Monday, December 31, 2001
President George W. Bush said he'll use presidential authority to sidestep a rule requiring his administration to provide Congress with written notice of U.S. intelligence activities. Requiring written notice of planned U.S. intelligence activities may ``impair foreign relations'' and national security, Bush said in a statement. other countries and our own citizens might be upset if they found out the bushoilcia faked the wtc and the anthrax to get their war going. you know, the reason the founding fathers put checks and balances into the constitution was not that they didnt trust themselves. they thought that history demonstrates that tyrants inevitably get into positions of power so they protected their new political system from future threats by checking their own power. even if you think bushbushbushcheneyashcroftrumsfeldcarlyeweinbergerbakercarlucci is the most trustworthy wise and virtuous president america ever had as recent corporate monopoly media polls indicate you do, what about the precedent their setting for future political leaders? shouldnt we be as circumspect about the future as the founding fathers? precedents are enormously powerful in political and legislative matters. once accepted they become an authority used to decide future similar cases.
If There Is War, India Will Win Says US Think Tank: India enjoys a strong numerical advantage over Pakistan in both conventional and nuclear weapons, giving it an edge in its current confrontation with its perennial foe, according to data released by a leading US think tank. the military phase of wwiii begins in earnest with india who represents the transnational capitalist side of the war against essentially communistic fundamentalist islamicists. this is not a strictly marxist dialectical process as india is not strictly capitalistic and fundamentalists are not strictly communistic. the latter represent rather a product of the globalized capitalism that must either increase its influence as captitalist accumulation of wealth accelerates globally or be hobbled by military aggression raising power elites more amenable to or at least manageable by transnational capitalist power elites. next chapter: america goes to somalia
Violence Racks Kashmir; Several Dead heavy morter fire; bluffing?
Argentina Adrift In Chaos After New President Quits oh look, tower one is burning
The Jerusalem Post Newspaper : A senior PA security official reportedly recently tried to convince Fatah military wing Tanzim operatives in Nablus to give themselves up and enter PA jails in order to bluff US and European observers, Israel Radio said. The PA official reportedly offered $3,000 to anyone willing to spend a month in PA detention in lieu of Hamas of Islamic Jihad terrorists. of course only the moslems would employ deception. fortunately they can only come up with 3 grand
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Bush's war at home: a creeping coup d'état: In the period since the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the United States has undergone a radical transformation in the structure of the government, in the relationship between the people and the police and armed forces, and in the legal and constitutional framework. beware the new right wing myth campaign to cast this as an israeli coup on america (replacing the old myth about janet reno and the clintons riding black ops helicopters at the vanguard of an invading chinese army that brainwashed tim mcvey into blowing up a bunch of working class people in a federal building). remember besides the unlimited police powers sought by the bushoilcia the trillions of dollars of tax revenues theyve already carted out of washington to their corporate sponsors before deciding whos running this coup
South Asia's high nuclear stakes: unlike Russia and the United States, they are not bound by any treaty obliging them to reveal the extent of their arsenals. And perhaps most worryingly, no-one knows how many warheads each country has. In military terms, India remains massively stronger than Pakistan. Little wonder then that the government in Islamabad has developed a small nuclear deterrent force to defend itself against its more powerful neighbour. the bbc who have endorsed the brits participation in the regular bombing of iraq anti aircraft installations, the clearest sign that an invasion of iraq was in the offing months before the terrorist attacks finds pakistans nuke buildup little wonder but joins the us in calling iraqs buildup "aggression"
US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11: reports include the prediction, made in July, that “if the military action went ahead, it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.” The Bush administration began its bombing strikes on the hapless, poverty-stricken country October 7, and ground attacks by US Special Forces began October 19. It is not an accident that these revelations have appeared overseas, rather than in the US. The ruling classes in these countries have their own economic and political interests to look after, which do not coincide, and in some cases directly clash, with the drive by the American ruling elite to seize control of oil-rich territory in Central Asia. The American media has conducted a systematic cover-up of the real economic and strategic interests that underlie the war against Afghanistan, in order to sustain the pretense that the war emerged overnight, full-blown, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. more proof that the terrorist attacks were just too convenient falling at precisely the right moment to provide an invasion kick off before the winter. the us media coverup is frightening in its absolute consistency as it destroys any illusion of some free press surviving under capitalist hegemony, and the availability of the info over the internet is frightening as it makes the free info internet a likely target of future capitalist aggression
US launches air strikes on Baghdad: The strike by 24 aircraft, eight of them RAF Tornados based in Kuwait, was made in response to a build-up of activity by Saddam Hussein's anti-aircraft missile systems. Although the White House and the Pentagon denied that there had been a change of policy from the Clinton administration, the attack was seen in Washington as a significant increase of pressure on Saddam. It was the biggest strike into Iraq for two years and the first time since then that Baghdad had been hit. President Bush and his advisers have made it clear that he will take a tougher line with Iraq this article goes back to february, bushoilcias second month in office when it became clear to me that an iraq invasion was in the offing. recent attempts to tie iraq to sept terrorist attacks failed, but theres no doubt that the war momentum created in its aftermath are being exploited to mobilize an invasion that was planned months earlier perhaps during the campaign. the inevitable crash of the global markets that was evident to any truly historic perspective on capitalism made the war necessary. the fake terrorism perpetrated and or abetted by us, israel and now india are just the public relations
Saddam's poison gas kills 20 of his men its not surprising that a non nuclear power that sees an invasion by the worlds military superpower impending should maximize its defensive capabilities. nor is it surprising that that maximization should be spun as "aggression" by the superpower trying to justify the invasion
India and Pakistan on threshold of war: Reading from a script patterned on that followed by the Bush administration after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, India is demanding that Pakistan outlaw the two organizations it has accused—Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e- Mohammad—and arrest their leaders. It also is demanding Pakistan shutdown the training camps that anti-Indian Kashmiri guerrilla groups maintain in “Azad” or Pakistani-held Kashmir and suppress all organizations involved in “anti-Indian terrorism,” by which it means any group involved in the decade-long insurgency in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. its now time for my regular reminder that ive been predicting wwiii since the economys downturn began in earnest which i stated over a year ago before the capitalists admitted there was a recession and before any terrorists provided an excuse for war. israels aggression against palestine and now indias against pakistan follow the same bs response to terrorism discourse that the us used against first afghanistan and next iraq. this is the only way the modern capitalist state can justify the same old imperialism and its real cause is the depression cycle built into the capitalist markets that marx identified as the inevitable precursor to war
Bush handed three attack plans for Saddam: Last month, the State Department flew at least a dozen exiled Iraqi officers to Washington to discuss Iraq's future after Saddam - a sign that Gen Powell may now favour the CIA option. good imperialist bad imperialist charade pitting powell against wolfowitz in the press almost over
Saturday, December 29, 2001
As US bombs more civilian targets, Bush insists Afghan war must go on: General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed: “We did strike one target with both heavy bombers and tactical aircraft, using both precision and non- precision weapons.” However, numerous independent press reports indicate it was impoverished Afghan civilians who died in the air strike. Witnesses from Naka village, one of those hit, said that the attack took place while residents slept. A source in the Waziristan tribal agency on the border with Paktika province said that 40 people were killed, up to 60 were wounded and 25 houses were destroyed in the raid. AIP put the death toll at 25, and quoted witnesses as saying the bombing was so severe it was difficult to identify some of the dead. General Myers commented on the Ghazni raids: “We think the majority of folks in there would have been Taliban leadership.” well so long as you think most of them were talis go ahead and slaughter all the civilians you like. whats this war about again? evil terrorists who target civilians intentionally? infinite justice? they cant stop bombing because theyre not ready to move on iraq yet and they cant let momentum die. better to let women and children die.
