Tuesday, October 30, 2001
Stinger Missiles Supplied By CIA Now Pose Threat To US like a drunken scorpion
Monday, October 29, 2001
millions of Iranians grapple with their worst drought in 30 years. The drought has also hit Afghanistan and Iran's other Central Asian neighbors. global warming doesn't stop during war
Taliban Again Claim US Using Chemical Weapons tell it to the judge, if you can afford one
Anti-Terror Tools Include High-Tech xp = extra peekaboo?
"We support trying to ferret out the problems of funding this sort of activity," Ray said. "But at the same time, we are trying to be concerned with protecting our customers and their rights." Florida (where all money is squeaky clean) bankers come out for our civil liberties
FBI Issues New Terrorism Warning: Ashcroft asked citizens to be patient if they encounter additional security measures and to note any suspicious activities. "We urge Americans in the course of their normal activities to remain alert and to report unusual circumstances and inappropriate behavior to the appropriate authorities," he said. yall just keep watching each other while we cart these wheelbarrows full of your tax revenues home
Cash cow? BioPort became the sole maker of the vaccine after acquiring the troubled Michigan lab in September 1998. Only 11 days later, the Pentagon gave the company a $45 million contract to renovate the facility and make the vaccine. Since then, it has pumped additional funds into BioPort, even increasing the price it pays for the vaccine, as the FDA has continued to find problems. Crowe, the company's most prominent stockholder, holds a 13 percent stake. Jay Coupe, who is Crowe's spokesman, says the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff why not name the other stockholders: carlysle group--bush sr. weinberger baker carlucci--and the bin laden family (see below)
Previously, the secret court could issue warrants only when the collection of foreign intelligence was "the purpose" of the bug or search. The new law allows the court to act when intelligence is "a significant purpose," allowing criminal investigation as a simultaneous goal. right wing wish list marches on
Climate Talks Reach Climax Without Main Polluter - The US who can worry about global warming when anthrax is ravaging the population? in any case, the coming depression will bring us into compliance against the will of our leaders.
Sunday, October 28, 2001
Attack on Iraq 'will be grave mistake', warns Aziz: Baghdad was aware of plans to strike 300 targets with 1,000 missiles. the real war plan. the plan to pin anthrax on iraq looks to have fallen through. what will next? "proof" of their involvement in 9/11?
New WTC Evidence Raises Questions Of Evidence Destruction some more whodunit theories
Saturday, October 27, 2001
FBI and CIA Suspect Domestic Extremists see below for my unambiguous assertions of a right wing domestic source of the anthrax and scoffing at the various attempts to pin it on iraq. what does bush do now about his war against evil doers? are we going to hear about a new campaign against his own idiot constituency? will this justify some new "homeland security" incursions into our civil liberties? how are they going to move the war to iraq now?
Friday, October 26, 2001
Of Microbes and Mock Attacks - 51 Years Ago, The Military Sprayed Germs on U.S. Cities rumsfeld was just a wee cold warrior back then
Judge's ethics bode ill for oversight seat: while practicing as a private attorney, Runco had entered into a secret deal with a developer interested in some property owned by two of Runco's legal clients. After dissuading the clients from considering a richer offer, the fact-finder concluded, Runco brokered the property's sale to his secret partner for $46,000. Just nine months later, Runco and his partner sold the land in question for $153,000: When I learned that Dearborn District Judge William Runco was seeking election to the Judicial Tenure Commission, my first reaction was to laugh out loud. But it turns out the joke was on me that was my reaction when i heard reagan was running for president. i haven't laughed much at american politics since. why judges shouldn't decide elections.
Oil rush: As a pipeline route, this remote region is crucial if Western powers are to reduce their dependence on Saudi Arabia - itself potentially unstable. The Gulf War was largely about oil. You won't hear it said often but, inadvertently, this one is too. and you won't hear it said at all in the us (this article is from uk). that's what makes me nervous about the new "anti-terrorism" measures being applied to the internet (see below). routing all internet traffic through a central server may allow them not only to monitor everything, but to look for ways to curtail the current open access to opinions outside their control.
