bills the very "consumer" whose stimulated spending a real recovery would depend on. nevertheless, outside of ramped up defense budgets, increased outlays for things like medicare give the lie to the republican supply side claim that its cutting taxes and govt spending that creates recoveries.

Saturday, March 23, 2002

Report: Hijacker Possibly Had Anthrax: Exposure to anthrax by one of the hijackers would raise the possibility they had handled anthrax and could have had a role in the bioterror attacks last fall that killed five people. The four anthrax-tainted letters that have been recovered, each dated
"09-11-01," were postmarked Sept. 18 and Oct. 9. But Assistant FBI Director John Collingwood played down the possible anthrax connection. "This was fully investigated and widely vetted among multiple agencies several months ago," he said in a written statement. "Exhaustive testing did not support that anthrax was present anywhere the hijackers had been. While we always welcome new information, nothing new has, in fact, developed." Tsonas, an emergency room doctor at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was not reachable at his home Saturday
and his wife said he did not want to discuss the matter. FBI Director Robert Mueller said earlier this month that U.S. investigators have not identified which of the nation's research
laboratories may have been the source of the anthrax. Nor has the bureau narrowed the case to a single suspect or group of
big loud disinformation all over wins radio and here the washington post. just no way the hijackers had anything to do with anthrax as indicated by doctor's refusal to discuss it and fbi's statement near bottom of article that they dismissed it months ago. not only has all evidence increasingly ruled out a source outside cia sponsored bio weapons program lab, but real culprit scientist is known (see bbc article below). what can the function of this disinfo be but to sharpen the almost blunted purpose for americans supporting bushoilcia wwiii plans. another fake terrorist attack is not easily feasible so they find a way to get the old one back into the public attention and inuendo it into more than a one time only event
Chemtrails Over New Jersey good fotos. below i commented that the chemtrails i was observing over long island and manhattan every day seemed to have changed the normal grid pattern for long parallels obliquely crossed by single trails. these fotos illustrate what mine would have if i had had a camera

Friday, March 22, 2002

The Wall Street Journal and the Pickering nomination: “Hard as we look, we can’t find the words ‘Senate Judiciary Committee’ in the Constitution. The Founders gave the entire Senate, not a single committee, the power to confirm or reject a President’s judicial appointments. Yet in the case of Charles Pickering Sr., President Bush’s embattled nominee for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, it looks like the Senate will be denied even a chance to vote.” The Journal’s concern for constitutional prerogative is of recent vintage. During the Clinton administration, the Journal enthusiastically supported the methods of the Republican Senate leaders, who bottled up nomination after nomination in the Judiciary Committee, not even permitting a committee vote on any nominee for the Sixth Circuit of Appeals during the entire period, from 1995 to 2001, when the Republicans controlled the Senate. Denying that there was any comparison between the blocking of Clinton’s judicial nominees by the Republican-controlled Senate, and the Democratic action against Pickering, the Journal continued: “What Democrats are doing to Mr. Bush’s judges goes far beyond partisan tit-for-tat or anything the Founders meant by the Senate’s ‘advise and consent’ power. Democrats are trying to turn themselves into judicial co-nominators, as if they’d won the Presidential election..." the Democrats did, in fact, win the presidential election, only to have it stolen by the Supreme Court and the Republican Party, although the Democratic Party itself has long since acquiesced to this unprecedented political coup d’état. The Journal was the most vociferous advocate of the Republican drive to hijack the election. Especially ominous is the newspaper’s injunction to “wake up and smell the cordite” The leading voice of the ultra-right within the political establishment thus urges the Bush administration and the Republican Party to regard their bourgeois political opponents as terrorists, and act accordingly. the political forces for which the newspaper speaks cannot be properly described with complacent terms like “conservative.” The editorial incendiaries on the Wall Street Journal express fascistic tendencies that hold sway within the Republican Party.

