Tuesday, January 29, 2002
India Demands Pakistan Give Up Kashmir - Border Firing Increases just when you thought it was safe to come out of the shelter
Seven Killed as Storms Batter Britain: The Met Office recorded winds of up to 141 miles per hour on top of the Cairngorm mountains in central Scotland. The Met Office blamed the storm on a depression off the coast of Scotland but said it was now on its way out and forecast to head toward Denmark on Tuesday. global warming is going to shift the jet stream away from northwestern europe leaving it with an arctic climate that will put an end to all agrigulture and industry. sticking your head up your ass wont stop it
New York Times defends Bush on links to Enron corporate fraud: Then the Times arrives at its central theme: “Democrats ... should resist the temptation to use the Enron saga for cheap political gain. Talk of a ‘cancer on the presidency’ [a reference to the Watergate scandal] and of a ‘Bush Whitewater’ is unwarranted at this point, and threatens to trivialize and unduly politicize an inquiry vital to the health of the American economy.” One has to rub one’s eyes in disbelief. This comes from the newspaper that helped launch Whitewater—with a notorious article by Jeff Gerth in March 1992—and elevate it into a national scandal. Countless editorials appeared in the Times over the years portraying Whitewater as of monumental significance and declaring that every other scandal and misstep of the Clinton administration somehow flowed from it. Looked at objectively, Whitewater was small change. The real estate scheme was liquidated years before Clinton entered the White House and involved a failed investment, on the Clintons’ part, of less than $100,000. It had no financial or political significance until the American media, led by the Times, and Clinton’s far-right political opponents, seized on it as a pretext to undermine the Democratic administration. what really makes you rub your eyes is the fact that the theory that the corporate monopoly media press is dominated by a liberal agenda has the weight of foregone conclusion among the right wing geniuses (of course they still think evolution is an unproven theory)
Why the Bush administration wants war: Without having begun to seriously investigate, let alone explain, the very strange circumstances surrounding the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the Bush administration and the media have declared that all-out war is the only possible response to these events. For all the claims of sorrow and sympathy, there could not have been a more timely or fortuitous event for the Bush administration than the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. world socialist site still stops short of fingering bushoilcia for wtc attack
Enron and the Bush administration: kindred spirits in fraud and criminality: It is enough to ask: what would be the standing of the Bush regime if there had been no attacks in New York and Washington on September 11 and no war as a result? world socialist site stops short of fingering bushoilcia for staging wtc attack
The Enron collapse and the crisis of the profit system: In other words, a relatively smaller amount of living labour has to expand an ever-larger mass of capital. When the rate of increase in the surplus value extracted from this labour fails to keep pace with the expansion of capital, the rate of profit begins to fall. This decline in the rate of profit sets in motion other processes within the capitalist economy aimed at trying to overcome it—processes which have been increasingly apparent over the past two decades. “If the rate of profit falls,” Marx wrote, “there follows, on the one hand, an exertion of capital in order that the individual capitalists, through improved methods, etc., may depress the value of their individual commodity below the social average value and thereby realise an extra profit at the prevailing market-price. On the other hand, there appears swindling and a general promotion of swindling by recourse to frenzied ventures with new methods of production, new investments of capital, new adventures, all for the sake of securing a shred of extra profit which is independent of the general average and rises above it” [ Capital, Volume III, Marx, pp. 253-254]. its too bad not a single wall street broker has read any marx. he also said a few things about the role of war in the capitalist business cycle.
Sunday, January 27, 2002
US Hits Southen Iraq Air Defense Sites Three Times This Week one way or another wwiii proceeds on schedule
Paris flood warning modern capitalist imperial state on track to destroy itself with global warming
India Nuclear-Capable Missile Test Angers Pakistan just when you thought it was safe to come out of the shelter
Blaming Liberalism for Enron - Conservative pundits rise to the challenge. why pandering to religious fanatics is politically indispensible. their faith in anyone that uses the word god in his rhetoric comes from the same place as their faith in god himself. and like god, all evils that befall under republican hegemony must necessarilly be the work of liberal devils
Attorney General Ashcroft renews warning time/cnn poll (see below) shows the systematic dismantling of the american attention span puts crimps in capitalist imperialist war plans. ashcroft tries another scare tactic. if that doesnt work theyll have to fake another big media terrorist event probably to be blamed on saddam hussein personally
LaRouche 'Typical Collapse Function' Confirmed by U.S. Economy uh oh, me and lyndon larouche again
Rep. Henry Waxman of California wrote Friday to Vice President Dick Cheney, who headed the administration's energy policy task force, to point out the change. A week ago Waxman said he had found 17 policies in the White House's May 2001 energy plan, including the India provision, that were either advocated by Enron or benefited Enron. He said in his letter to Cheney on Friday that it now appeared the India provision had been missing from the draft energy policy proposal circulated by the State Department during an interagency review in March 2001. "Instead, the provision appears to have been added to the plan during the period in which the White House directly controlled the drafting," Waxman wrote. The White House has strongly denied that its energy plan was crafted to help Enron, President Bush's biggest political patron but time/cnn finds most americans trust the bushoilcia. where do they deliver waxman's letter? is cheney dead, hiding in a cave, or did he escape through canada?