Hollywood employment slumps to four-year low note the continual refrain blaming it on 9/11. the story line runs: "Just when many in the industry were looking to get back on track, suicide hijackers crashed airliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in rural Pennsylvania." by serving as the information ministry for the capitalist state and beaming this story line into the minds of all americans, hollywood destroys itself. the "impact" of 9/11 wore off after two weeks. the collapse of the fundamental industrial production/ consumption simply continues on a downward spiral that began two years earlier and will continue long after. the myth works by taking the "about to get back on track" theory as an indesputable foregone conclusion. in any case, while the small businesses clustering around the studios will fail, the hollywood power elite will be bailed out and protected because such myth making is as essential to capitalist power as war.
Consumer spending is the key to the U.S. economy. When will it recover? it is here that the emperor's new brain is most blatantly exposed. there may be intelligent economists among the capitalist power elite, but they are not running the show. one example of the reigning wisdom in this article is: "If people lose their jobs, they're not going to go buy a car." this seems like some kind of insight contrary to the capitalist discourse blaming the absence of a rebound (off of thin air) on anthrax. no one referred to this insight for the past two years of a million plus layoffs per year. these were presented as wise american corporate policy, the reason our economy is not as stagnant as japan and europe's who protect working class interests. the utter stupidity of capitalist power is most evident in the passing of the bush/republican embezzlement II bill. after the fact, cnn comments that the bill focuses on: "giving tax breaks and other incentives to companies, encouraging them to spend money to improve production. But," they insight, "companies may not choose to spend that money until they know demand is going to justify higher production." Does this mean that these reagonomic measures are going to remove all the current public subsidies of services and resources available to the working class, further decimating "consumer confidence" in the wake of continuing corporate downsizing and thereby driving a spiraling recession into a spiraling depression. of course not; it only means: "it could take a while for that money to trickle down to the consumer. 'The corporate tax cuts may not have an economic impact until months later.'" there is, of course, no support offered for the foregone conclusion that money in the swiss bank accounts of rich capitalists will inevitably tinkle down on the rest of us. this is just an article of faith in the worship of saint reagan. this epidemic of capitalist myopic stupidity is partly stimulated by the immediate windfalls such measures provide them, and partially by the fact that they will result in short term jumps in stock values which will halt the retreat of investment capital, creating the impression of a recovering economy and shoring up the net worth of the capitalists who advocate them. this recovery, however, has nothing to do with actual production and consumption. it simply represents a further shifting of resources from public to private revenues. the self perpetuating collapse of production/consumption will continue as the shrinking public funds begin to be felt, further eroding the consumer confidence the capitalists are waiting for to magically reverse its current trend. they better start killing people over there in earnest, or they will have to use some of their new law enforcement powers here.
Could We Face Another Depression? unfortunately, the limites space on this site means you can't go back a year in my archives to read my earlier comments on the coming global depression. at that time, i started predicting a major war and speculating as to its possible location and justification. now we have a war, but in order for it to save us from what i see as an inevitable spiral into depression, which, because of the far greater inter connectedness of the global markets than in the twenties, would be global in scope, it would have to be a war on the scale of world war ii. terrorism is not a threat equal to german aggression in the thirties, but it has to be trumped up as such. one little war in afghanistan won't do. we must go to iraq or we will go into depression. the "anti terrorism" bill that was signed today by bush will ensure that depression conditions here will not give rise to militant uprising against the capitalist state, and i believe they are consciously preparing for such an eventuality. even the various political interests around the world that are served by american military aggression against their enemies do not seem to be enough to get war fever going sufficiently for a war of adequate scale to restore full employment and industrial production as it did in the forties. the right wing is running the government so unilaterally that they may try to perpetrate the war even with the usual lukewarm american apathy and acquiescence to their capitalist wars of the cold war period, but it will be hard to sustain if casualties start mounting to vietnam levels unless americans can be fed a terrorist myth that is real and palpable. consequently, i fear another reichstag fire fake terrorist attack killing another large group of working class americans on american soil. the fear and outrage that results will be trumped up in the mass media to fever pitch with 24/7 emergency coverage, while the first waves of regular troops are moved towards iraq.
he FBI has plans to change the architecture of the Internet and route traffic through central servers that it would be able to monitor e-mail more easily: the country is asking for more, not less, law enforcement on the Internet. is "the country" asking? all i've heard is a bunch of right wing politicians and a couple of moron on the street interviews on corporate monopoly news media.