Sunday, March 17, 2002

EU fishing fleets devastate third world want to see a capitalist indignant? suggest that rather than spreading peace and prosperity capitalism exploits the resources of the poor in the third world destroys their economies and forces them into perpetual war
The Bush administration has said Ridge has privately briefed lawmakers but his refusal to appear before a congressional committee is the usual practice in which the president's immediate staff does not testify to Congress. The administration wants spending on domestic security to double next year to $38 billion. wheres the money coming from? wheres it going? bushoilcia alleged 75% approval means anywhere they like no questions asked no strings attached. isnt it amazing that we can afford 500 billion a year for our war while rebuilding afghanistan funding colombia civil war giving away 2 trillion to the rich and corporations in tax rebates turning the shadow govt's digs into the underground ritz in a crashing global economy but never managed to squeeze out a raise for public school teachers in boom times?
At first, Atta and Marwan each paid $10,000. That figure was later quietly revised to $20,000 apiece. Finally, this week, the Atta-Dekkers "contract" grew once again, to almost $30,000 for each. This totally negates the stated purpose for the terrorist presence in Venice, which as you'll remember was to save a buck on flight training. Was Dekkers now saying that Atta and Marwan didn't start flight training until August 30 at the earliest, seven weeks later than he stated in the aftermath of September11th? at some point fairly recently, the INS letters, containing the names of the most heinous villains in living memory, had been stuck into an envelope, and sent out... Even the New York Times raised an eyebrow. "The error seemed particularly difficult to explain, because Mr. Atta and Mr. Shehhi were among the most infamous of the 19 hijackers," said the Times. Not widely disclosed even today is the fact that that not two, but three of the four planes commandeered by the terrorists were piloted by people who "just happened" to have learned to fly at the tiny off-the- beaten-path Venice Airport. In fact, a veritable squadron of terrorist pilots trained in Venice, including several "America's Most Wanted" Hamburg cadre guys still eluding capture. Mullah Omar is the Philip Michael Johnson of international terrorism. Mullah Omar has been disappeared. people who live in fishing villages after generations of stench of rotting fish can no longer smell it
FERC subpoenas Enron in market manipulation probe enron, but kenny lay has gone away like pinochet dont feel like court today

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

THE GREAT FLORIDA EX-CON GAME How the “felon” voter-purge was itself felonious: Wallace McDonald (5), sixty-four, lost his right to vote in 2000, though his sole run-in with the law was a misdemeanor in 1959. (He fell asleep on a bus-stop bench.) Of the "matches' on these lists, the civil-rights commission estimated that at least 14 percent - or 8,000 voters, nearly 15 times Bush's official margin of victory - were false. DBT claims it warned officials "a significant number of people who were not a felon would be included on the list"; but the state, the company now says, "wanted there to be more names than were actually verified." Last May, Florida's legislature barred Harris from using outside firms to build the purge list and ordered her to seek guidance from county elections officials. In defiance, Harris has rebuffed the counties and hired another firm, just in time for Jeb Bush's reelection fight this fall. how i know the us monopoly corporate press is bought out. i have to go to uk to read about america. this is a story by anybody's principle of relevance if not as history because they are going to do it again in november