India Says Heavy Fire Traded On Pakistan Border just when you thought it was safe to come out of the shelter
The Enron Corporation:Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Violations Summary and Recommendations the untold enron story. seems like their employees arent the only beneficiaries of their capitalist benevolence
In the case of Netscape vs. Microsoft, Microsoft appears mighty close to getting off with a wrist-slapping on antitrust charges, so AOL -- parent of Netscape and this website -- is after money instead, perhaps bi llions of dollars. i dont know why people get so riled up when i claim that capitalism will kill rather than support small business. while netscape was a small independent entrepeneurial business, their suit of mega corporation ms/nbc for aggressively moving to destroy them was a snowball in hell. now that theyre sold out to mega corporation aol/time warner, the suit is alive and well. anyone disgusted that aol/tw is playing defender of antitrust?
In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Americans want President Bush to spend more time talking about the economy and domestic issues than talking about the war on terrorism, according to a new TIME/CNN poll. Three-quarters (74%) of those surveyed said he should talk more about the economy and domestic issues, while only one in six (16%) want to hear more about the war. americans ignorant of history still dont realize that the war is the economy and the economy is domestic issues. while the threat of terrorist attack may be great in israel, india, the phillipines etc, there is no real threat in america. one spectacular mass fake attack on the wtc with a crashed plane and another crash into a part of the pentagon already under renovation and empty of people together with a failed attempt to fake an islamic anthrax attack serve to create the illusion that the threat of islamic fundamentalism is to our lives when it is in fact a threat to the stability of the global capitalist markets. oh look, grade inflation. just as in college, bush didnt get any f's. maybe monopoly corporate media time/cnn should give people more choices.
Baxter Was Expected To Help Investigators This Week: As late as Friday morning, investigators with the House Energy and Commerce Committee spoke with Baxter's attorneys, another source on the committee said. Apparently, neither the investigators nor Baxter's lawyers were aware that he had killed himself. but of couse those nice upstanding christian capitalist entrepeneurs would never resort to murder just to protect their money. they just hold their own lives in contempt like the terrorists
GAO brandishes lawsuit in energy task force probe: A senior aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, the chairman of the task force that crafted the energy policy last year after numerous meetings with Enron officials, said there would be a formal response to a GAO suit if it is filed. However, the aide, Mary Matalin, restated White House policy -- first articulated last August -- of refusing to turn over details of how the energy policy was formulated. cheney may be dead. the american brain certainly is. behavior by their leaders that would produce riots in any rational political state is greeted by overwhelming approval ratings. either america is brain dead or the polls are lying in which case the absence of any challenge to them is also brain death
Pentagon Plans New Command For U.S.: change would give a single four-star officer authority over such domestic deployments as Air Force jets patrolling above U.S.
cities, Navy ships running coastal checks and Army National Guard troops policing airports and border crossings. preparing for the day when the coming depression forces the collective american head out of its collective ass
cities, Navy ships running coastal checks and Army National Guard troops policing airports and border crossings. preparing for the day when the coming depression forces the collective american head out of its collective ass
Milosevic war crimes case faces collapse: the case has a fundamental weakness in that the testimonies it relies on are exclusively from Western officials based in Kosovo before Nato air raids began in March 1999, and from ethnic Albanian victims. The credibility of some of these testimonies is in doubt because they were gathered by intelligence officers, and not by the tribunal's own investigators. oh well, we got rid of the socialists blocking the trade route from turkey to europe. the trumped up war crimes trial was only a means of taking over international judiciary for use by capitalists against their enemies (ensuring that it will never be used against their war crimes), but the hordes of terrorists spreading over the globe has accomplished most of this. at least we can keep in in jail indefinitely while we gather evidence, preventing a new socialist coalition from forming around him as the yugoslavians discover, like the russians, poles and czechs that capitalism is overrated
James Watkins, missing since Nov. 13, apparently committed suicide: Watkins, employed at Arthur Andersen consultants, was last seen by co-workers at his downtown Denver office. At the time of his disappearance, he was preparing for a business trip to China. two suicides (see next item). theyre practically al qaida. ok, time to decide. do capitalists stop at buying politicians, starting wars, cooking their books and screwing their own employees and stockholders? or do they murder? over enthusiastic entrepeneurs or cold blooded murdering robber barons?
Dead Enron Exec Challenged Enron's Accounting Over A Year Ago: J. Clifford Baxter, who resigned as vice chairman in May, was named in an explosive warning that another Enron executive sent to company Chairman and Chief Executive Kenneth Lay in August about questionable financial practices. ``Cliff Baxter complained mightily to (then-CEO Jeff) Skilling and all who would listen about the inappropriateness of our transactions with LJM,'' Sherron Watkins wrote. LJM is one of the partnerships apparently used to keep a half-billion dollars in losses off Enron's books. sounds like the kind of guy who wouldnt plead the fifth but would blab it up to congress after lay and skilling blew him off.