Judicial Watch: Finally, the government has claimed, until today, that the anthrax-laced letters are not necessarily from foreign Islamic terrorists. However, three letters released yesterday and published in newspapers today, show that they all contain references to killing Americans and Jews and end with the salutation “Allah Is Great.” Why would domestic terrorists write this? Obviously, the administration is seeking to justify not taking immediate military action against Iraq, who most suspect has supplied biological weapons to Bin Laden. (Indeed, the ringleader of the September 11 attacks, Mohamed Atta, also met with Iraq’s agents at least twice in Prague, Czechoslovakia. See, Deborah Orin, “U.S. Czechs Out Atta’s Trip,” The New York Post, nypost.com, October 23, 2001. The Arabic members of the Administration’s coalition – Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and others – have all made it clear they will not support military action against Iraq. this extreme right wing biased "watchdog" falls for the bait (or was fed the bait) and pushes us towards war with iraq, claiming the bushies are trying to avoid it for political reasons. he keeps asking why such a panic if it's not mass iraqi terrorists. maybe to create that impression because the bushies really do want to go to iraq.
Ashcroft Discusses New Powers the strong language (more like the real pre terrorist ashcroft) is supposed to garner our agressive beligerent support and divert us from the simple recognition that it is our civil liberties he is overriding
Spraying labeled 'accidental' cover story?
Nobel_laureate_says_US_strikes_on_Afghanistan__as_despicable__as_Sept_11 more reality principle
Thursday, October 25, 2001
Clinton sent salmonella in mail i suppose iraq wants to kill clinton?
Bush Use Of Term 'The Evil One' Raises Eyebrows he's just pandering to the same right wing cranks that are sending anthrax to tom daschle
Miami Herald: Security proposal moves in Senate the constitution has retired to florida and is not expected to live out the year
Anti-terrorism bill raises concerns over rights: Bill C-36 would prevent his office from challenging excessive government secrecy. how could government secrecy in the war against evil doers be excessive?
Crew Watches Skies From AWACS Plane how come two planes were able to dust mississippi boats and guard base and get away without detection? (see below)
Blair: troops can kill bin Laden: Although Mr Blair made clear that he was not endorsing a policy of state assassination, he left little doubt that killing bin Laden during a bombing raid or an assault on his hideout was the most realistic outcome of the war. especially if he's already dead (see below)
The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund today calls on the US and British Governments to end the use of cluster bombs in Afghanistan because of the “serious long-term threat to civilians”. diana's ghost rises to haunt anglo american imperialist agression
(Caveat: Unconfirmed) China News Service and Yomiuri Report Osama and Omar Were Assassinated not reported in Western press just as mounting evidence of domestic source of anthrax letters. either would crimp the plans for global crackdown on all militants.
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
Anthrax as a Biological Weapon. a biologist agrees with me that something smells cia
Special-interest payback: House Republican leaders take up today a special wartime ''stimulus'' bill that's little more than a good old-fashioned special-interest giveaway. ignore the silliness about the recession surely ending long before the tax cuts take effect and the implication that a minimum wage hike is democrats serving their contributors interests.
FBI Gaining Net Rights: they are going to use whatever leverage they can to get people to cooperate and to build a set of packet data systems that are more wiretap-friendly than the ones we have today just so long as they protect me from the evil doers
Dubya Dubya Three - Are Americans The Victims Of A Hoax? more or less my position
Gephardt Says DC Anthrax 'Weaponized' but republicans (who for some reason weren't targeted) for some reason said it wasn't
Letter sources may be infected with anthrax start with the first guy that died in florida and find out where his little drive up north really took him. perhaps they are not "willing to sacrifice themselves" but the unwitting victims of a directing force with the means to weaponize the spores.
Tuesday, October 23, 2001
Fashion industry suffers from terrorist attacks post hoc ergo propter hoc=status quo
Ky. Sheriff Fakes Anthrax Attack see, there's lots of good reasons to fake terrorism. the pataki attack was also on a police contingent.
Coast Guard Office Sprayed by Plane que the hell pasa?
Congressman Suggests Limited Nuclear Retaliation how convenient that we withdrew from the start treaty just in time for the war. and now it makes sense that bin laden or hussein attacked democrats with the anthrax. except pataki. how'd he get on the list? and what about las vegas? the wtc, the pentagon and the sands casino? maybe osama dropped alot of money there.