New data showed a sharp rebound in consumer confidence, strong gains in home sales and only a slight reversal of recent improvements on the manufacturing and employment fronts. despite widespread expectations for a resumption of economic growth in 2002, the timing, breadth and strength of that expected recovery remain in serious doubt. Corporate profits continue to fall, putting pressure on production, investment and employment. And risks remain - among them, the threat posed to the US economy of rising unemployment, possible future terrorist attacks and growing weakness in major overseas markets, including Japan and Germany. housing sales are due to fear that the current low mortgage rates wont last and consumer confidence is due to the absence of the last piece of info, included in the british financial times at the last paragraph, from almost all monopoly media coverage of the economy. the monopoly media believe that if they keep repeating the refrain "recovery in the middle of 2002" they can jumpstart investor confidence. one pundit on bloomberg today acknowledged that the global synchronization of this recession makes it maybe different from the earlier ones that everyone now uses as a model for how long recessions last, but his solution was more downsizing and a congressional "stimulus" package. but more downsizing will only accelerate the crash as there will be fewer people able to clear out burgeoning manufacturing inventories and bushoilcia style "stimulus" has been shown by the recent nobelist in economics to only accelerate the crash by shifting more resources away from the working class who would spend it into the hands of capitalists who will not invest it in money losing propositions
India started the deployment of troops and a certain momentum was established by these concentration of troops. The Indian government has put itself in a corner and it will be difficult for them to back off now. Any deployment in excess of what is required at the border is seen as a threat by the other country. They now claim to have deployed surface- to-surface missiles and each step that they take increases the threat. the principle of momentum in war is also important to understanding the prospects for major us war next year. all the war plans of the us military are riding on not allowing the current momentum as weak as it is to die out. if they dont invade iraq now they have to wait for another terrorist attack or instigate some incident
Mr Bush said: "He's on the run, if he's running at all . . . I mean, this is a guy who three months ago was in control of a country. Now he's maybe in control of a cave." He said he had decided US citizens should be excluded from proposed military tribunals - a clear reference to John Walker Lindh he's on the run if he's running and he used to be in control of what country? afghanistan? bush gets into trouble when he tries to fly solo without the teleprompters. he was getting good at seeming like he knew what he was saying, pausing at every comma regardless of the sentence, but he's not quite up to reagan in being able to ad lib. and since the secret tribunals are designed to hide anything that comes out about cia complicity with al qaeda, they dont need it for walker
South Asia war could be biggest since WWII: even if it does not go nuclear, would be one of the largest conflicts in human history. iq test: do wars have any historical connection with economic downturns?
Mr Bush said he was "deeply concerned about the citizens of Houston who worked for Enron, who lost life savings". Senior management at the stricken energy trader and the Republican party are known to have close relationships. Mr Bush said he had had no contact with Kenneth Lay, Enron chief executive, or other Enron officials, over the past six weeks. here we go. roll out the microphone tables and tv cameras and get ready for a lot of republicans waving their fingers at their own pimp. like mitsubishi and ford firestone, theyll be big talk of jail sentences for a few weeks and then the matter will be quietly dropped as depression and world war take our attention
Two senators offer post-Enron 401(k) bill: Lay has declined invitations to appear before two of four congressional committees probing Enron's stunning collapse. Lay declined to appear before the commerce committee on Tuesday and before the House Financial Services Committee last week. kenneth lay and pinochet are too sick to come to court today
Fresh Money Protests in Argentina: demonstrators vandalized a bank and a McDonald's restaurant.
The violence began on the fringes of what was for hours a largely peaceful, but raucous pot-banging protest by middle- class Argentines fed up with government attempts to end a deep economic crisis. the main reason the "recovery in july 2002" refrain is bs. argentina is no third world country and its not just the poor who are paying the bill for free market stupidity there. the success of the free marketeers at globalization means they cant just sit and watch argentina fall. argentina will drag down the rest of south and central america. turkey is in worse shape (see below). japan is also crashing and its devaluation of currency will spread throughout the rest of asia (see below). the idea that americans will suddenly get more confident and start spending their money wildly bringing economic recovery to the entire world is absurd. moreover the crash of the world markets is as in argentina the result of conditions aggravating for the past four years, since the last major recession. the idea that recessions simply end and recover is bs. the necessary bailouts result in conditions that ensure the next recession. these conditions remain and build up over each succeeding recession until they combine into a larger depression cycle.
The violence began on the fringes of what was for hours a largely peaceful, but raucous pot-banging protest by middle- class Argentines fed up with government attempts to end a deep economic crisis. the main reason the "recovery in july 2002" refrain is bs. argentina is no third world country and its not just the poor who are paying the bill for free market stupidity there. the success of the free marketeers at globalization means they cant just sit and watch argentina fall. argentina will drag down the rest of south and central america. turkey is in worse shape (see below). japan is also crashing and its devaluation of currency will spread throughout the rest of asia (see below). the idea that americans will suddenly get more confident and start spending their money wildly bringing economic recovery to the entire world is absurd. moreover the crash of the world markets is as in argentina the result of conditions aggravating for the past four years, since the last major recession. the idea that recessions simply end and recover is bs. the necessary bailouts result in conditions that ensure the next recession. these conditions remain and build up over each succeeding recession until they combine into a larger depression cycle.
Betting on a rebound: Friday's slew of reports showed that jobless claims rose at a lower level than expected, new home purchases are on the rise and that consumer confidence is up. Plus, history is on the economy's side: recessions typically last about 16 months, according to Anirvan Banerji, director of research for the Economic Cycle Research Institute. Since the recession officially began in March, the upturn should be in full swing by July 2002. the discourse of "rebound in second half of 2002" is the most impressive disinformation campaign ive ever witnessed. its repeated fifteen times a day on bloomberg radio by fifteen different pundits. they dont generally support it as cnn attempt to do here; they simply state it as an a priori assumption, and it seems so unanimous that it gives the impression of a fact like the sun coming up in the morning and spring following winter. here the whole basis for this a priori is identified and its ridiculous. the main flaw is the absence of any reference to war despite bushs continual refrain that 2002 is war year (when we send your kids to die in iraq). whether or when the economy goes into an upturn depends on whether and how big this war becomes. moreover the reference to a slowing unemployment rate is specious as the statistics only have to do with applications for unemployment insurance and many things can result in a one month slow down especially the fact that the three million layoffs leading up to this month is a world record and would be hard to maintain even in a depression. the other piece of proof offered, history, is also specious, as it depends on what chunk of history you refer to. if you only look at the last two decades it seems that all recessions simply ended after about a year and became booms, but in fact each process of recovery required extreme bailouts of banks and industry whose costs carried over and helped precepitate the next recession. if you extend your view of history to the century or beyond, you see that all economic downturns do not end with automatic rebounds. the great depression required wwii, the new deal, and the marshall plan to put the global markets back into boom mode and the current rate of layoffs surpasses that leading up to the crash of 29. in any case, timing it for july is without basis and only amounts to professional capitalists parroting conventional wisdom as though theyve done some calculation.