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
Enron security guards were stationed on the 19th and 20th floors of the company's building here Tuesday to prevent further shredding of documents, company lawyers said during a federal court hearing. Former executive Maureen Castaneda said Monday employees were shredding documents as late as January 14, in spite of the company's December bankruptcy filing that costs thousands of investors and employees their life savings. In the wake of the reports of continued shredding, Enron lawyers said the company allowed FBI agents in the building to interview employees and that guards had been posted round the clock to prevent more document destruction. how stupid am i supposed to be? enron's own security guards watching their rogue employees who are on a shredding spree for their own benefit? and the fbi has to ask permission even to come in and interview. if it was a crack house they'd be breaking the door down.
US helped Taliban to safety: An American- approved evacuation of Pakistani military officials from the besieged Afghan city of Kunduz last November "slipped out of control", allowing al-Qaida fighters to join the exodus. how come they headline taliban instead of al-Qaida? Al-Qaida is a CIA front group
Monday, January 21, 2002
California Utility Bailout Could Prove Devastating to Environment as ive said many times here, spiraling global depression will kill all environmental protection and ecodestruction is the only thing that can stop the corporate capitalist machine. unfortunately, it will stop everything else
Andersen exec testifies that shredding began after e-mail hey you. if you think your capitalist bosses are going to look out for you, think again
Kandahar's Army Of Widows Eat Cattle Feed ok maybe not INFINITE justice
Greenspan's press aide says he was at the ceremony because he had committed a year earlier to former Secretary of State Jim Baker to accept the honor. The James A. Baker Institute of Public Affairs
awards the prize, which is funded by Enron. Greenspan turned down the $10,000 honorarium, and the Fed declined the $15,000 sculpture that accompanies the prize. baker is one of the owners with bush sr, carlucci et al of carlyle group. that corp that partners with the saudi bin laudens and owns things like bioport, the only company making anthrax vaccine. this corporate capitalist elite running from bush jr to bush sr to bin laudens to lay to greenspan after going on a free marketeer spree and destroying the economy is now pushing us into wwiii to get themselves out of the mess they made. they spread the anthrax and they probably organized the wtc attack.
awards the prize, which is funded by Enron. Greenspan turned down the $10,000 honorarium, and the Fed declined the $15,000 sculpture that accompanies the prize. baker is one of the owners with bush sr, carlucci et al of carlyle group. that corp that partners with the saudi bin laudens and owns things like bioport, the only company making anthrax vaccine. this corporate capitalist elite running from bush jr to bush sr to bin laudens to lay to greenspan after going on a free marketeer spree and destroying the economy is now pushing us into wwiii to get themselves out of the mess they made. they spread the anthrax and they probably organized the wtc attack.
Yugoslavia: Union leaders order bank workers to end occupations you wanted capitalism; you got it
SECRET PLAN TO TOPPLE SADDAM wwiii go for june. i have nothing to add but look to my archives from a year ago to find who was first to state war on iraq was coming
Sunday, January 20, 2002
Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens disappeared from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the early 1990s, during a turbulent period of labor complaints and recriminations among rival scientists there, documents from an internal Army inquiry show. getting their story straight: the reason the anthrax can be traced to the army is that it was stolen from the army by a disgruntled microbiologist
Houston, we have a problem: Andersen in-house counsel Nancy Temple sent an Oct. 12 e-mail where she allegedly directed employees of the firm to destroy all but the most basic "work papers" related to their auditing of Enron. Andersen officials in Chicago knew of the existence of a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission as early as Oct. 20. The SEC investigation was made public on Oct. 22 but Temple never rescinded the e-mail, the source said. On Nov. 9, an assistant to the lead partner sent a letter directing other secretaries to "stop the shredding," Andersen said. During the whole time, Duncan relied on advice from in-house counsel Temple, according to CNN/Money's source. getting their story straight: they didnt shred after the supboena and only the in house councel knew anything about litigation
Saturday, January 19, 2002
No Guts, No Glory: A successful investor isn't all that different from a successful athlete, says sports psychologist Thomas J. Ferraro. In both cases, winning is about having knowledge, guts and passion. By knowledge, Ferraro -- who counsels professional athletes in golf, boxing and basketball -- means learning more about the markets, and the companies and sectors they cover, as well as the competition. Traders also need guts, he says, not necessarily to pull the trigger on a big trade, but to pull out of a trade that's gone sour. Finally, the psychologist says, traders need to have a lifelong passion for the art of the trade, not just the money, or they'll burn out. which is why there are so many morons running the economy into the toilet. when the knicks lose it doesnt cost thousands of people their jobs and retirement savings in one day or spark world wars that incenerate women and children
US Okays Isreal's Phalcon Sale To India wwiii in a nutshell
Senator Phil Gramm's With Gets Enron Subpoena: Phil Gramm is the second-largest recipient in the Senate of financial contributions from Enron, receiving $97,350 from the company between 1989 and 2001, according to data provided by The Center for Responsive Politics. The senator receiving the largest contribution from Enron is Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Texas, who received $99,500. but gramms policies are now national policy and will remain so as there will be no actual deterrents slapped on these people. not only do they infest the three branches of us govt whose job it is to punish them, but the press without the aid of rabid right wing rural talk show diatribes will not drum this up to the level of lewinsky and whitewater
A High-Speed Path to Economic Recovery: Nine months ago, amid the worst bear market since the 1970s, Boston hedge fund manager Treyton L. Thomas and a few buddies ginned up a plan to get telecom stocks moving again. The idea: Find a sympathetic soul in the White House and get him to encourage President Bush to endorse an accelerated rollout of high-speed Internet service to public schools and libraries. some new capitalists get a clue that the way out of depression is socialist planned economy new deal type works projects. still dont have a clue about selling it to bushoilcia free marketeers. i bet they wish they had the contract to program the florida voting machines
The discussions occurred on June 27 when Mr Cheney raised the subject with Indian opposition leader Sonia Gandhi, according to e-mails obtained by the New York Daily News. Two other e-mails indicate Mr Bush was also to raise the subject with Atal Bihari Vajpayee, but the plans were scrapped, the Dai ly News reported. Last month, Enron and its fellow US investors in the plant, General Electric and Bechtel, sought to recoup roughly $200m of their investment in the plant by filing a claim with OPIC. They argued the Indian government expropriated the plant after Enron invested more than $1bn in the $2.9bn project. this was when they were deciding who was going to lead india into the eastern theater of wwiii. is cheney dead or holed up in a cave?