"You can go and kill every one of their terrorists and hang [Osama] bin Laden in front of the White House and you still haven't solved the problem -- and you've probably created hundreds of new terrorists," a former chief of the Army's internal think tank is quoted as saying. "So you could win tactically, and lose strategically." unless your strategy is to pull the world markets out of a world depression with a world war
Global command considered the real plan-- covert world war for corporate interests
Taliban Says US Used Chemical Arms - US Denies It but us has already told us they plan to engage in secret tactics and lie about them
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Saddam moved chemical weapons i guess the iraqis are getting the hint
WASHINGTON - The United States has had to make some unsavoury friends in its battle against Osama bin Laden's terrorist legions, but none more so than General Abdul Rashid Dostum letting one genie out to shove another back in. their still playing polo with severed goat's heads up there (they used to be heads of pushtuns).
Sprayed Towboat Crew Seems Healthy looks like a dry run
The president told American and Asian business leaders in Shanghai that the terrorists who struck the World Trade Center on Sept. 11 were attempting to make world markets collapse. i suggest they were calculated to provide an excuse for a collapse that was already inevitable and a war to reverse it.
Stop this benefit! it was amusing to listen to mick jaggar changing around the words to salt of the earth
Suitcase at Center City bus terminal loaded with explosives how to get a war going without having to kill too many of your own citizens
Miami shrine dedicated to Elian this group is my main suspect for complicity with bush et al in setting up the wtc attack. a florida cuban trained the pilots, and they have been doing dirty work for the cia since the bay of pigs.
More than 150 people who were picked up after September 11 remain in custody, with four men the focus of particularly intense scrutiny. But investigators have found the usual methods have failed to persuade any of them to talk. Options being weighed include “truth” drugs, pressure tactics and extraditing the suspects to countries whose security services are more used to employing a heavy-handed approach during interrogations. if they keep scaring us with anthrax and unexploded c4, we'll ask them to start training in the use of electrodes.
Anthrax attacks now being linked to US right-wing cranks this was my first theory (see below). the moslems are usually pretty precise in targeting right wing politicians. why would they go after democrats? and why pataki unless it's an extension of the abortion clinic terrorism upstate? and why do i have to go to england to read about it?
Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a Terrorist rubbing binladen's lamp
El Paso and Williams Lead Natural Gas Pipeline Building Boom tricks for afghanistan, treats for texas. who gains from terrorism scares?
the United States began military strikes against Afghanistan to obtain extended access to oil and natural gas deposits in Central Asia. what is more ominous: that the american people no longer have a clue why they are sent to die in far away deserts, or that the entire international community left and right endorse what they must know is a lie?
October 18, 2001, Drought Monitor what's the real danger? one anthrax death or half the nation in a global warming drought?
Mubarak Says Terrorism Can Be Reduced, Not Stopped how the military industrial complex creates a permanent state of war
Constricting critical inquiry in universities dumbing down 101
Saturday, October 20, 2001
Is it time to bust the Cipro patent?: "We cannot just rely on Bayer to ensure we have a sufficient supply of Cipro," Schumer said in a statement. "First, Bayer can only produce so much Cipro, and we should not put our best response to anthrax in the hands of just one manufacturer. Second, buying Cipro only from Bayer -- who charges a lot more than generic manufacturers would -- means we spend a lot more and receive a lot less. Hopefully, we won't even need to use the Cipro we already have on hand, but if we make arrangements to purchase it from multiple generic drug manufacturers, we'll have it if we need it." anthrax is the least of my worries, but it is a good symbol of what the current power struggle is about: the war between socialism ie generic drugs for the people and capitalism ie bayer's freedom to patent and profit
Foreign Suppliers to Iraq's Biological Weapons Program Obtain Microbial Seed Stock for Standard or Novel Agent: Between 1985-89, ATCC made 17 shipments of "attenuated strains of various toxins and bacteria" to Iraq’s Atomic Energy Commission. since we gave everybody their seed strains, we can incriminate anyone by tracing the agents to them
U.S. Arms Unmanned Aircraft if the how bush did it article below seems too fantastic
Israeli tanks roll into Bethlehem the pincers begin to close around iraq
Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS - The jets were controlled by advanced robotics and remote-control technology, not hijackers. how the bush secret cia could have done it
Journalists Worry About Limits on Information, Access: "We actually put out a false message to mislead people," said Jay Coupe, then spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "The idea was not to give information about the movement of our carrier. We were trying to confuse people." an unelected government claims the right to lie to the people. democracy is on its deathbed
Guess Who Owns BioPort - The Only US Anthrax Vaccine Producer? Admiral Crowe and his fellow investors in BioPort are set to make a bundle off of the Anthrax scare. Especially when market demand pushes the price of the product high up above the contracted for $3.50 an ounce. And who are those fellow investors? Well, another part of BioPort is owned by the Carlyse Group. That's George H. W. Bush's current occupation. Yet another portion is owned by (you had better sit down), the Bin Laden family! small world. these two: carlysle group (including carlucci, weinberger, baker etc. see below) and the binladins are all over our current events (see below)
Friday, October 19, 2001
The Arab baby boom part of growing world population of unemployed and heavily armed youth
The nation's last anthrax scare this only refers to 'hoax' letters by the anti abortion rights group army of god falsely claiming to contain anthrax, but i'm sure i read that real anthrax was placed on doorsteps of clinics upstate a few months ago
Thursday, October 18, 2001
Jobless claims rise by 6,000: Many economists believe the nation's unemployment rate, which held steady at 4.9 percent in September, could jump to 5.3 percent in October. In an effort to stabilize the economy, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates nine times this year, with two of those reductions coming after the attacks. President Bush and Congress, meanwhile, are working on a package aimed at jumpstarting the economy that is likely to include tax cuts and increased government spending. greenspan all but said these 'jumpstarts' are further damaging the hope of a recovery
White House Advisor Says US Tips Into Recession if it's in recession now, it's been since it started turning down 2 years ago
Uncertainty about the U.S. economy should lift in the coming weeks it's astounding to me that after two years of hundred layoffs per month, capitalists now say that 'Mounting job cuts could weaken already shaky consumer confidence'
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Anthrax Cited in Florida Meat Ban kgb putin thinks something aint kosher in florida
Greenspan tells Congress economy will recover: Greenspan said the attacks will damage productivity growth, which has been partly responsible for the record U.S. economic expansion that has lasted more than a decade. "The level of productivity growth will presumably undergo a one-time downward adjustment as our economy responds to higher levels of perceived risk but once the adjustment is completed, productivity growth should resume at rates in excess of those that prevailed in the quarter-century preceding 1995" more capitalist nonsense. productivity growth will return to its already crashing levels before sept 11, not its boom before 1995.
US Buys Up All Satellite War Images: Instead of invoking its legal powers, the Pentagon bought exclusive rights to all Ikonos satellite pictures of Afghanistan off Space Imaging, the company which runs the satellite. No "shutter control;" no censorship; just the free market. the capitalist interpretation of the first amendment.
Tuesday, October 16, 2001
Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign In History strange days. me and lyndon larouche see eye to eye.
Monday, October 15, 2001
The Great Game - The War For Caspian Oil And Gas more on why capitalists fight wars really
Bin Laden couldn't be doing all this in Afghan caves. The leading supplier suspect has to be Iraq. U.S. officials let Saddam know during the Gulf War that if he used such agents against U.S. forces he would get a destructive response. But that doesn't mean he, or his agents, might not want to unleash the weapon from a deniable distance, or via third parties. His anti-American animus hasn't lessened since his Gulf defeat. And Czech government sources have reported that Atta, the hijacking mastermind, met at least once with Iraqi diplomat. We rehearse all this because the best defense against anthrax attacks isn't passing out Cipro to every American. It is to go on relentless offense against the terrorist sources. 'that doesn't mean he wouldn't' doesn't even qualify as circumstantial evidence. the wsj (free subscription required) joins in the growing back to iraq chorus.
A former Al Qaeda follower now working for American intelligence told his handlers Bin Laden had said 'I swear to God', a phrase he would not normally use. the airing of his speeches is not a reliable medium to pass orders. if his network is as vast as we're given to believe, he wouldn't need tv. and how do his followers come to work for american intelligence?