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Staff cry poetic injustice as singing Ashcroft introduces patriot games: A group of Hispanic justice department employees were recently summoned to see the attorney general, and went along hoping that their boss might be making a special effort to promote diversity in the department's higher ranks. Instead, they were asked to provide a hasty Spanish lesson to give the secretary a few phrases to use on a foreign delegation the next day. The Hispanic staff were then handed printed copies of Let the Eagle Soar and asked for volunteers to translate it. This is not the first time Mr Ashcroft's subordinates have realised that this attorney general is unlike ordinary politicians. Each time he has been sworn in to political office, he is anointed with cooking oil (in the manner of King David, as he points out in his memoirs Lessons from a Father to His Son). When Mr Ashcroft was in the Senate, the duty was performed by his father, a senior minister in a church specialising in speaking in tongues, the Pentecostal Assemblies of God. When he became attorney general, Clarence Thomas, a supreme court justice, did the honours. In January, a pair of 12ft statues in the atrium of a justice department building were covered by a blue curtain, on orders from Mr Ashcroft's office because the female figure Spirit of Justice was bare-breasted, and the body of her male partner, Majesty of Law, was not sufficiently covered by his toga. advance teams for an Ashcroft visit to the US embassy in the Hague asked anxiously if there were tabby cats (or calico cats as they are known in the US) on the premises. "Their boss, they explained, believes calico cats are signs of the devil" no this is not what is perverse here and neither that thomas has lived up to the worst nightmares of self interested complicity with bushoilcia usurpation. what is perverse is that i have to go to england to read about what does not seem to rise to the level of relevence in the corporate monopoly capitalist whore press
Senator suspects pilot alive in Iraq -- Washington Times right wing moonie owned propaganda rag steps up to the plate. do they really have "numerous reports" that this guy alive, or are they trying to drum up anti iraq ire with a tried and true hot button for moron right wingers to confirm their thinly veiled bigotry disguised as patriotism and godliness. the bushoilcia has quite a task before them to get the collective american sheep over the fence of a not quite so bloodless war as theyve grown accustomed to
CIA to go under congressional hammer: Former CIA Inspector General Britt Snider has been named staff director for the inquiry. Snider served under CIA Director George Tenet both at the agency and when the latter worked for the Senate intelligence committee at the end of the 1980s. He is seen by some in the intelligence community as too close to Tenet and his appointment has puzzled and deflated several former CIA officials. "I don't know what the appointment of Snider means," said a former senior CIA operations official. "Will the investigation be a whitewash? The agency is being investigated by one of its own. You tell me." obvious right? wrong? whats so special about florida that it turns up in every stinky thread of this story? you tell me. is george pataki an explicable target of an anthrax attack? you tell me. is the world so small that bush turns up owning the anthrax vaccine company with the binladens? you tell me. does bombing iraqi anti aircraft installations for a year and a half before any terrorists show up on tv imply invasion plans? you tell me. etc. nothing is obvious apparently
The United States deported dozens of Israelis on immigration violations last year, including at least five from an art school in South Florida, after reports they were posing as students to gain access to government buildings, federal officials said Wednesday. Israelis in South Florida, Dallas and San Diego were sent home by the Immigration and Naturalization Service last year on visa violations, an INS spokesman in Washington said. But authorities were first drawn to them based on a suspicion that they were spying this story which surfaces at regular intervals is particularly worrying. the subtext is an implication that for those of us who dont buy the binladen scenario the likely suspect is the favored arab scenario of mossad furthering israels little war on the palestinians. i believe the bushoilcia is the culprit and that they may have used mossad cooperation. and that stories are designed to divert conspiracy suspicions solely to the jews. but look here: the sites of this mossad activity include south florida and dallas the two major enclaves of bushoilcia power. this story is reported by the sunsentinel the site of the first anthrax mortality as yet unexplained. south florida im sure you recall is also the training ground for the alleged terrorist pilots (several of who have turned up alive see below). what is emerging for me is an increasingly clear picture of covert operations run by a bush controlled cia faction (nobody is ignorant of bushsr's running the cia before stepping into the white house) involving both arab and israeli agents as well as anthrax scientists (several of who have turned up dead see below). florida is not such a paradise that it should figure so prominently in all the smelly threads of this story including of course the rigging of the presidential election. what it is is the only place where the bushoilcia is in complete control of political and intelligence powers.
Mind-Blowing Chemtrails' Over Pennsylvania a good foto for the diary

Monday, March 11, 2002

The Big Guys Work For the Carlyle Group you say carlyle group i say bushoilcia. lets call the whole thing off
The United States complained to Iraq last week that it had failed to answer questions about a U.S. pilot shot down over Iraq at the start of the Gulf War in 1991, a U.S. spokesman said Monday. as if refusing to let blatantly spying "weapons inspectors" back into the country after breached sanction agreements were not enough to justify vaporizing iraqi peasants with tactical nukes hoping you hit something, the bushoilcia now raises the question of the cold blooded murder of an innocent pilot innocently dropping bombs on them. and by the way if you think theyre going to poison their own troops with chem/bio weapons that are now legal you must not have heard that theyre dealing with that agent orange thing with vietnam (after the thirty year freedom of information act makes denying it a bit awkward). this doesnt mean they really are responsible for gulf war syndrome. rumsfeld never has and never will lie to the press who have certainly asked him about it by now. if they dont get rid of that pesky unpatriotic freedom of info thing well see in twenty more years that its all in your head (this younger generation gets post traumatic stress when it cuts itself shaving)
Navy report shows polar cap is shrinking fast: Global warming will open the Arctic Ocean to unprecedented commercial activity. The seasonal expansion of open water may draw commercial fishing fleets into the Chukchi and Beaufort seas north of Alaska within a few decades. The summer ice cover could even disappear entirely by 2050. the ice "canopy" that now hides U.S. submarines will disappear, while opening the surface to marine operations by rival navies, criminals or even terrorists. The report offers an early warning for naval operations, Conlon said why the human race is too stupid to live. when faced with the fact that their years of denial that there was any global warming were miscalculated, their idea of an appropriate observation is first that hey new opportunities for capitalist profiteering. oh there is some cause for concern take a guess terrorists might move their mighty fleets through the northwest passage. the question as to whether the capitalist profiteering that is melting the ice caps is a form of terrorism that dwarfs any rag tag band of armed malcontents and may in fact be leading the entire human race to final destruction is not worth even refuting. mother nature has cared for her poor retarded child for a long time, but what can she do if the kid cant stop putting loaded guns in its mouth and pulling the trigger. ps chemtrails over long island again today. its now daily.
Bush targets Iraq for Phase Two and the brits are shocked that after joining in the bombing of anti aircraft installations creating corridors to baghdad and sending their fleet to join the us in the indian ocean etc, they now have to send troops