Thursday, January 17, 2002
Ashcroft Recuses - Enron Exploding - May Connect To Money Laundering: conflicts involve the Chairman of the SEC, Harvey Pitt and the head of GAO, David Walker. Both agencies are charged with investigating allegedly criminal behavior by the energy trading firm. As new revelations of Enron s unethical and insider-based improprieties, apparently facilitated by more than $2 million in Bush campaign donations, continue to flash across TV screens on a daily basis -- more serious allegations of criminal money- laundering activities by a respected financial expert suggest that what is already known about Enron s behavior is but the barest tip of a razor sharp iceberg that could sink the Bush presidency. meanwhile the search for dick cheney continues. his contribution to corporate capitalism, halliburton 's, money laundering practices make enron's look like a hobby (see waaay below)
Egyption Cleared in Avaition Radio Case: Another hotel guest came forward after Abdallah Higazy was charged this week and told officials the radio belonged to him.
Prosecutors had accused Higazy, the son of an Egyptian diplomat, of interfering with the investigation into the Sept. 11 attack. Higazy had insisted in two rounds of FBI interviews that he knew nothing of the hand-held radio found in a safe in his room along with his Egyptian passport, a copy of the Quran and a gold medallion, prosecutors had said. oh come on. what other hotel guest had a reason to have a radio specifically designed to monitor air traffic on that day? sons of diplomats are typical intelligence agents because of immunity protections and other special access.
Prosecutors had accused Higazy, the son of an Egyptian diplomat, of interfering with the investigation into the Sept. 11 attack. Higazy had insisted in two rounds of FBI interviews that he knew nothing of the hand-held radio found in a safe in his room along with his Egyptian passport, a copy of the Quran and a gold medallion, prosecutors had said. oh come on. what other hotel guest had a reason to have a radio specifically designed to monitor air traffic on that day? sons of diplomats are typical intelligence agents because of immunity protections and other special access.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
The Iraqi Infants infected by the US Deplete Uranium Bombs warning: horrible pictures of deformed babies. yesterday lieberman slipped in as an afterthought that the "war on terrorism" would not be over until we topple saddam. look at the pictures if you want to see what it takes to keep your stock portfolio from crashing
Smithsonian Researchers Show Amazon Deforestation Accelerating: Contrary to the claims of the Brazilian government that threats to Amazonian forests have fallen in recent years because of improved environmental laws and public attitudes, the Smithsonian team asserts that rates of deforestation have risen sharply since 1995. "Forest destruction from 1995 to 2000 averaged almost two million hectares a year," said Laurance. "That's equivalent to seven football field a minute, and it's comparable to the bad old days in the 1970s and 1980s, when forest loss in the Amazon was catastrophic." global depression and wwiii will ensure that neither resources nor attention sufficient to avert the decimation of the lungs of the earth will be paid
Monday, January 14, 2002
US Companies are likely to face a massive $4bn (£2.76bn) in sanctions from the European Union following an expected World Trade Organisation ruling today. The anticipated WTO decision, on the legality of a US scheme that gives billions of dollars in tax breaks to major American exporters. Some of the foremost names in American business appear to have fallen foul of the rules, including Boeing, Microsoft, Kodak and General Electric free market principle until it works against them, then protectionism with my social security
As Disruption From War on Taliban Ends, Traffickers Moving Big Heroin Shipments the only growth industry left in the world. who now thinks kenneth lay wouldnt touch it if he could get away with it?