Iraq Says US-Led Sanctions Have Killed Over 1.6 Million Human Beings ok maybe not "infinite" justice
Friday, December 28, 2001
Japan's jobless rate hits record better rewrite that constitution so you can take part in wwiii
Heavy Snow Continues to Pelt Buffalo maybe its the sunspots
Thursday, December 27, 2001
Saddam Says Afghan War Will End In Disaster: "America is leading a military campaign, under the cover of fighting terrorism, against freedom-fighting movements and nations which reject the principle of hegemony," he said, echoing his regular accusation that the United States is trying to impose its own domination on the world. "What is happening in Afghanistan will lead the world to catastrophe" the crash of the global capitalist markets has lead the world to catastrophe. wwiii will ensure the capitalists dont pay the bill
Bush dominates most-admired poll he crashed the economy and began wwiii. what would a bad president look like? oh yeah: blowjobs in the oval office
The 25.2 inches of snow on Christmas was Buffalo's third heaviest 24-hour snowfall on record. The second largest amount was 25.3 inches in 1982, while the heaviest was 37.9 in 1998. doesnt mother nature know theres a war against evil doers on?
after engagements in the Balkans, Haiti and Mogadishu, and now in Afghanistan, military planners say future
conflicts will require U.S. forces to work in urban areas. That's one of the big drivers behind the Army's push to create new medium-weight combat brigades, the first of which - the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division - is under construction at Fort Lewis. urban read baghdad. casualties read unemployment rate
conflicts will require U.S. forces to work in urban areas. That's one of the big drivers behind the Army's push to create new medium-weight combat brigades, the first of which - the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division - is under construction at Fort Lewis. urban read baghdad. casualties read unemployment rate
Labels Singing the Blues Over Expensive Failures here they try to blame napster instead of recognizing that capitalist monopoly has killed all creativity in music
Hamid Karzaï, un Pachtoune nommé président: Hamid Karzai, who is as comfortable discussing sitting on a carpet as in a Washinton or London "salon", has a profound knowledge of the western world. After Kaboul and India, where he has studied law, he completed his apprenticeship in the USA, where he acted, for a while, as a consultant for the American oil company Unocal, at the time it was considering building a pipeline in Afghanistan. while another unocal (described as the bottom feeder of the oil industry, doing business where even exxon wont) executive takes over as head of united airlines
Most U.S. Layoffs in Years: Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, U.S. companies have announced 624,411 job cuts, more than the 12-month totals for every year from 1993-1997. Through the end of November companies had announced close to 1.8 million job cuts in 2001, nearly three times more than were announced in 2000 and the largest number since Challenger began tabulating such figures in 1993. "This year the downsizing just dwarfs anything we've seen before that." The worst year prior to 2001 was 1998, when 677,795 job cuts were announced. even though over a million of these jobs were cut before 911, they still try to blame the terrorists by leading with the 'since 911' bs.
Japan Intercepted Radio Messages From Mystery Ship And N. Korea: North Korea has not officially commented on the case, but it did step up its propaganda onslaught against the United States amid renewed tensions in the wake of the sinking. "The United States has put South Korea under high security alert under the pretext of fighting terrorism, which led to the current deadlock in inter-Korean relations" the koreans seem to think that japans rolling its navy out of mothballs after its markets crash has something to do with americas war against evil
THE CHILD SCRAMBLER What a mobile can do to a youngster's brain in 2 mins: Scientists have discovered that a call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain for up to an hour afterwards. ok so its a tabloid, but the monopoly corporate media is so sold out, it wont touch this issue
Monday, December 24, 2001
Air Defenses Stood Down On 911 AFTER ATC Alerts Given for instance regarding next item, mossad could not have issued stand down order without sharing info with bushoilcia. i dont believe it was only an order not to prevent the attack by alien powers. the bushoilcia arranged for the entire event including the anthrax mailing and simply used mossad to accomplish it
The Secret War-Pre-9/11, We Fought A Covert War Against Israel On American Soil the plan here is that, as the investigation of fake terrorism gets closer to the us intelligence community or a faction inside it run by the bushoilcia, they plant the innuendo that israel is the culprit. foxnews, the right wing corporate information ministry feeds the flames just as the idea that janet reno and the clintons were about to launch an invasion of america using chinese troops (the real reason for gun control laws) which then get fanned by hundreds of rush limbaugh juniors across rural right wing bigot america. i have no doubt that israeli mossad was complicit in the whole fake operation, but the fox investigation adds the key point at the end of the innuendo: As Cameron so diplomatically put it in the first segment of his four-part investigation: "There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it." he has no reason outside of our own government or powerful factions within it can not be guilty to assume that the info was not shared.
Ask the Expert: Deflation protectionHey, economists talk about a lot of things. But that doesn't mean we should take them seriously. After all, these are economists, the guys who didn't figure out until earlier this month that the economy has been in recession since March. All in all, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a sustained period of deflation -- that is, price declines -- in the U.S. In fact, the only time we experienced deflation for any length of time was during the 1930's, a decade during which prices declined almost 20 percent. And it took the Great Depression to trigger that spate of declining prices. Unless you think we're going to experience something along those lines again, arranging your portfolio to take advantage of declining prices would seem, well, counterproductive to say the least. But, as I said, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a reprise of the 1930s. as hes not an "ecomomist" i was looking for exactly what makes him an "expert." did he see, as i did last christmas, what the economists didnt, that we were in recession? he declines to say. he does however parrot the "once the economy begins to recover" refrain. this a priori assumption univocal in all mass media discourse concerning the economy is based on historical precedents. it is a blatant self contradiction to then assert that a reprise of the 1930s is an unrealistic expectation as it would depend only on which historical precedent is applicable to current conditions, an analysis that is never heard
Argentina's middle classes face ruin: 'I put up my house against a $20,000 loan to set up a market stall, thinking there was still hope for Argentina. But I have no hope in this new government. They are no better than the last. The country is going down the tubes and I am going to lose everything,' said 41-year-old Ricardo Martinez in Buenos Aires yesterday. 'The only thing left to do is renew my Spanish passport and get out.' Viviana Villamil, who works at Morgan Stanley in Buenos Aires, has just built a new home and is three months' pregnant. 'I don't know what to think. All I know is that there are so many people in this country with big debts that they have to find a way to help us.' think that you asked for capitalism and that's what you got. they do have a way to help you: wwiii. just make sure youre on the capitalist side. is the american middle class next?
OPEC cut expected - Dec. 24, 2001 see below for my assessment that cuts would wait until after christmas so that gas pump prices start rising when credit card bills start coming in. lower pump prices were meant to stimulate excess christmas spending added to rising gas prices=economic stimulus
Japan sinks 'North Korea spying ship': their first ship since the Second World War and were off. wwiii begins christmas eve
Pakistan last night said it had attacked Indian army bunkers after a civilian was killed and at least 12 others injured by heavy shelling across the Kashmir border. and were off. wwiii begins christmas eve
Sunday, December 23, 2001
Saturday, December 22, 2001
Did NY Command Center Fuel Tank Cause WTC 7 To Collapse? ok, nobody wants to cause more pain to the heros of 911 or make light of giuliani's effectiveness in allaying peoples fears and anxieties, but it does seem that two decisions that directly resulted in the greater part of the massive death toll were his. first, he authorized the establishment of a triage center at the base of the towers where most of the deaths occured. second is this fuel tank in his 13 million dollar command center against fire department advice. after all, who would have guessed the towers would collapse? but perhaps the giuliani panagyric is a little overstated?
Massive Isreali Spy Operaton Discovered In US a new development. as the transparent lies surrounding 911 and anthrax increasingly unravel (eg the following item) a movement is emerging to give currency to the arab muslim tale that mossad did it wholly unbeknownst to the bushoilcia tyranny. foxnews has been the right wings chief information ministry and they are here stoking this suspicion in the american public discourse. its a lie. at best mossad cooperated with a coup that was engineered by the bushies going back to the campaign when the approaching crash of the global markets became evident and the iraq war plans were originally hatched. the idea expressed by some moslems that unlike clinton the bushoilcia would have favored the swarthy arabic speaking and largely anticapitalist moslems over the israelis is just an extension of their tendency to blame the jews for all the evil in the world.