Sunday, March 10, 2002

U.S. Works Up Plan for Using Nuclear Arms: The report says Russia is no longer officially an "enemy." Yet it acknowledges that the huge Russian arsenal, which includes about 6,000 deployed warheads and perhaps 10,000 smaller "theater" nuclear weapons, remains of concern. so vladimir, if you play along with the oil glut, youll make a few billion, well keep the recession from hitting the us consumer a little longer, and junior will keep his approval ratings, and by the way, we dont need this old cold war nuke treaty anymore now that were all friends. this seems like a news report (repeated a dozen times across the corporate monopoly mass media press) but its really a feeler. now theyre taking polls to see how the prospect of nuking iraqi peasants is playing in poughkeepsie. if this goes over without a blip (they could have saved their breath) they can start arming the iraq missiles
Operation Shekhinah: Israel Plans Blitzkrieg to Capture Arab Oil Fields im posting this for my own use when i have time to get back to read it carefully. it seems on a brief skim to be legitimate, but part of the move to divert suspicion of collusion to a solely israeli plot that took advantage of the poor gullible bushoilcia. obviously seizure of arab and iraqi oil fields will not be an israeli monopoly but will go mostly to american and british oil corporations. i believe the israelis as well as the indians are only minor partners in the plan for iraq+ war which has not altered appreciably since the bush campaign
CDC Probes Mystery Rashes In School Kids In 14 States your guess is good as mine, but id say government experiment
Poultry Companies Halting Use Of Antibiotics: Big poultry producers have flocked quickly this month to rally behind the cause of food safety by banning use of an antibiotic for chickens and turkeys amid rising consumer concerns that it may harm humans. The three companies said they also are reducing the use of all antibiotics in their flocks. They said changes in production practices, selective breeding, and strict bio-security measures have lessened the need for antibiotics. But not everyone opposes antibiotic use in livestock Dennis Avery, director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Global Food Issues, said antibiotics have been critical in the nation's ability to efficiently increase meat production without increasing land use. note the difference between the singulars and plurals in the headline and first sentence. note the absence of references to agro corp profits in last sentence. note the use of antibiotic issue by the russians in this weeks retaliation for steel tariffs
Wall Street's empty bargain bin: Exactly two years ago, the Nasdaq composite index began an 18-month tumble that wiped out billions of dollars in wealth and ended the rally of the late 1990s. True, these days are different from March 2000, when the Nasdaq peaked above 5,048, employers couldn't find enough workers, and the Federal Reserve was raising interest rates to keep a buoyant economy from generating inflation. But one similarity remains. And that has some investors worried that the equity market's strong run since September is just another head fake. Stocks are expensive. stock market rally fueled in fact by defense appropriations of my social security money rather than a "recovering economy" is out of steam. another bubble burst cant be deferred with more inflated statistics and bush bailouts. bush passes yet another giveaway to the rich by tacking extension of unemployment benefits to it (where's the money coming from?) and maxes out capitalist embezzlement of the public fund. nothing left but war.
Enron secretly employed CIA agents to carry out its dealings overseas. And a CIA insider disclosed: "Enron proposed to pay the Taliban large sums of money in a'tax' on every cubic foot of gas and oil shipped through a pipeline they planned to build." Taliban wouldnt take Kenny boys money, therefore they had to go. there are no weapons of mass destruction here. just enron, lay, cheney, carlyle group, and the bushoilcia, oh and your dead children.
Jordan warns of "catastrophe" if U.S. attacks Iraq: Cheney, who will also visit Britain, Kuwait, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Oman, Israel and Yemen, wants to rally support for eliminating what Washington sees as a threat of weapons of mass destruction posed by Iraq. what threat? what bullshit. the capitalist markets are out of their bag of tricks, ergo economic recovery the old fashioned way: world war. oil money makes all iraqs public supporters step back and leave them to their fate thinking they arent next on the menu.
Bush wants 25,000 UK Iraq force: Cheney will come to London armed with fresh evidence against the Iraqi dictator, and will tell Tony Blair that United Nations inspections of Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons may not be enough to head off a new war in the Gulf. The request for such a large number of British troops shows the high stakes America is now playing for. British troops would be part of a 250,000-strong ground force to invade Iraq in an operation similar to Desert Storm in 1991. the gradual spoon feeding of iraq war plans through the corporate whore press having produced no adverse reactions from the american people, its time to press ahead. of course cheney's "new evidence" will be news to the brits who have been helping the bushoilcia bomb iraqi anti aircraft installations leading to baghdad for over a year and have already moved their ships to join us navy in the indian ocean. question: if the brits are supplying 25000, where are the other 225000 troops coming from. turkey will provide a lot. mercenaries from the northern alliance perhaps, but that still leaves a lot to be supplied by an all volunteer us force.
More Chemtrail Photos some people are concerned about the aluminum and barium that theyre apparently made of. but i think what is most worrisome is the secrecy they manage to maintain around these huge visible structures stretching across the entire sky over everybody's heads. they were over manhattan again yesterday. i am wary of people who go about to protect me from the truth as though i'm a child and theyre my parents. especially when theyre not my parents. parents usually have your best interests at heart, but theyre the exception rather than the rule.