U.S. seeks al Qaeda link to Iraq: But if the Pentagon project can find operational links between terror groups, proponents of attacking Iraq could cite the need to remove a regime such as Saddam's as part of the president's goal to destroy al Qaeda. One administration source said the Pentagon study "is trying to show that Iraq interacts with al Qaeda. The connections may be more run through business fronts than through the government. Iraqi intelligence runs a lot of business fronts." The official added: "You just have to look at the way al Qaeda has developed over the years, even before the 11th. It is well organized and has had state sponsors through Afghanistan and Pakistan through the ISI." The ISI is Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency. It helped put the Taliban in power in 1996 and is believed to have aided al Qaeda. In fact, the State Department's report on terrorism suggested that Pakistan could become the eighth country designated as a state sponsor. "Next up: Baghdad," Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, told sailors on the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, which is launching warplanes in the Afghanistan campaign. bushoilcia mole mccain, the good republican who wants to reform campaign finance blown for the war effort. see below for a year and a half of predictions of war against iraq and predictions after 911 that links to iraq would be fabricated. even this moonie owned right wing paper cant make it sound like anything but looking for an excuse to carry out predetermined war plans even going so far as to put pakistan on the list because it helped set up al qaeda. it doesnt mention however that it did so with cia support. now that they cant hide the coming depression from anyone but the most myopic stock brokers, wwiii has to go forward
Friday, January 11, 2002
Year 2001 Only Slightly Warmer Than Average: The composite global temperature for 2001 was 0.06 degrees C warmer than the 20-year (1979-to-1998) average, said Dr. John Christy. Compared to other years, 2001 was the ninth warmest (and the 15th coolest) since satellite instruments started gathering global climate data from the bottom eight kilometers of the atmosphere in January 1979. The hottest year in the satellite dataset was 1998 so what? hydrocarbon emissions date from the mid 19th century. moreover, averages dont matter. the effects of climate change are not uniform. if a pendulum swings calmly two inches or wildly two feet, the average is the same.
U.S. stocks meander on Fed chair speech: "There are sound reasons for concluding that the long-run picture remains bright... but I would emphasize that we continue to face significant risks in the near term," Greenspan told a delegation of local business leaders in San Francisco how sound they are remains to be seen. radio commentary: the "slowdown" may be longer than anyone expected." please see my comments going back over a year to see if "anyone" expected it
Tension between India and Pakistan rose today as thousands of rival troops massed on the border and Delhi's military chief said his country was ready to fight either a conventional or nuclear war. see below for my comments on the illusion of easing tensions
Political strategies for saving Afghanistan may not mean much if civil debate is shelved for a holy war between Christian crusaders and Muslim infidels. In that scenario, just as Osama bin Laden's jihad must be carried to U.S. shores, so American leaders must respond with a crusade to crush the Muslim hordes in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The enemy for Christers is not terrorism, but each and every Muslim infidel—all of them damned to the eternal flames of hell. the capitalists need a world war. they cant do it without some appearance of working class support. the illusory terrorist threat isnt getting the job done. time to roll out jesus.
Thursday, January 10, 2002
Media's Patriotism Provides a Shield for Bush be sure to start waving that flag when they tell you its time
Burlington Industries to cut 4,000 jobs bye, thanks. be sure not to write
White House: Enron Official Phoned but at least bush never claimed he invented the internet
The Afghan Pipeline Project - An Oil-Soaked History: So how long have they been planning this "War on Terrorism"? Well, with that said now we can see why we needed so desperately to get the Taliban out of control and our guy in control: see Profile of Hamid Karzai... weren't we angry because women were wearing Burkas? includes several links to relevant info
Unocol, Bridas wooing Taliban for $4.5bn Pak gas pipeline not mentioned that former unocal exec now runs afghan coalition government and another sits in bush admin
Enron is not Bush's Whitewater; it's worse: What it is about, and what the public will get to hear and read about in wrenching detail over the coming months, is how business gets done down in Texas. How a small group of business leaders exert enormous clout over Bush and his team in getting the rules changed to their benefit. It will explain why Bush has locked up presidential records, locked out any voices opposed to his pro-business agenda and rammed through an expensive economic plan that wiped out the budget surplus but to date hasn't had any positive effect on the economy. It will explain what influence Enron Chief Executive Ken Lay and his advisers had with Cheney and his energy task force when they met six times last year while the vice president was putting together the administration's energy policy. And it will explain why Bush is now thinking about acting on a proposal from that very task force that seeks to roll back a key provision of the Clean Air Act that helps keep factory pollution down by requiring new controls when old plants are upgraded. and why bushoilcia is being sued for refusing to release documents of said meetings, and why i'm going to be bathing in acid rain in new york the rest of my life
Ask the Expert: Invest early and often: In fact, even after rebounding from its lows last September, the stock market was still a good 25 percent or so below its peak in early 2000. But since you won't need that college fund money for many years, you can afford to overlook these periodic setbacks, however painful they may be when they occur. And the reason you can do that is because over very long periods stocks clearly have offered far higher returns than alternatives such as bonds and Treasury bills. In fact, if you exclude periods including the Crash of 1929, there has never been a 20-year span during which stocks have not outperformed bonds and Treasury bills -- and often stocks have posted an edge of five percentage points or more each year over the 20 years. So I don't think there's any doubt that you should have most of your child's college fund in stocks or stock funds. that's it, the sum total of their wisdom. ask them how they simply "exclude periods" like the crash of 29 from their calculations. ask them if their "very long periods" include the fall of the roman empire, of sumeria, akkadia, assyria, persia, ask them if feudalism ever recovered from its replacement by capitalism. ask them if the recession- recovery-recession cycles of the past fifty years cant be part of a bigger cycle depression-recovery-recession-recovery-depression which is part of a bigger cycle of the rise and fall of entire economic systems and political empires as marx would have it. and most of all ask them again why you were not better off during the fifties to seventies when significant taxation of capital gains supported a free public university system and extensive financial aid grants for private higher education
Wednesday, January 09, 2002
Oil prices slide global warming themselves out of business
White House ends efficient vehicle plan: After nearly $1.5 billion in subsidies, the Bush administration is ending an eight-year program to help automakers develop high-mileage, family size cars. Instead, it wants to spur the growth of hydrogen fuel cells to power the next generation of motor vehicles. expect cbsnbcfoxwb to show you a prototype every six months as the effects of climate change grow more extreme. dont expect to see any fuel cells on the road.