President Cheney's Health Is An Issue Again more of the increasing "is it just me" discourse. its a syndrome produced by the fact that the press continues to report cheney as concealed in a secure location because either there is some identified threat against his life or one against bush in which case he must be kept safe to take over. the fact that hes had four heart attacks when nobody lives past three never stimulates any of the beautiful mosaic of journalistic voices in our mass media to question this increasingly ridiculous tale. if it was a little ridiculous in the weeks following 911, its absurd now. the internet now displays voices from left and right who rant about the obvious lies that everybody but them seems to be buying, but maybe its only the government and the mass media who gives the lies voice and they create the illusion of reporting common knowledge.
New thermobaric bomb a powerful addition to US arsenal in Afghanistan there are children in those caves (see below)
Iraq Says It Is Capable Of Resisting Any US Assault but resistence is what they want. only a war that produces massive casualties on both sides can sufficiently reduce the working class population to reverse spiralling unemployment and only a massive ground war can call up hundred percent industrial production and this is the only way for the global capitalist market to pull out of the approaching and inevitable cyclical depression.
Bin Laden may be dead - U.S. somewhere way back in my archives is a story from japan stating unequivocally that binladen was killed by a follower possibly a cia plant weeks ago
Bush Predicts 'War Year' in 2002 doesnt predict american death toll
national journal: "The attacks on New York and Washington were an Israeli-engineered attempt at a coup against the government of the United States*" more anti semitic attempts to blame the wtc fake terrorism on israel. this emerges from the arab habit of blaming israel for all oppression. they cant seem to accept that the coup was engineered by the bushoilcia for its own interests with the help of israel. it is the bush/ weinberger/ carlucci/ baker carlyle group who were partners to the arabian binladen plutocracy against which al qaeda is really fighting. here clinton is the tool of the zionists, and bush their victim. the florida election fraud was a shock to the israelis so they tried a coup with the wtc. it was in fact the florida fraud that began the coup and the wtc began its second phase (or third after the 2 trillion dollar embezzlement of the government surplus) the launching of the bushoilcia run transnational capitalist imperialist military conquest of the global markets.
Friday, December 21, 2001
Missing Harvard BioMolecular Scientist Found Dead in Mississippi River he might not only have helped bushoilcia spread anthrax, but worked on erasing refugee problems with ebola. intelligence connections to anthrax get too close, they assassinate possible leaks
Thursday, December 20, 2001
U.N. warns against expanding war on terrorism: Secretary- General Kofi Annan on Wednesday warned the United States against expanding it wars on terrorism to Iraq, saying there is no evidence connecting Baghdad to the Sept. 11 attacks. that's ok, we'll trump something up. is it possible the un just realized what the bushoilcia dictatorship is planning?
Military sources report key American military movements in the last two weeks in the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and Middle East that radically shift the strategic focus of the US war on terror westward, bringing Iraq, Lebanon and its Syrian-controlled Beqaa Valley into range. will they just launch wwiii or will they fake a terrorist attack first to get it through congress
Iraq forecasts a dangerous wave of radicalization being touched off in the Arab world by the capture of Taliban and al Qaeda leaders or the elimination of their operational capabilities. This wave could unseat Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Jordans King Abdullah II. With this threat in store, Iraqi military intelligence advises Washington in its own interest to preserve the stability of Saddam Husseins regime and abandon the preparations to depose him. they apparently assume that the bushoilcia warmongers dont want perpetual instability that will justify any degree of military imperialism
Daschle proclaims stimulus package dead: Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate's No. 2 Democratic leader, dismissed the House GOP package as "laughable." Reid said the House vote was staged strictly for political purposes, with Republicans aware it had no chance of clearing the Senate. "I hope the American public understands the charade, and that's what it is" hope springs eternal. in any case a corporate wish list will pass eventually after a tooth and nail battle by the dems that loses by one vote
Argentina Descends Into Chaos - Up To 12 Die In Violence how will americans respond when the capitalists cant keep the balls in the air any longer? thats why ashcroft needs unlimited police powers. it aint just terrorists.
Fired Scientist Not Focus of Anthrax Probe ashcroft looking for a mcvey patsy
The innocent dead in a coward's war: Seven weeks into the bombing campaign, the Los Angeles Times only felt able to hazard the guess that "at least dozens of civilians" had been killed. Now, for the first time, a systematic independent study has been carried out into civilian casualties in Afghanistan by Marc Herold, a US economics professor at the University of New Hampshire. Based on corroborated reports from aid agencies, the UN, eyewitnesses, TV stations, newspapers and news agencies around the world, Herold estimates that at least 3,767 civilians were killed by US bombs between October 7 and December 10. operation infinite justice surpasses civilian death toll of evil doers by 500 and its only just begun
Global warming may be threatening the planet, but for now Western Europe is shivering from a cold snap that has spread snow, plummeting temperatures and power shortages across much of the continent. Overall, December ushered in France's lowest temperatures in almost 40 years. Likewise, icy weather forced Spain's Endesa electricity company to import electricity from Morocco for the first time. In Greece, gale-force winds and stormy skies closed schools and cut off roads to some 500 villagers while i acknowledge that sunspot activity may account for some of the recent climate change, historically cold periods in parts of the world is part of the process of global warming that simply shifts the balances that keep temperatures within stable extremes.
Freedom's Commmander-in-Chief by John McCain: In recognizing the untapped desire of Americans to contribute to their country during war, he is encouraging a citizen army of individuals who can unite all citizens in service to their nation, in both civilian and military capacities, to win this war. In 2001, President Bush was summoned to serve as freedom’s Commander-in-Chief. And he understands, as General MacArthur did fifty years ago, "There is no substitute for victory." mccain and bin laden have a lot in common. both were trumped up in the press over the past few years as foes of the right wing capitalist agenda, but neither from the position of socialist opposition. the spectacular failure of the purported agendas of both served to strenghthen that agenda by several orders of magnitude. and both have extensive historical relationships with the cia. when corporate money replaced popular interests as the determinant principle in american politics, mccain stepped into the limelight as the crusader against the one dollar one vote principle effectively coopting a traditionally left wing oppositional position into the sphere of republican politics and creating the impression that supporting finance reform and being republican were actually compatible. much to everybody in washington's chagrin, finance reform died largely by being overshadowed by the new world after 911 discourse when another cia asset stepped forward.
There is an irresistibly intriguing rumor making the rounds on Capitol Hill today. It is that the Pentagon and the CIA could have nailed Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora last week, but let him escape instead. wash dc gets a clue? heres a better one: osama was assassinated by one of his own men (or a cia plant) for the reward as was reported weeks ago by the japanese. the tale of his escape is just a way to move troops where we like
The United States has concluded that Libya built a weapons of mass destruction facility in a huge underground lair. The sources said the Bush administration is reviewing the Tarhuna project as part of the U.S.-led war on terrorism. They said it would be difficult to destroy the chemical weapons facility without a ground invasion. this is their way of introducing the concept of a ground invasion wwiii. later they will say they told us what was involved.
US approved 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor which resulted in the deaths of some 200,000 we must extend this war to all states that sponsor and harbor terrorism
Iraqi Defector Says He Worked at Bio- Weapons Sites defectors are notoriously reliable and never calculate what tale is most likely to gain them asylum and and a paying job in america. so the weapons plants look just like government offices, private villas and wells. just tell us which ones and well pull out the tactical nukes we now have no treaties constraining us from using.