Friday, March 08, 2002

Tony Blair faces the threat of ministerial resignations - including at least one cabinet member - if he backs any US military action against Iraq between rock and hard place. the capitalist markets demand war for recovery. morality demands peace. guess who wins
The Dow's Secret Weapon--Defense: Bears have warned that the market's recent surge has reflected too much optimism about the potential for continued consumer spending and a revival in business spending this year. But both of those arguments ignore the plain fact that the Dow's secret store of energy this year has come from shares of companies tied to military spending. if you read through my comments on the economy going back to the beginning of these archives youll see that i have consistently stated that war was the real economic recovery package. as this article points out, defense spending does not depend on a healthy economy as it is merely a matter of appropriating funds and spending wildly, paying the highest asking prices for anything the pentagon desires. it is this and not the slew of inflated statistics coming out of washington creating the illusion that the downward spiral of production, prices, and jobs has slowed, stopped, and reversed itself that accounts for the rise in the indexes since the 911 lows. it is basic to marxist theory that war is the only way capitalist economies pull themselves out of the cyclical depressions that are built into its system of capital accumulation by restoring industrial production and reversing spiraling unemployment by providing factory jobs and by killing off a large portion of the working class. the latter has not yet begun in america, but in the global economy it is well underway. israel is a concentrated version of the process: their market crash is much worse and the war that is erupting in its wake is much more intense. the conclusion is that we are moving toward a large scale long term war that will transform the power relations of the planet. the capitalists should be made to recognize and acknowledge that their joy in watching their stock portfolios regain some of their lost value is bought with the blood of collateral damage=dead and destroyed third world peasants: children, women, and men and the reduction of already suffering populations to permanent impoverishment.

Thursday, March 07, 2002

Jobless claims fall: the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell to 376,000 in the week ended Mar. 1 from a revised 381,000 the prior week. U.S. stock futures were unaffected by the data, trading higher and pointing to a positive opening on Wall Street. Treasury bond prices fell. the Labor Department said U.S. productivity grew 5.2 percent in the fourth quarter, a big gain from its earlier estimate of 3.5 percent. maybe im reading the report wrong, but if it means that over 300000 new people are applying for unemployment every week that makes over 15 million a year. perhaps the numbers are carried over week to week and considered "new" claims for a month. in any case, as productivity is measured in terms of numbers of employees, massive layoffs automatically raise productivity numbers until other numbers are factored in. stabilizing layoffs at a steady rate of 15 million or even 1 million a year is not an economic recovery