Monday, January 07, 2002
The Day Ashcroft Censored Freedom Of Information: Consider, for example, just a few of the recent revelations -- obtained through FOIA requests -- that newspapers and nonprofit watchdog groups have been able to publicize during the last few months: -- The Washington-based Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization, has been able to publish lists of recipients who have received billions of dollars in federal farm subsidies. Their Web site, www.ewg.org, has not only embarrassed the agricultural industry, but also allowed the public to realize that federal money -- intended to support small family farmers -- has mostly enhanced the profits of large agricultural corporations. -- The Charlotte Observer has been able to reveal how the Duke Power Co., an electric utility, cooked its books so that it avoided exceeding its profit limits. This creative accounting scheme prevented the utility from giving lower rates to 2 million customers in North Carolina and South Carolina. -- USA Today was able to uncover and publicize a widespread pattern of misconduct among the National Guard's upper echelon that has continued for more than a decade. Among the abuses documented in public records are the inflation of troop strength, the misuse of taxpayer money, incidents of sexual harassment and the theft of life-insurance payments intended for the widows and children of Guardsmen. -- The National Security Archive, a private Washington-based research group, has been able to obtain records that document an unpublicized event in our history. It turns out that in 1975, President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger gave Indonesian strongman Suharto the green light to invade East Timor, an incursion that left 200,000 people dead. -- By examining tens of thousands of public records, the Associated Press has been able to substantiate the long-held African American allegation that white people -- through threats of violence, even murder -- cheated them out of their land. In many cases, government officials simply approved the transfer of property deeds. Valued at tens of million of dollars, some 24,000 acres of farm and timber lands, once the property of 406 black families, are now owned by whites or corporations. Ashcroft instead asked them to consider whether "institutional, commercial and personal privacy interests could be implicated by disclosure of the information." Even more disturbing, he wrote: "When you carefully consider FOIA requests and decide to withhold records, in whole or in part, you can be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions unless they lack a sound legal basis or present an unwarranted risk of adverse impact on the ability of other agencies to protect other important records." Somehow, this memo never surfaced. When coupled with President Bush's Nov. 1 executive order that allows him to seal all presidential records since 1980, the effect is positively chilling. in fact, it is increasingly necessary to go to overseas press to learn about us political policy decisions. in looking over the sample of freedom of info act revelations, which justifies bushoilcias contention of violation of "institutional, commercial or personal" privacy interests? i think their primary concern is the east timor genocide revelation (which they denied over accusations for years) as theyre planning more genocides
Retreat on Military Tribunals: Under Bush's initial order, non-U.S. citizens charged with terrorism could have been convicted — and sentenced to death— by a two-thirds vote of military tribunals. Evidentiary standards were looser too — the "beyond a reasonable doubt" test for conviction was reduced to evidence that has "probative value to a reasonable person." And there was no provision for appealing a sentence. Leaked portions of the draft regulations are more in keeping with federal court standards. Terrorist defendants would be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, a unanimous verdict would be needed to impose the death penalty and a three-judge panel, possibly including retired civilian judges, would hear appeals of all convictions. more likely the original plan was designed to hide bushoilcia complicity with bin laden and withdrawal came after the incriminating suspects were confirmed dead
American Wife of Convicted Terror Conspirator Says Husband Incapable of Murder; Osama bin Laden 'Was a Great Boss ... Not the Monster People Make Him Out to be' Thinks Sept. 11 Attacks Were Plotted by CIA or Israelis moslems would like to believe it was israel, but this one at least suggests the cia. if it was the cia, bushoilcia secret tribunals are just a way of railroading patsies out of the light of public scrutiny
Sunday, January 06, 2002
President George W. Bush, in his new budget proposal, wants a huge increase (about $30 billion) in defense spending, on top of the $32 billion he asked for (and got) last year, Newsweek reports in the current issue. Together, that's a 20 percent hike in two years
-- "the most significant rebuilding of the military since the early '80s" read since reagan when the bushoilcia first rose to absolute power following their post vietnam secret cold war. in case your keeping track, each 30 billion represents 100 dollars a year for each member of your family
-- "the most significant rebuilding of the military since the early '80s" read since reagan when the bushoilcia first rose to absolute power following their post vietnam secret cold war. in case your keeping track, each 30 billion represents 100 dollars a year for each member of your family