20,000 American Troops Massing On Iraqi Border: The Pentagon has publicly insisted it is merely rotating troops. But defence analysts say about 24,000 troops have been moved in, with barely a brigade around 4,000 moving out. Mr Powell's advisers and the CIA prefer the search for 'an Iraqi Gorbachev' an attempt to install a more amenable figure than Saddam drawn from within the Ba'ath apparatus. Others, led by the Pentagon and by the National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, think this will fail, getting rid of the tyrant, but not the institution of tyranny. They prefer what they call the Afghan route - bombing in support of ground forces, many of whom are indigenous. The no- fly zones would be extended, a "no-drive" zone would also be enforced, and support for insurgents would come in from Turkey in the north, and from the south. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan last night warned the US against expanding its war on terrorism to Iraq, saying it would further inflame Mideast tensions. The other big concern is that Saddam Hussein has anthrax and could send a courier to a US city and release it, possibly killing thousands. But some officials in Washington argue that a pre-emptive strike is the best way to deal with the possibility. see my rants going back nine months before 911 when the global recession was clear to me that we would go to war against iraq. how did i know if the war is only a response to the terrorist attack? see also my rants that the anthrax was faked by the right wing and would somehow be used to justify war against iraq. as lame an excuse as it is now that a domestic source could not be concealed, theyre using it anyway. so we systematically bombed iraqi anti aircraft installations all the way to baghdad, it was only a response to them shooting at us. so were going to move troops to somalia, its only because al quaeda will set up shop there. so we give the green light to israel rolling tanks over palestine, its only a response to suicide bombers. so we occupy afghanistan and inadvertently attack an iranian oil tanker, these are only our response to terrorist network threats. so all these things look just like preparations for large scale invasion of iraq, its only a coincidence. iq test: is there a causal connection between this item and the following?
2001 saw global economies sink in unison: "A particularly disturbing feature of the current slowdown is its synchronicity across nearly all regions, the most marked for at least two decades," the IMF said. the reason every assurance you hear about a coming recovery, v shaped or u shaped, that's based on historical patterns is specious
Wednesday, December 19, 2001
World Temperature Second Highest On Record maybe its the sunspots
Concerts to raise money for battle against record companies millionaires for economic justice. lid down with dogs, get up with fleas.
LatAm markets slide argentinians loot supermarkets as stock market jumps 8 percent
German Experts Press For Truth Of Pre-911 Stock Activity: "There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. "They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed...I'm sure that one day they will know what happened to the money." unless it threatens national security forcing bushoilcia to invoke executive privelege
State of Siege Declared in Argentina why bushoilcia need unlimited police powers
US Boats Attack Iran Oil Tanker In Gulf by mistake? or caught between iraq and a hard place?
Tuesday, December 18, 2001 Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks read my scenario below: bush insiders in cia give anthrax letters to jeb bush who gives them to tabloid reporter who mails them from jersey and dc then dies
hundreds of companies across [Canada] that are spewing two of the worst industrial poisons. who is the real threat to your safety, islamic militants or capitalists?
Saddam Hussein wants Arab summit saddam feels the hot breath of wwiii on his neck. at least he identifies the us as the party leading israel to pursue peace through invasion
Ebola May Spread From Gabon if they can get away with summary executions under the guise of prison rebellions, what's to stop them from erasing the refugee problem with ebola virus?
What Was Israel's Role In 911? Fox News Revelations Point To An Ominous Conclusion as investigations get closer to busting bushoilcia for fake terrorism (see next item), fox news the right wing propaganda organ ramps up plan b, blame the israelis. takes the bait. the crafty jews lead the gullible american cia astray
Sunday, December 16, 2001
Media Beat: Announcing the P.U.-Litzer Prizes for 2001 how to kill thousands with your big mouth
Bin Laden videotape was result of a sting a new official story to explain the making of this unlikely self incrimination--the interviewer was cia plant. in fact theyre all cia plants. they identify the interviewer's accent as saudi. i think that bin laden is and has always been in arabia somewhere in his families huge property playing a role directed by the old bushciaoil power brokers
Saturday, December 15, 2001
Industrial slowdown in US may be nearing its end: Signs that the US industrial slowdown might be nearing an end were offset on Friday by news of a sharp risein underlying consumer prices. Output from US factories, mines and utilities continued to fall last month but at a lower rate than expected and at the slowest pace since August, providing more evidence that the longest industrial decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s might be nearing an end. That hope was given another boost by reports of a sharp drop in stockpiles of unsold goods. disinformation inc. when production drops off an historic high, its bound to begin rapidly and slow as it reaches lower levels. the dumping of inventory came completely from the auto sector which took deep losses to offer zero percent financing in order to dump an excessive surplus. only peter pan could think this is a sign of the end of a slowdown
Refugees struggle in Afghanistan read about the misery while listening to blowhard commentators shouting bomb them bomb them
Friday, December 14, 2001
Searching for Saddam's replacement wwiii phase 2
US Troops to Train Philippine Force wwiii phase 2
House passes Bush education plan plan to send him back to school? no, mostly to use testing to justify removing funding from poor performing ie low income community public schools.
Known for its balmy Mediterranean temperatures, Barcelona and the Catalonia region in general grappled with snow that ranged from a dusting downtown to up to 1 foot of white in towns further inland. Snow was blamed for an accident in which a truck hit a car carrying five people near the town of Calaf, killing all five. An hour later, a snowplow driver died when his vehicle flipped over. people killed by terrorists: those who successfully removed any political barriers to accelerating climate change.
EU slams U.S. steel tariffs as soon as free market ideology turns against them, protectionism.
The Enron outrage: Free-market ideologues said the energy titan's triumphs proved them right. Now they should admit its humiliating collapse proves they were wrong. Enron's failings were in fact directly related to its corporate ideology, to its zealous, cult-like love of free markets. It isn't a coincidence when those who run ads mocking government regulators and saluting themselves as colossal rule breakers turn out to be engaged in literal rule breaking and regulation circumvention. the inability of the human race to learn from experience ie the continued endorsement of free market ideology in the face of the proof of its consequences will destroy us
Thursday, December 13, 2001
U.S. Withdraws From ABM Treaty iq test: what is the connection between this and the following item?
Retail Sales Plunge Record 3.7 Percent a) there is no cause effect relationship b) marx was right about the relationship between capitalism and war c) the only connection is that people are so worried about terrorists that they arent buying their kids xboxes d) the afghani refugees were buying all the xboxes
Bush Invokes Executive Privilege any of you moron right wingers believe that this pig that you stuck us with is not trying to hide something incriminating?
Atta's Father Dismisses Videotape i believe him. the flight training school in jeb bush's florida run by cuban exiles stinks all over of cia
Pentagon Releases bin Laden Tape not only is everything said even in the administration's own translation ambiguous, but no explanation is offered as to why this staged performance was produced in the first place. why is an alleged recruitment video staged to look like a spontaneous conversation between guerillas?
Jews' Plan To Kill US Congressman, Blow Up Mosque Thwarted uh oh. the bushoilcia setting up a contingency play in case they start to get busted for staging the wtc and anthrax. blame the jews.
Bin Laden's spokesman, Abu Ghaith, is seen recounting how on Sept. 11 he raced to tell bin Laden about the attacks "and bin Laden made a gesture with his hands to say, 'I know, I know,' " a U.S. official said. wow, a smoking gun. that must mean he knew in advance of the attack, not in advance of being told about it by this particular person. more press telling you what the video shows before showing it to you. comments about "expectations" seem to imply what bin laden expected when he staged the attack, but they may only arise from the fact that he heard about the attack before he saw the video and read the details. he refers to another al qaeda as not knowing about it because he didn't tell him, but this might only mean since he got news of it himself. the press is now enlisted in preparing us for how to interpret these comments. i have no doubt that he is pleased at the success of the attack, but so far he has attributed the success to allah not to himself. whether this is really any different has to wait until they show us the video, the most hyped newsreel in history, if they ever do. you can see that they considered claiming there are secret orders delivered on it so they cant show it and limit us to their interpretation, but this wont be enough. what is most weird about it is that it is supposed to look like a spontaneous conversation when it is obviously a staged performance.