AL-QAIDA SPOKESMAN SAYS LEAVE ARAB LANDS OR ELSE here self proclaimed prophets of god are spun as making terrorist threats
Osama bin Laden's terrorist network has pledged new attacks on America and Britain. In a chilling message, al Qaeda told Americans they would not be safe flying in planes or living in skyscrapers. here the same warning i've been getting from ashcroft is cast by blair as a 'a clear admission of responsibility for the September 11 attacks.'
U.S. says anthrax outbreak could be terrorism semantics and ideological state aparatus
Biowarfare: Made in America? first reference to coincidental hemhoragic fever outbreak among afghan refugees
Fear of new attacks, earnings likely to drive trading today's capitalists seem to be completely oblivious to the historic relationship between war and the cycles of the capitalist market economy. their projections are limited to effects of terrorist attacks and seem to ignore the determining factor of large scale vs. small scale imperialist invasions.
Tabloid Boss' Realtor Wife Found Apartment For Some Hijackers i don't believe in 'eerie coincidences.' it is a coincidence that florida plays such a prominent role in this farce. i would be asking about ties of "the supermarket tabloid editor" to the cia/anti castro community. remember that anthrax frequently has been placed on the doorstep of abortion clinics in upstate ny. no one suggests an iraqi source.
Pentagon calls for rewrites on war script reuters misses the point that war is show business
Iraq stockpiled anthrax in run-up to Gulf war so anyone wanting to incriminate iraq as a target of the 'war on terrorism' need only send two anthrax laced letters and a bunch of talcum powder to some news media and claim credible but confidential evidence of their involvement.
Taliban Say US Raids Killing Scores Of Civilians i'm confused by recent attacks on 'moral relativism' by giulianni and others as the pernicious source of anti war sentiment. isn't it moral relativism to claim that killing civilians is neither good nor evil in itself?
Sunday, October 14, 2001
MISSING THE OIL STORY given the coverage this story is getting on the internet, how long can the corporate monopoly news media black it out? the names associated with carlysle group are a who's who of the reagan right wing: bush, baker, carlucci, weinberger, etc.
The Sunday Times: Terrorism terrorist diary or spy log?
Cheney Suspects bin Laden Could Be Behind Anthrax Cases more cheney distancing himself from the iraq war plan
CYANIDE THREAT: Tapes reveal poison plan the "plan" sounds like a bunch of guys sitting around making a bad joke
Iraq 'behind US anthrax outbreaks' for my predictions re another fake terrorist attack to move the war to iraq see many items below. their only proof of iraq involvement is the airborne form of the florida case:
Making powder needs repeated washings in huge centrifuges, followed by intensive drying, which requires sealed environments. The technology would cost millions. US intelligence believes Iraq has the technology and supplies of anthrax suitable for terrorist use. 'They aren't making this stuff in caves in Afghanistan,' the CIA source said. 'This is prima facie evidence of the involvement of a state intelligence agency. Maybe Iran has the capability. But it doesn't look likely politically. That leaves Iraq.' politically that also leaves the wolfowitz cabal and the right wing oil money cia agenda. what does a state like iraq have to gain by drawing american military aggression in order to give a few people a bad rash? here the cia right wingers can have their war in iraq for which they'd been preparing for months before the first terrorist attack at the cost of one american life, a few skin rashes and some talcum powder.
Making powder needs repeated washings in huge centrifuges, followed by intensive drying, which requires sealed environments. The technology would cost millions. US intelligence believes Iraq has the technology and supplies of anthrax suitable for terrorist use. 'They aren't making this stuff in caves in Afghanistan,' the CIA source said. 'This is prima facie evidence of the involvement of a state intelligence agency. Maybe Iran has the capability. But it doesn't look likely politically. That leaves Iraq.' politically that also leaves the wolfowitz cabal and the right wing oil money cia agenda. what does a state like iraq have to gain by drawing american military aggression in order to give a few people a bad rash? here the cia right wingers can have their war in iraq for which they'd been preparing for months before the first terrorist attack at the cost of one american life, a few skin rashes and some talcum powder.
Friday, October 12, 2001
Iraq Says Warning From US Diplomat Is 'Stupid': ``Your message is stupid. Iraq is not afraid of you or anyone else when it has a right to claim. What you warned about is not on Iraq's agenda'' i hope they're not too stupid to recognize they're being set up. an agenda is being implied to justify an invasion.