Conserving Nothing: conservatives knowingly ignore the linkage between war and runaway government growth. If they understand the connection and still call for war – any war – at the drop of a hat, just how much are their ritualistic protestations against a few of the details of big government worth? Not much, it would seem. If they don't understand the connection, how much faith can one have in their leadership qualities and overall acumen? Again, not much. some of the main absurdities of american "conservatism," but no mention of absurdity a) conservatives with their systematic dismantling of all environmental protections are the protectors of the unborn b) conservatives like bush close friend of kenneth lay and repeat sec offender in his corporate career and cheney with his halliburton asbestos (and far more sinister little known) practices restore "integrity" to a white house besmirched by al gore's lies about inventing the internet
Iraq Eying Iran for Help Against U.S.: Iran could not stop the U.S. from attacking Iraq. But it could force Washington to commit to a more politically and economically expensive military campaign than it might desire. This would sufficiently raise the stakes to make the United States think twice about attacking Iraq. [paid subscription to read article] the assumption here is the usual, that bushoilcia does not desire an expensive campaign. in fact, that is exactly what theyre after. they know that embezzling 2 trillion dollars of public money for their rich patrons will not reverse the downward and mutually perpetuating spiral of industrial production and employment. as with FDR (see below for bushs role model) only large scale "expensive" war that kills off huge portions of the working class while pumping up industrial production can accomplish this. the question for me for the past few months (see below) was, now that theyve established beachheads to the north (turkey) south (somalia/kuwait) east (afghanistan) and west (israel) of baghdad where 400,000 troops "scared" into intense loyalty to saddam are waiting, what becomes of iran sitting between kabul and baghdad. heres my answer. they will be thrown into bed with saddam for the duration. expect the end of fundamentalist political power in both these states as the bushoilcia leads transnational capitalist forces into imperialist hostile takeover of global oil/gas resources
In January 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered his first wartime State of the Union address. Three weeks from now, George W. Bush will do the same. His speechwriters have been looking at Roosevelt's words for inspiration, but the surprise is that, in many ways, F.D.R. may have had the easier task. Where Roosevelt was worried that Americans feared the war would never end, Bush frets that Americans think the war on terror has already ended. Where Roosevelt called for a national mobilization against mighty villains, Bush must rally the nation against invisible enemies. And while F.D.R. focused solely on the long war ahead, Bush must leverage his newfound stature into domestic achievement. and while FDR the repaired the great depression with wwii against fasckism and socialist new deal and marshall plan measures, bushoilcia is attacking this depression with diametrically opposite wwiii against the poor and reagonomic giveaways and bailouts to the rich and the corporations. that worked, this wont
Indonesia:President's Overtures to Army Reveal Desperation Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri told her nation's military (TNI) Dec. 29 not to worry about violating human rights while carrying out itsduties.The international community has long criticized the military's human rights record, especially with regard to separatists in East Timor and Aceh. However, this has not prompted influential allies such as Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States to cut off military contacts. This is because these powers recognize that the TNI alone holds the volatile archipelago -- with its large gas and oil supplies -- together. While governments will condemn certain human rights violations, they will turn a blind eye to most as long as the TNI ensures stability and security for foreign investors. [paid subscription required to read whole article] how to get on the right side of wwiii: protect human rights or protect oil and gas supply lines?
The board of Ford Motor Company will this week approve a wide-ranging US restructuring expected to involve up to 20,000 job losses, the closure of plants and aggressive capacity cutbacks. didnt anyone tell them that the inevitable market rebound is only six months away?
Indian soldiers shot down an unmanned Pakistani spy plane that intruded into Indian air space in disputed Kashmir on Sunday, military officials said. Pakistani officials denied this. india shoots down own plane to scuttle peace talks
Cops: Teen Pilot Supported bin Laden when i first heard it i said "florida again" it must be more bushoilcia antics (anyone remember the first anthrax victim?). but it seems just living there through the election fraud and fake anthrax attacks is enough to make some youth sympathize with the enemy
Israel To Ask For Iran To Be Branded 'Terror State' see below for my speculation about on which side of wwiii iran would fall
Small, stolen plane slams into Tampa skyscraper what the wtc would look like if al qaeda had done it
Huge Decline Seen in Budget Over Next Decade: They provide a clear sense of the scale of the reversal in the nation's fiscal fortunes in the wake of the economic downturn, the Sept. 11 attacks and the $1.35 trillion tax cut President Bush pushed through last year over opposition from most Democrats. With the money drying up and Democrats and Republicans facing painful choices between cutting the budget and abandoning any pretense of fiscal responsibility, the political and economic considerations are complex. President Bush accused Democrats today of seeking to raise taxes, vowing at a town-hall style meeting in Ontario, Calif., that it would happen "over my dead body." actually the moron said "not over my dead body." he cant even get cliches right when theyre on a teleprompter. of course this bit of wit got rousing applause from the morons who would be the beneficiaries of higher capital gains and corporate taxes. no taxes for kenneth lay! no taxes for citibank! no taxes for general motors! take my social security to pay your salary raise!