FBI Confirms 'Magic Lantern' Project Exists: Magic Lantern reportedly would allow the agency to plant a Trojan horse keystroke logger on a target's PC by sending a
computer virus over the Internet, rather than require physical access to the computer as is now the case. do you see what theyre up to yet?
computer virus over the Internet, rather than require physical access to the computer as is now the case. do you see what theyre up to yet?
Wednesday, December 12, 2001
'Smoking Gun' Bin Laden Tape Prepared for Release spinning so hard you can smell the smoke
Translators interpret bin Laden tape: sitting in what looks like a common room for that part of the world, calmly discussing the events of Sept. 11 like it was last weekend's golf game," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., after viewing the tape. "Osama bin Laden is laughing, grinning and marveling at the destruction and death of Sept. 11." from the sound of it, they did a hack editing job that they know a lot of people arent going to buy. so first they try inuendo, assuring us that it's a smoking gun. then they play around with words like "marvelling" and "gloating" which carry more or less connotations of culpability. fleischer says here that only security concerns would keep them from airing it, but it looks to me like they're just figuring whether we'll swallow it or not.
Bush advisers cashed in on Saudi gravy train: Nowhere is the revolving U.S.-Saudi money wheel more evident than within President Bush's own coterie of foreign policy advisers, starting with the president's father, George H.W. Bush. climbing up the al quaeda pyramid past osama. just imagine if this was clinton.
CBS Plans Military Reality Show: We feel that "American Fighter Pilots" fulfills the desire of today's audiences for patriotic fare that's both exciting and entertaining" I feel it fulfills the desire of the bushoilcia tyranny for war propaganda. a reality show, what an imagination on these pigs. I wonder whose paying to produce it?
Federal Government to investigate Enron pension plans: Many Enron employees lost 70 percent to 90 percent of their retirement assets after the company indicated that it would re-state profit reports capitalists dont exploit the working class, they provide them with jobs and opportunities. that's why we should remove all the controls and regulations and taxes that tie their hands and limit their powers.
U.S. ties to Saudi elite may be hurting war on terrorism which is the greater threat to your safety? islamic militants or greedy capitalist corporate whores in your government?
Pentagon: Hunt for bin Laden may take months getting the iraqi invasion past american and national pr will take months. mean time we have to keep the war ball in the air so we moved our al qaeda mole to a secret location to die of kidney failure while we move the war to survivor iv: the search for evil
Saudi clans working with U.S. oil firms may be tied to bin Laden whose at the top of the al qaeda pyramid?
Enron officials snub Congress: Wednesday's inquiry is designed to help Congress and the public "understand as best we can what structurally went wrong, what mistakes were made and what mistakes were not noticed" some people dont get their doors kicked in when they refuse to show up in court, especially when they have a permanent guest bedroom in the east wing of the white house. there were no "mistakes" at enron. its board of directors walked off with 100 million dollars leaving their employees and stock holders holding the empty bag. just good capitalism.
Bush to withdraw from ABM treaty: With the decision, Bush takes the first step toward fulfilling a campaign pledge to develop and deploy an anti-missile system that he says will protect the United States and its allies, including Russia, from missiles fired by rogue nations. Bush has said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks heightened the need for such a system. Russia and many U.S. allies have warned Bush that withdrawing from the pact might trigger a nuclear arms race. Critics of the plan also question whether an effective system can be developed without enormous expense. whose expense? guess. after embezzling two trillion dollars for their corporate sponsorship, the rest goes to shore up their military power. this new spirit of bipartisanship looks just like a right wing wish list rubber stamp. besides the hundred billion dollar annually money pit defense industry workfare, this also frees them to use nukes on baghdad.
Monday, December 10, 2001
Enron Corp. executives and directors earned nearly $600 million from selling company stock over the past four years, with many individuals topping $12 million in the past year alone while their employees were constrained from unloading the stock in their 401ks. capitalist exploitation of the worker distilled
Sunday, December 09, 2001
Condit: 'I'm Running' poor chandra levy will never be found now that we have terrorists to befuddle our minds. have you heard anything about bush's approval rating lately? it must still be up at 90 percent then like the day we were all recovering from the shock of being attacked. if it drops, all they need is a sex scandal to remind their idiot right wing constituency why they vote for fascists
Halliburton Stock Dives 40% On Friday - Another Enron? dick cheney and kenneth lay: both dukes in the bushoilcia dictatorship. please please compare the coverage (or coverup) this issue is being accorded in the us monopoly corporate press to what they managed to inform you of concerning clinton's whitewater dealings complete with televised hearings and secretaries' testimony as a guide to evaluating the right wing claim the the media is controlled by a "liberal" agenda
Ramadan 30-Part TV Special: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion also includes an american's antisemitic evaluation in which henry ford's ruthless ambition including destruction of competitors is "industrial genius" while the bankers who he saw as trying to take his business from him are evil power brokers
The Times of India: the FBI was told to "back off" investigating one of Osama bin Laden’s brothers, Abdullah, who was linked to "the Saudi-funded World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY), a suspected terrorist organisation," whose accounts have still not frozen by the US treasury despite "being banned by Pakistan some weeks ago and India claiming it was linked to an organisation involved in bombing in Kashmir". Newsnight said there was a long history of "shadowy" American connections with Saudi Arabia, not least the two presidents Bush’s "business dealings" with the bin Ladens and another more insidious link revealed by the former head of the American visa section in Jeddah. The official said he had been concerned about visas issued to large numbers of "unqualified" men "with no family links or any links with America or Saudi Arabia", only to find out later that it "was not visa fraud" but part of a scheme in which young men "recruited by Osama bin Laden" were being sent for "terrorist training by the CIA" after which they were sent on to Afghanistan. i believe bin laden himself is a cia trained mole set up as a comic book villain to provide the propaganda of threat necessary to wage whatever war the bushoilcia corporate dictatorship sees as furthering their interests.
The International Henry Ford. Introduction arabs breathe new life into protocols of zion. it's not surprising that they are incensed by the unfair persecution of henry ford's antisemitism as "mr. ford," a man with no desire for world domination himself loved dark skinned moslems. his quoted statement in answer to: The Jews [claim] that "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" were forgeries" that "No matter what they are, they fit what is going on" only points to the principle that led to their invention. more of the fond moslem position that the bushoilcia corporate dictatorship are poor little lambs being led astray by the wily jews no matter how such leading multiplies their global domination.
the firm used to buy many of the "put" options – where a trader, in effect, bets on a share price fall – on United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by "Buzzy" Krongard, now executive director of the CIA. Until 1997, Mr Krongard was chairman of Alex Brown Inc, America's oldest investment banking firm. Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers Trust, which in turn was bought by Deutsche Bank. His last post before resigning to take his senior role in the CIA was to head Bankers Trust – Alex Brown's private client business, dealing with the accounts and investments of wealthy customers around the world. i posted this when it first came out, but in the light of the "most compelling evidence yet" of bin laden's involvement, we should recall if any even more compelling evidence points elsewhere and that the first principle of police investigation is everyone with motive and opportunity is a suspect until they are ruled out
CRG -- Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading lead directly into the CIA`s Highest Ranks: CIA Executive Director "Buzzy" Krongard managed Firm that handled "put" Options on UAL why the bushoilcia dictatorship really needs secret tribunals so bad theyre willing to alienate their own idiot right wing constituency
New Tape Points to Bin Laden furthermore, after seeming to endorse the party line that bin laden's involvement is confirmed by this mysterious video, the washington post goes on to lay out the history of all the evidence against him with every piece described as unconfirmed hearsay. this video although deemed "legitimate" which even the post needs to put in quotes, was made for no apparent reason other than speculatively for "recruitment." someone just happened to be filming the bad guys sitting around a dinner table talking. living in a cave, they don't have to ever be shown with any afghani citizen or official anywhere around. the videos could be made in nevada for all the evidence they provide except that you never get such grainy quality outside of the third world. while legitimate authorities are cited as claiming that the secret evidence they've seen justifies an "indictment," wwiii is being planned on the basis of a conviction.