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Toyota Announces It Will Make A Hydrogen-Powered Car time for the biannual prototype. next to bushoilcia's hybrid cars on the white house lawn should give me a secure feeling as i inhale the diesel fumes that these 75000 clean cars will soon replace the bushoilcia money tree
Daschle vows unity behind Bush uh oh, hulk hogan and the rock join forces. smack down ahead
Outbreak Kills 28 in Afghanistan after testing the feasibility of controlled earthquakes created by underground nukes in eastern afghan/pakistan (and field testing in phillipines) bushoilcia experiments with tactical epidemics. probably now scouring internet to guage how many see through them
Al Qaida disputes U.S. account whose casualty figures to you find more credible, your government's or al quaedas?
Poisoned Skies Over Oregon - Another Outrageous Chemtrail Assault i guess its time to start keeping a log. again today there were big chemtrails looking north from the grand central pkwy. theyve changed somewhat in that they no longer follow geometric grid patterns but are just a lot of very long parallels with maybe one or two slants across that quickly disperse into apparent cloud cover. until i happen to have a camera with me youll have to take my word for it or look at the pictures at this link to see what they look like
BAXTER AUTOPSY POINTS TO MURDER: The strongest evidence in the autopsy report is most consistent with murder. Under EVIDENCE OF INJURY on numbered page 3 we find, "The defect is stellate and, when the wound edges are repositiioned, measures 7.2 centimeters in the horizontal direction and 4.5 centimeters in the vertical direction." This suggests a wound inflicted by a starburst of rat shot pellets which were far enough from the muzzle of the weapon to have separated from one another by as much as 2.83 inches before striking the head. Who would, or could, shoot themselves in the temple like this? one of several similar stories posted including national enquirer interviews of law enforcement experts. i cant vouch for reliability, but i dont believe in multiple suicides among capitalists who can take the fifth and retire to bermuda during document shredding frenzies leading up to congressional investigations.
Pentagon Releases Misleading Statement: The Defense Department has issued a statement challenging the accuracy of a report by the Center for Public Integrity, which noted that Donald Rumsfeld was among 14 top Bush administration officials who owned Enron stock at the time they filed their personal financial disclosure forms. The Center stands by its report. The eleventh page of Rumsfeld's disclosure form lists Enron, which, as the Pentagon statement noted, was held along with a few hundred other stocks that were part of an investment fund. While the Pentagon statement maintains that Rumsfeld's wife owned the stock, that is not clearly indicated on the disclosure form. In any case, the holdings of spouses are subject to the same conflicts of interest rules as cabinet appointees. well rumsfeld did tell us on national tv that the unique conditions of this war on terrorism might demand some diffusion of disinformation. about a week or two before he indignantly stated that the defense department never has and never will lie to the press. if the founding fathers had had this kind of prescience, they wouldnt have needed all those annoying checks and balances. if only they could have asked dick armey whether he or any of his colleagues ever has or ever will be corrupted by corporated contributions
Florida Terrorist Flight School Linked To CIA Firm: allegations expected to be aired at joint Senate and House Select Committee hearings next month-the accumulating evidence suggests the CIA was not just aware of the thousands of Arab student pilots who began pouring into this country several years ago to attend flight training, but was running the operation, for still-unexplained reasons. if you dig around my archives after 911, youll read me outrageously claiming that the florida cuban flight instructor who explained on tv that the school sometimes did and sometimes didnt do background checks was probably a cia connected anti castroist and that arab terrorists would be stupid to travel to florida to take flight lessons where there was any danger of background checks that could scuttle the entire operation after supposed years of preparation
Sunday quake might have been caused by bombing: The earthquake that shook Central and South Asia last Sunday might have been triggered by super- modern weapons intensively used by the U.S. aviation in the seismically dangerous areas of Afghanistan, a source in a Moscow geo-physical research center has told Itar-Tass on condition of anonymity. He said the supposition was confirmed by the unusually strong and lengthy tremors (up to one minute) that originated in the Hindu Kush Mountains and spread onto Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and India. Even old residents of Kabul do not remember an earthquake similar to the Sunday tremor that exceeded 6 points on the Richter scale. "A possible reason for the tremor was the American's large-scale use of powerful bombs, including the ones that are capable of
starting avalanches in the mountains," the expert said.
doesnt anyone remember the announcement that bushoilcia was testing underground nukes in afghanistan just a few weeks ago?