Japan moving from recession to depression a word i've been using for several months (see below)
Thursday, October 11, 2001
Three Americans win Nobel Prize for economics one agrees with me that bush tax embezzlement does not amount to a recovery stimulus. in fact, it is quite the contrary, and they're pushing another one. the war that they claim is "tipping the world into recession" is really the only way out of the recession that giving away all the money to the rich is accelerating.
PsyOps has two main purposes: to persuade the enemy to surrender, and to convince local civilians that the attackers are not the real enemy. psyops in afghanistan or usa. surrender to the right wing capitalist state; bush is not your real enemy.
Iraq: U.S. spy plane shot down you can't reverse a global recession fighting wars against people that can't put up a resistance. they have to take us back to iraq, but how? send unmanned planes over to get shot down and use that as an excuse to invade.
U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics 1998 congressional testimony p30 tells why this war is desireable for the capitalists. all they needed was a viable excuse. how convenient that a major terrorist attack should start planning shortly after.
European bourses revist pre-terror levels war: the real economic recovery package
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Chamish - Practising For The WTC/Pentagon Attacks In Isreal odd coincidences
Osama, September 11, London, Illuminati bert and ernie part I
Third Person Tests Positive for Anthrax in Florida: Many Boca Raton residents have pointed to the fact that some of the suspected hijackers lived in south Florida in recent months nobody mentions that anti abortionists have left boxes of anthrax on the doorsteps of clinics in upstate new york several times
almost half the heroin flowing out of Afghanistan is thought to come from areas controlled by the Northern Alliance, the West's putative partner in the campaign to oust the Taliban. Any expansion of the alliance's territory could see an increase in the drugs supply. the cheap smack should arrive just as the unemployment insurance is running out
White House lied about threat to Air Force One the only lies they tell are the ones they're caught at
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism Security good news site
Democrats Say RNC Playing Politics in War on Terrorism is this petition like the polls in asking to sign in support of "bush and the war effort?" that would explain the 92 percent bush approval rating
US Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapons In Afghanistan what a fortunate coincidence that they managed to withdraw from the treaty just in time to use the things
Tuesday, October 09, 2001
A SENIOR government adviser who said that the terrorist attacks in the United States should be used to slip out potentially embarrassing information was facing growing pressure last night to resign. Jo Moore, special adviser to Stephen Byers, Secretary for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, told colleagues in an e-mail that September 11 was “a good day to get out anything we want to bury”. The message was sent about an hour after the second passenger jet struck the World Trade Centre in New York. and a good day to make a lot of layoffs and profit warnings and curtail a lot of civil liberties
Monday, October 08, 2001
at the advent of Taliban, the US was expecting that they would help in installing Zahir Shah as the monarch of Afghanistan. "However, their expectations were not fulfilled," Hekmatyar said, adding: "Now they are again attempting to impose Zahir Shah as the monarch through military means. afghanistan like iraq represents the unfinished business of bush senior
Condoleezza Rice And The New World Order: Some bigwig in the military, I don't remember his name, was being interviewed on the 17th day following the attack. He was asked "when can we expect some action in Afganistan". His reply "The buildup there has been going on for several weeks so it could be very soon." 17 days is a little short of "several weeks". The quick response indicates the buildup was beginning even before the attack took place. much us/british military action in the months before the attacks now qualifies as wise preemptive tactics to a war they didn't know was coming
AIDS 'Could Sweep Across Asia' but no war on aids
Bush Won't Consider Going After Iraq Until Afghan Terror Bases Are Eliminated are we going to iraq?
Capitol Alert: Oil companies hid MTBE's risks for years, records say: Industry officials feared the rule would lead to highly expensive cleanups. what is the relative risk to my well being between terrorists and capitalists?