New Tape Points to Bin Laden: describing the damage around the being much greater than he had expected... praised God for far greater success than he expected, using language that indicated he was familiar with the planning of the attacks, according to one of the officials...the most conclusive evidence of a connection...according to government officials who have been briefedon its contents or have read transcripts. if this is the most conclusive evidence, what they had when they carpet bombed afghanistan and punished hundreds of thousands of powerless refugees must have been even more flimsy. after overflight filming was allowed of the site, anyone might have said it was worse than they expected. anyone who thinks the us is the great satan could praise god for "success." if there were anything more incriminating than these statements, the washington post would have cited it. instead we have the textual interpretation of officials who were briefed and read translated transcripts.
Feds seek steel tariffs as LTV shutsdown more capitalist hypocricy: when you dominate a market, claim that protectionism is a moral turpitude bordering on bolshevism that is unfair and destructive of prosperity for all, until deregulation starts to work against you. then push all the protectionism you can.
Egypt Warns that Israeli War could spread to regional war and then wwiii. of course, this could not be just what the bushoilcia transnational corporate capitalist state needs to get out of the global depression its laissez faire stupidity has created.
Bin Laden's Mother Not Angry With Son we will destroy the taliban and ensure the perpetuity of humanitarian crisis because some politicians allowed bin laden to live there, but we will not impose a single sanction on the super power broker and bushoilcia partner bin laden family as long as they promise he's disowned and that he hasn't communicated with them since Sept. 11, even though we know they have (see french reports of his hospital visits by them and the cia below).
Saturday, December 08, 2001
Libraries ordered to destroy CD's: "I think the concern is what else the government would want us to return,'' said John Creaser, who oversees the University of California-Berkeley's earth sciences and map library. Others question the threat posed by the CD, which seemed to contain no real secrets but merely compiled information already published by others. What's more, the order may not be fully effective. Authorities conceded there's no guarantee bootlegged copies of the CD aren't still out there. "This just a cosmetic answer to a very difficult situation'' another trojan horse. they dont need child molesters not that they have terrorists. this censorship is cosmetic, but getting it normalized and accepted is a quantum leap in state power
Biological weapons conference collapses: The U.S. proposal -- a disappointing bombshell for nations that disagree with the United States -- came just minutes before the end of the three-week conference. Delegates met briefly afterward and decided to suspend the talks until November 2002. Diplomats said the proposal upset even close U.S. allies. "It left everybody shocked and stunned," said Indian Ambassador Rakesh Sood. He said several delegates took the floor afterward and "almost in the same words described it as completely unacceptable." but you will accept it. the eu continues to be rational and pragmatic against the obvious maneuvers by the us to free themselves from any constraint on their military power. the us will us bio weapons on baghdad
Argentina appropriates pension funds it cant happen here
Of the billions apparently secretly sucked out of Enron, the bulk went disguised as at least 600 billion dollars, if not even more, at key moments, to temporarily prop up the U.S. stock markets. That is, some 20 billion dollars, multiplied by the black magic of fractional reserves to 600 billion dollars. Some who count beans faster than others, contend it is actually many trillions of dollars, supported by fractional/fictional reserves piled on derivatives piled on drifting sand in some uncharted oily desert. for the past year i have been claiming that the markets were being artificially propped up, kept in the black despite snowballing corporate profit crash. i speculated that the money must be coming from the financial sector. when enron crashed, given their connections with citicorp, i said theres the money. the employee 401ks and masses of small stock holders foot the bill for keeping the indexes artificially propped up to avoid a sell off panic, bringing on the inevitable depression before the world war stimulus package gets underway.
Friday, December 07, 2001
Bush Caught In Flat Out Lie About WTC Attacks ok maybe just an exageration. imagine what the "liberal biased" media would be doing to al gore for this.
"Don't even think about cashing out. Stay the course," said David Caruso, a certified financial planner and co-author of Let's Talk Money. "People are playing a dangerous game right now. This is the time to be putting money in." absolutely no support outside of his cited credentials for this opinion. he wont be there if you lose your retirement money
US Endorsed Indonesia's East Timor Invasion Says Secret Documents who are the worse evil doers, those who harbor terrorists or those who harbor genocidists?
Thursday, December 06, 2001
Former President Carter criticizes military tribunals plan feeling guilty for selling us out to the cia oil pigs
Jobless claims fall, but higher than expected: The number of people filing claims for unemployment benefits fell last week, the government said Thursday, while, even more encouragingly, the number of people out of work for more than a week also fell. of course it's not the number out of work, but the number receiving benefits. since you only get them for six months, the number drops whether you get a job or not.
Fake Anthrax Suspect Caught the real anthrax perpetrators prosecute the fake
Ashcroft to Face Senate on Tribunals here we go again. bring out the cameras and microphones and tables and senators wagging their fingers. remember mitsubishi and ford firestone? a lot of finger wagging. new legislation subjecting ceo's to fifteen year jail terms for malfeasance. any ceo's in jail yet? they should just hold the hearings in the wwf stadium like they were going to do the republican convention.
Record High Temperatures in Midwest there is one factor that can explain this as something other than the worst case scenario of global warming projections. we are only just completing the eleven year sunspot cycle. now and for the next decade is the real test. if it's the sunspots, the climate should start returning to normal. there is still some increase owing to increased greenhouse gasses, but the effect may be smaller than they now appear. for the record, i dont think so. i think that, rather than the alarmists their painted as by corporate capitalists trying to protect themselves from costly environmental protectionist measures, scientists tend to play down the hazards because they are all afraid of appearing excessively alarmist. my money is on their worst case scenario being understated
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
U.S. military officials in Afghanistan prevented journalists from witnessing the transfer of injured soldiers who were victims of the errant B-52 bomb that killed three special forces soldiers on Wednesday. Downie criticized the Pentagon for "locking those reporters up today rather than figuring out how to make information available to them in a way that didn't compromise security." they ask for it by playing along with the charade that there is any security issue in showing pictures of wounded american soldiers. they are being hidden from the american public, not from the enemy
Heroin Producing Factories Being Re-Established In Afghanistan those nice guys sitting around the table at bonn dont look like drug pushers
US President George W Bush has given his strongest hint yet that the war on terrorism is to expand beyond Afghanistan by branding Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein "evil". is powell stupid, lied to, or lying (see below)?