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Chemtrail Investigations photos, links and more than you'll ever want to know about them
As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state yesterday- and broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies - Air Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens. "Chemtrails” is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white ‘trails laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force calls “aerial obscuration”. First confirmed by Airport Authority Terry Stewart at the Victoria International Airport on Dec. 8, 2000 as a “joint Canada-U.S. military operation” – and stridently denied by senior officers at Canadian Forces Base (where Stewart later told the Vancouver Courier he had received his information) – these multi-plane missions were verified in March, 2001 by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) manager for the northeastern seaboard of the United States. In three taped interviews with this reporter and veteran radio journalist S.T. Brendt, our “Deep Sky” source said that he had been ordered to divert incoming commercial flights away from USAF tankers spraying s substance that showed up on ATC radars as a “haze”. These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail- contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout – and levels of aluminum five-times higher than Ontario’s maximum permissible health safety standards. After Canadian government Defense Critic Gordon Earle presented a petition signed by 550 Espanola residents to Parliament in November, 1999 demanding an end to aerial spraying by “commercial or military aircraft, foreign or domestic” which appeared to be making many people sick, DND eventually replied, “It’s not us.” The aluminum found in chemtrails over Ontario matches the 10 micron aluminum oxide called for in a 1994 patent issued to Hughes Aircraft Company. “Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming” refers to spreading highly reflective materials in the atmosphere to reflect enough incoming sunlight (1 to 2%) to slow rapidly-accelerating global warming. Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb, called for this billion dollar a year “sky shield” program after computer simulations at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory showed it would prevent warming over 85% of the planet’s surface despite a predicted doubling of heat-trapping C02 in the atmosphere over the next 40 years. But Ken Caldeira – the climate expert who ran the computer model – has warned that the stratospheric spraying of sunlight-reflecting chemicals could “destroy the ozone layer” – and pose human health risks. For the past month or so, I've seen chemtrails over Manhattan twice and over Long Island where I work several times. they appeared usually on days, of which there have been many, when the sky was extraordinarily clear of any wisp of cloud cover. i inferred that they must be there to mitigate the effects of a combined thinning ozone layer and climate change/particulate pollution generated drought. unblocked and unfiltered sunlight, high temps, and moistureless air would combine to dry up the rapidly depleting ground and surface water. this article indicates that chemtrails are primarily designed to mitigate the temperature effects of climate change alone at the expense of further deterioration of the ozone layer. whatever the case, the most striking thing about the phenomenon is that, once you are aware of it, it is the most visible thing imaginable in the natural environment. it only takes looking at the sky from time to time to see it operating (some photos i took of chemtrails over paris are posted on a news site). yet, despite their high visibility, if you try to inform anyone who is unaware of them (which is almost everybody) you are invariably thought irrational. this untenable position between truth and credibility is one thing when youre dealing with hidden conspiracies on the basis of secondary evidence, but when it concerns huge visible structures in the sky, the sense of disjunction becomes extreme. anyone who has observed chemtrails needs no convincing. for them, they are a sign that the powers that be are willing and able to engage in undebated, unvoted large scale operations affecting millions of people while imposing an absolute media blackout. even if the chemtrails themselves are not as destructive as this article implies, the political situation their proliferation implies is terrifying.
Moscow decries U.S. 'arrogance' on Iraq: An attack against Iraq "is planned for either April or May." The U.S. strategy is thought to consist of three stages. The first stage is a "campaign of intimidation" against Saddam's regime, which Moscow sees as "already in progress." Next, the U.S. will use "concentrated fire" against "vitally important civil and military targets." The final stage will incite "the opposition's uprising" with the help of "special agents" supported by "United States military aid." Although Moscow appears to predict that U.S. strategy in Iraq will follow a similar pattern as in Afghanistan, two opponents of the Iraqi regime warn that there are important differences between Iraq and the situation in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. most of all a 500000 man standing army with actual weapons

Saturday, March 02, 2002

US Says It Will Use Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuke Countries non nuke read iraq. nukes dont discriminate between combatants and non combatants. nukes collatoral damage is greater than targeted damage.
National Lawyers Guild Post 9-11 Project guide to legal rights following fashcroft police powers (for my own use if i have internet access when i need the info)