Friday, October 05, 2001
India Newspapers Mock Hijack Comedy of Terror somebody better get over there and teach these russians and indians to fake terror attacks properly
Top Military Commanders Warn of Larger, Global War vietnam era cia hawks out of the woodwork with their wish list
Thursday, October 04, 2001
U.S. Confirms Isolated Case of Anthrax in Florida florida again
CIA Cited Risk Before Attack: The Giant food store chain confirmed Wednesday that two of its stores in suburban Washington were used by hijackers to wire money in the days before the attacks. Company spokesman Barry Scher said the hijackers wired money from stores in Laurel, Md., and Greenbelt, Md. all ostensibly separately returning unused funds to bin laden and all within a couple of hundred miles of cia headquarters
Powell Names Kashmir Separatists As Future US Military Target coinciding with fake terrorist attack on pakastani parliament and aborted fake hijacking of indian plane
Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border bio warfare?
Wednesday, October 03, 2001
Allied planes hit Iraq again: Warplanes struck two anti-aircraft artillery sites in Shahban, 225 miles southeast of Baghdad if you read down my news page, you will find me predicting war on iraq for the past several months. while all talk is focused on afghanistan, i have claimed iraq is the real target. this is a war about oil, not terrorism. afghanistan is valuable as a pipeline route from the caspian as was kosovo, but iraq is the real bonanza. as i have been predicting invasion of iraq since long before the terrorist attack on the us, that attack strikes me as too convenient an excuse to do what could not otherwise be justified to be accidental. if the transnational oil interests that currently control our government did not use their own intelligence organizations to fake a terrorist attack, at the very least they allowed it to happen. nothing short of an aggressive war in pursuit of capitalist imperialist interests can reverse a spiraling market crash.
Bush wants $75 billion economic stimulus if they really wanted to increase "consumer confidence" they would raise taxes. they only shift gdp from the working class to the capitalist class under the theory that more cash leads to more investment even in a crashing global market. this has already proven false. to shift gdp the other way takes taxation of higher incomes to subsidize lower incomes.
Anti-Terrorism Bill Hits Snag on the Hill: Democrats object freeze their assets
When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin Laden, he didn’t tell the American people that the terrorist mastermind’s late brother was an investor in the president’s former oil business in Texas. He also hasn’t leveled with the American public about his financial connections to a host of shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun smuggling, and terrorist networks. small world; getting smaller every day. where's the free press? where is the whitewater outrage?
the oil expected to flow from the vast oilfields under the Russian Caspian Sea, discovered about 20 years ago remains undrilled and untapped. That field contains about 500 years worth of oil at present world consumption rates. The only possible oil pipeline routes at the present time to handle the massive flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region under Chenya is either through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea, or through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean. why we really fight the wars we fight. why we are also going to iraq. why both presidential candidates are heirs to oil fortunes (and the cia). who really stands to gain from terrorist attacks?
Russian criminal groups have been supplying Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist group with components for chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons, The Washington Times reported. the right wing moonie paper does not point out how all the players here are creations of reagan/bush foreign policies
Senate Approves Defense Bill who stood to gain from terrorist attack
Tuesday, October 02, 2001
"Andrew," a Cuomo aide tells the Democratic challenger to New York Governor George Pataki, "what you have to understand is that they're going to run commercials with images of Pataki pulling out bodies." the first time he's been in NY state in a year. who really stood to gain from the attack?
Strom Thurmond collapses what is this pig trying to prove?
columbine killers fantasized about hijacking a plane and crashing it into New York City or the World Trade Towers. yet the cia claims it never occurred to them
NYPOST.COM National News: BUSH PLANS TO PUSH NEW ROUND OF TAX CUTS johnny one note right wing pulls out their panacea for whatever ails you
western intelligence has a much clearer picture of bin Laden's recent movements than has been admitted, either by Washington and London or by the Taliban. if they just go get him, the wars off and the economy crash is on
The Jaish-e- Mohammad on Tuesday denied any involvement in a deadly bomb attack at the state assembly in held Kashmir calling it a "conspiracy" to defame separatist groups. some people seem to think that faking terrorist attacks can be politically useful
Careful Washing Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables A Must keep in mind that economic hardship tends to loosen standards of production
Alleged bin Laden link to bomb plot in France questioned stay tuned for more lies
Taliban prepare to unleash their deadliest weapon: Afghan mujahedin, with the connivance of Western intelligence agencies, traded in drugs to finance their war against the Russians, with results that can be seen in the streets of Western cities as well as Peshawar. withholding a mere million and a half dollars ensures a new flood of heroin. addicts don't become terrorists.