Scientific Suggests Art Masterpieces Were Traced long been my theory that da vinci used camera obscura / Latest News / Northeast / High temperatures prompt birds to court and golfers to get in one more game humans can adapt to radical climate change, flora and fauna can't
Powell Assures Turkey No US Plans For Iraq Strikes in short, bullshit
Prisoners of War (POWs) at Qala-I-Jangi had not revolted but it was a pre planned massacre which was plotted by unholy trio of US CIA and Israeli troops in collaboration with Northern Alliance soldiers. see below for my assessment of this summary execution. of course their still trying to blame us bushoilcia atrocities on the jews
"It will certainly have good impact on the economy. Several development projects could be carried through the generated funds. Like Pakistan, India too has some reservations. If the issue is amicably resolved, Pakistan would be the ultimate gainer", a government official associated with the Gas department told PNS. why musshareff signed pact with the devil? pakistan should remember that everything was cool between iraq and us once too
In a 12th-floor office suite full of foreign policy luminaries and embassy representatives nibbling sandwiches at white-linen covered tables, James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, is standing behind a podium arguing his case for taking the war on terrorism to Iraq. in case youre interested in who will be dining at la cirque while sending your kids to die in iraq
FBI fears 'inside job' on anthrax attacks: "It's frightening to think that one of our own scientists could have done something like this, but it's definitely possible," one unnamed federal science adviser said in yesterday's New York Times. A source close to the investigation said it was "the most likely hypothesis". see below for my scenario. anthrax from cia to jeb bush to florida tabloid reporter.
Bloomberg spent $92 per vote you cant even get a blowjob in new york for $92. maybe their cheaper if you get them wholesale.
US Bankruptcies Near Record Highs Amid Recession yet up goes the stock market. theyre either huffing and puffing another sucker balloon or are anticipating the benevolent effects of wwiii on industrial production and unemployment.
Russia to cut oil exports looks like i called it again (see below). pump prices should start to rise just as christmas credit card bills start rolling in. voila, economic stimulus. of course this wasn't the original plan when putin met with the boys at the ranch last month. theyre just now bowing to international pressure.
Turkey's prime minister warned Israel said that its military strikes against Palestinians risked sparking a conflict that could be worse than the war in Afghanistan and appealed to the United States to step up its efforts to mediate the dispute. despite public statements to appease their moslem population, come wwiii, turkey will be a main staging ground for invasion of iraq.
Democrat presses Enron links to Cheney oh, there is someone left unbought in dc. cold day in hell when you hear this on tv.
Pravda.RU Sergey Borisov: Freedom is being censored in America the same right wingers who used to point their fingers at soviet censorship as the first evidence of the tyranny of communism now find censorship necessary as we are in a "state of war." but the state of the war against terrorism is a permanent state.
Boy, 14, finds work selling high explosives who says we arent providing poverty relief to afghanistan? heroin trafficking for the elites and small business opportunities for the masses.
Euro Intel Experts Dismiss 'War On Terrorism' As Deception dismiss it if you like; it wont go away. again mossad is cast as villain. the poor simple minded cia has to be "steered" by the crafty jews. the american wasp power elite who ran all the secret wars against socialism through the cold war could not be the one doing the steering.
The diplomat said Iraq would "swallow Israel up" if his country is attacked. iraq suffering from same delusions of grandeur as the taliban. they base ideas of their power on a history when american covert action aided them in defeating america's enemies. the coming wwiii of the transnational corporate capitalist state against all its enemies will incinerate iraq like it incinerated the taliban. they will use tactical nukes, chemical and bio weapons along with unmanned aircraft and the first missile lobbed anywhere in israel's direction will be the green light.
Sunday, December 02, 2001
Inside the Battle at Qala-I-Jangi blame the atrocity on Dostum, our ally in the war against evil, even though there were cia agents inside the compound when the hand grenade went off
Shortly after the FDA started its effort to ban potent, Cipro-like poultry pharmaceuticals last year, Abbott Laboratories voluntarily withdrew SaraFlox, Baytril's only competitor. Bayer instead appealed the agency's move, fighting to keep selling a drug that treats chicken respiratory infections—and pulls in an estimated $150 million worldwide each year. Cipro dominates the human antibiotic market, but Baytril is the market for chicken super- antibiotics. (In 1999 alone, 38,000 pounds of such super -antibiotics were fed to animals, according to the Animal Health Institute.) as we couldnt deregulate or monopolize corporations fast enough for the past decade, it would be up to them.
Experts divided on recession's length: "This is one of the most unusual and dangerous economic downturns on record," and not just because of the terrorist attacks Sept. 11. the bullshit capitalist debate between u shaped and v shaped rebounds ends on how long before its over on mass media?
US bombs hit wrong target for second time in two days the difference between american imperialists and palestinian terrorists? americans kill thousands more and dont commit suicide in the process. is this the new paradigm? need to violate the geneva convention? just misaim your bombs and send the cia in to foment rebellions in pow camps.
CIA has paramilitary force now they tell you what they scoffed at you for telling them
Cleaning up soil a $30 billion job: ''I don't know if anyone's really going to do anything,'' Gardner said. ''The people who are supposed to be in there fighting for you aren't really doing it.'' every election, upstate new york comes in strongly republican reversing the democrat trend in new york city. do these upstate residents blame themselves for removing all "the people who are supposed to be in there fighting for" them from the government and replacing them with corporate capitalist whore republicans who will make sure the corporations can poison their children into perpetuity? i doubt it.
FBI agents rebel over new powers: Some agents told the New York Times that they considered any weakening of the guidelines 'a serious mistake', and that the Justice Department had 'not clearly described' the proposed changes. 'People are furious right now,' said one agent. they just dont know what ashcroft and meuller know that the coming depression will give rise to a new 1960s style wave of militant political organization
After analysts warned that the financial system might collapse within 10 days, the government capped cash withdrawals at $250 a week for the next three months. another opportunity to remark who was right and who was wrong in projections. third largest latin american economy goes into crash mode. still the us media discourse of unstoppable recovery in 2002 rolls on.
You Think You Own Your Own Home, Car, Etc? - Think Again someone should tell the right wingers that they can find all their rants predicted in das kapital
Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups the corporate state knows that the coming depression will breed political activism at least among the jobless who are not hooked on the coming flood of cheap high quality heroin. they will continue to use terrorists and child molesters as the trojan horse villains that get their increasing power to infiltrate activists legalized (as if they dont do it illegally now)
Rep. Ron Paul's Heroic Address On The 'War On Terrorism' when a right winger says what the godless left wing has always said its "heroic"
Wall St.'s 70's show: "Every day there's some reason why people shouldn't own stocks and yet the market continues to climb that wall off [sic]worry, Going forward my guess is more of the same." There's plenty to worry about. The nation's unemployment rate is expected to rise to a five-year high of 5.6 percent in November when the Labor Department releases monthly jobs data Friday. In addition, the economy probably lost 210,000 jobs, economists surveyed by predict, after shedding 415,000 jobs in October. Before that, the National Association of Purchasing Management's index of manufacturing activity on Monday is expected to rise slightly, to to 41.9 in November. But the under-50 reading will mark the sixteenth straight monthly contraction for the factory sector. why does market rise in the face of univocal negative indicators? is there a strategy to transfer money from banking sector into markets to stave off a panic selloff? is this what really happened to enron? a corporate sacrifice mostly at the expense of many small stockholders and employee retirement plans? see below for connections between enron, bcci and the recently resigned head of banking commission senator phil gramm
Secret US plan for Iraq war told you. only these plans were in place before 911
The ENRON Black Magic: were billions sucked out of Enron to try to prop up the failing U.S. Stock Markets? from Sherman H. Skolnick truth stranger than fiction files. connects enron with bcci and large scale congressional bribery. i have long thought the markets are being artificially propped up by bank money. enron's involvement would go a long way to explain their crash
African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human: Homo sapiens came out of Africa not only with fully modern anatomies, but also with at least 30,000 years of experience in modern behavior. Dr. Potts said the beginning of this gradual behavioral evolution might reach back more than 200,000 years. this lends credence to the eve hypothesis dating our common mother at 200000 using mitochondrial dna. also to my theory that the world wide flood myth actually refers back to the ice age.