However, the very fact that US spy satellites and planes picked up the trail of the Palestinian weapons ship as it sailed from Iran and passed the word on to Israel in time for its interception is tantamount to an important administration step towards tightening the noose around Arafat. American and other Western forces continue to pour into Washington's next theatre, the Middle East and Horn of Africa. the US sent a second wave of fighter planes and bomber squadrons winging to air bases in Kuwait and the Sinai Peninsula, along with their air crews, air force intelligence personnel and technicians, altogether around 10,000 men, who were quietly called up in early December. This second wave follows the transfer of the Third Army command from its headquarters in McPherson, Georgia, to Kuwait. a corresponding military buildup is going ahead opposite the Horn of Africa. two chapters in wwiii preparation. as india/pakistan peace talks break down, iran fingered as enemy and troops moved to gulf and somalia. so eastern and southern fronts against baghdad established along with israeli western and turkish northern front
Saturday, January 05, 2002
Deadly harbour invader puzzling marine scientists mother nature becomes a terrorist
Thursday, January 03, 2002
United Flight 93 Crash Theory Home Page this is as close to busting the bushoilcia as ever in history since the jfk assassination first rose them to power. time to start inuendoing that israel led them astray
Tech Investor: Predictions for 2002 this moron capitalist (after admitting his predictions of 8 percent rise in the nasdaq 2001 was a little off the mark) actually almost includes war in his poll on the future: 6. (of nine questions) The biggest trouble spot around the globe will be: a) Argentina. (Will things actually ever get better there?) b) San Jose, Calif. (Unemployed tech workers of the world unite.) c) Japan. (It will lose its place as the world's No. 2 economy.) d) Iraq. (They have caves there too, right?)
Letter to Daschle Causes Alarm religious right morons finally take their cue from bushoilcia
Israeli Army Withdraws From Palestinian Cities heres a perfect example of how appearances are deceiving regarding the actual process thats unfolding. zinnis visit accompanied by noisy israeli withdrawal is described as an attempt to restart peace talks, but the fact that it coincides with the largest post wwii mobilization of german troops to somalia indicates that what zinni is actually doing is coordinating the next phase of wwiii with the israelis.
Two German warships with 1,600 troops aboard arrive in Djibouti next Wednesday to take part in operations against suspected terrorists in Somalia. Sources said the contingent, the biggest movement of German troops outside its borders since the Second World war, joins a allied forces that dismantled the al Qaeda network in Afghanistan forced out the Taliban regime. Sources in Nairobi said the Germans would take part in the second round of the war on terrorism which analysts predict will target Somalia and possibly neighbouring Sudan. two points: (1) demilitarization of wwii axis powers killed by new looming great depression. (2) establishment of transnational capitalist friendly government in somalia/sudan only a precurser to establishment of beachhead against baghdad
Many think now is a great time to buy stocks, and quite a few are ready to put their money where their mouths are the power of capitalist propaganda. as usual no mention whatsoever of looming world war. my position: wwiii or depression
FBI Implicated In Anthrax Mailings Cover-Up: The day before Christmas, an Op Ed piece in the Wall Street Journal additionally implicated BMI, and potentially the FBI, along with rogue elements within the CIA, in an international conspiracy to commit and cover-up the anthrax mailings crime. whodunit? enquiring minds want to know, but not americans. isnt the continual appearance of florida in all the fake terrorist events enough to identify the "rogue elements within the CIA" as the bushes? way down in my archives about a week after the anthrax started showing up i offered my theory that the first dead guy was the mailer and he was given the stuff by jeb bush operatives. isnt it clear that the press is not covering the story as it deserves? dont these facts along with motive and opportunity strongly implicate the bushoilcia? doesnt this have implications for their culpability in the wtc?
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
McManus has set a target of 1,200 for the S&P 500, a rise of about 4 percent from Monday's closing price of 1,148. Why so stingy? Because he thinks stocks and bonds are pricing in a very robust recovery for which he has yet to see evidence. someone called bloombergs money show yesterday to ask the pundit of the moment what he thought would become lucent stock that her family's savings was sunk into. they probably bought it on the discourse of bloomberg pundits and held it on the advice of more bloomberg pundits and now she goes back to the bloomberg pundits to find out if all that money is gone forever. already the fifty bloomberg pundits a week that predict a "recovery in the second half of 2002" are being punctuated by one or two that say "maybe the end of 2002." bloomberg pundits have no accountability. if you hire someone for financial advice and they prove wrong, you cant get your money back, but you can fire him. bloomberg pundits can happy talk the markets all day, convincing hard working people to sink their money in losing stocks, and walk away with a "that's too bad" and a big paycheck
Missing Pieces To The Amazing 911 Mystery Puzzle truth about the bushoilcia wtc fake or how to rescue crashing global capitalism by instigating wwiii
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
The Geneva Convention and the US massacre of POWs in Afghanistan: The US, Britain and Northern Alliance justified their slaughter of the prisoners, most of whom were killed in two days of American air strikes, on the grounds that the Taliban captives had staged an uprising. But news footage of American and Northern Alliance troops firing down on the POWs from the heights of the fortress walls, and fields littered with the corpses of dead and mutilated prisoners, provided clear evidence of a massacre. Even as the extermination of pockets of survivors continued, demands were being raised by human rights organizations for an investigation into violations of the Geneva Convention and other international laws of war. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch called for an inquiry into the events at the Qala-i-Janghi fortress The United States and Britain have rejected all such appeals. so far no statements from bushoilcia concerning geneva convention as an outdated relic of the wwii era or "fatally flawed." oh well, if you cant just withdraw from treaties limiting your power you can still keep your violations of them out of the monopoly press
WHAT ARE THEY HIDING ABOUT FLIGHT 93? accuracy in media agree with me that refusal to release transcripts is not out of concern for the families' feelings (see my comments below)