Sunday, September 30, 2001

The Pentagon says it needs at least $4.6 billion to stockpile precision-guided weapons for what the Bush administration says will be a sustained war on terrorism terrorists just an excuse for the power elite to ransack what's left of the public funds after the bush tax embezzlement

Saturday, September 29, 2001

The "patriotic" squelching of Bill Maher is a scary sign of an emerging groupthink. maybe maher realizes now that if he was ever really politically threatening he wouldn't be paid millions of dollars by monopoly corporate network tv
Rumsfeld: Military won't mislead media quick somebody ask him about poisoning the iraqi water supply
Motley Fool Plans Layoffs, Restructuring you really are a fool aren't you?

Friday, September 28, 2001

Hijackers looks like we have to go after jeb for harboring terrorists. do you think they voted in the last election?
One chapter in the enigmatic story of Osama bin Laden might lead to a Texas pasture, where his oldest brother died 13 years ago in an accident that is still something of a mystery. why does everything connected with this event in the US take place in texas and florida? small world; getting smaller every day
US government revenues were plunging rapidly even before the terrorist attacks of September 11, according to a report published on Thursday, setting the stage for one of the biggest shifts in American fiscal conditions. if marx is right that war is the only way out of the inevitable cyclical downward spiral of the capitalist market, the terrorist attack came just in the nick of time
The Coming Marine Apocalypse-The End of Fish & Seafood won't take a break for war or terrorists

Thursday, September 27, 2001

1998 Meeting Between Bin Laden and Iraqi Intelligence Getting New Look in Attack Investigation - from Tampa Bay Online following the right wing moonie washington times, this florida based site now points our attention towards iraq. florida, where jeb bush handed the white house to his brother and where at the same time a cuban (presumably anticastro) neglected to check the backgrounds of terrorists who came to him for flight training.
Who Benefits from the World Trade Center/Pentagon Attacks? did a Bush run subgroup in the CIA do it?

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Bin Laden linked to BCCI small world; getting smaller every day
Bin Laden terror group tries to acquire chemical arms from russian mafia -- The Washington Times the right wing moonie paper does not comment on the fact that these legacies of reagan era foreign policy are at odds with reagan era rhetoric about the glorious capitalist future they were initiating
Bin Ladin - 'Destroying America Is My Religious Duty': The US knows that I have attacked it, by the grace of God, for more than 10 years now. The US alleges that I am fully responsible for the killing of its soldiers in Somalia. God knows that we have been pleased at the killing of American soldiers. bin laden here does not say he committed anything he is accused of--only that he "instigated" it with his rhetoric. his posturing has got him in trouble, but he explicitly refers to american soldiers, not civilians.
IMF says recession possible in wake of attacksEven before the Sept. 11 attacks, the IMF had slashed its global growth forecast to just 2.6 percent for this year. That would be the poorest showing since 1993 what's missing here is an explanation. they don't hesitate to blame the airline's problems on terrorists, but the "slowdown" they attribute to corporate profits. why, as the corporate agenda has had free reign since the fall of the soviet union, should there be a slowdown at all, let alone of this magnitude? why are their approaches to "recovery" and "stimulus" still completely supply side tax cuts. remember what pulled the world out of depression in the twentieth century (besides world war) was a new deal and marshall plan taxing corporate revenues to raise the poor and working classes.
markets: PM Markets Call

The city of concrete grows with missiles of steel
But myths are words and change their color like the sea
Like the sea they cover the bloody ruins of history below
And show us a surface vast and seamless
Wars move past us like waves
Each shows a new and unfamiliar face
But what moves them is the same
They speak both of the landscape beneath
And of the wind that blows above
But the tiny doldrum ripples
And the sixty foot Bermuda swells
Are only different stories whose moral is the same
Remember or forget, we are doomed to repeat
The comets and the seasons must repeat
So must the waves and ripples of the sea
And so the moveable feast of war
These are not gods,
For how could gods be so predictable?
But why should they be any less so than we,
When barely having healed the wounds of war
We gather round new myths of victory?

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Greenspan, Rubin Agree on Tax Cuts johnny 1 note republicans get greenspan reluctantly to sign off on another embezzlement, i mean tax cut, i mean stimulus package
The rhetoric from President Bush and his Administration contains messages for the American people, which they do not yet grasp, and for terrorist organizations, which they most certainly do. "This is a war and it will not be a short war." "This will not be over quickly." "We have a war plan that will work, over whatever period of time it requires." "There will be many casualties. The military is prepared for that." "This is not just an effort to get bin Laden. This is a war to wipe out terrorism all over the world." "We are not thinking just in terms of a few air strikes. Ground troops will be involved. And some of them will die." "We will go after terrorism wherever terrorism threatens the United States." "Americans need to be prepared for more sacrifices and more casualties." "Just removing bin Laden won't suffice. We are going after terrorism in all of the countries where it resides." Two days
after the attacks every street and highway was a sea of American flags. Now, a week after the attacks - at least in Los Angeles - they are hard to find. Whether we admit it or not, what the vast majority of the American people really want is for this to go away. Only sustained attacks on the American people will provide George W. Bush with the political mandate to wage the war he has committed to fight
history is changing today; no business as usual

Monday, September 24, 2001

Sunday, September 23, 2001

Poll: Bush Has Highest Approval Rating Ever

How could Stonehenge stand for four thousand years
When one hour can do for such a mountain of humanity?
To watch it fall was like falling into a great abyss,
To watch the solid ground beneath my feet
Melt away revealing the void as infinite below
As it is above.
This is only entropy.
The information in fifty thousand hard drives reduced to rubble.
There is no terrorism, only Newton's grim toll collector
Moving the arrow of time through human history.
These years have seen the fall of many mountains.
The great Pythons of the stock market are angry.
The priests have slaughtered many birds but find no answers.
The gods withhold the rain and seed of plants and men.
The curse of the illegitimate usurper is upon them
And they know it not.
It's only entropy and Shiva dancing.
The information in the genes of one more species
Unwinding into the great alphabet soup to come.
Why should I mourn at this?
I did not mourn at mudslides or monsoons
Earthquakes or epidemics.
Only perhaps I'm curst with a lingering sadness
That now for a time my neighbors seem to share.
Why should I hate at this?
Evil has been stripped of its face
And stands before me voicelessly malignant,
But it is as necessary to this world as Good
And far more necessary than I.
Why should I fear at this?
It's only entropy
Moving the arrow of time
From past to future.
Even Stonehenge shall fall in the end.
And silent strollers wend their way
Over the ruins of the seven levels of Troy,
The collective grave of humanity
Crushed together into one collective corpse,
The earth an ancient king's burial mound
A ship embarked for Avalon,
Stocked with spoils and weapons,
With swords that could not pierce the armor
Of Newton's grim toll collector
And shields that could not stop time's arrow,
But only strengthen its resolve.
The market dragons do not weep at this,
Then wherefore shall I?
They only wend their way back to the underworld
To renew their ancient combat.
The smoke of burning sheep and cows
Piled across the plague shot earth
Has not appeased their wrath.
They must have human blood and human pain.
Human sacrifice that human hearts no longer freely give
That Ra may climb again into his golden throne,
And pieces of Osiris collected from the rubble
Removed to hallowed ground.
When raging Mars has fixed his bloodshot eye
Within the sudden sting of Scorpio
The words of men of peace fall to the earth
Like seeds unwatered, waiting human tears.
Lies will I pay with truth
And greed with generosity
But tears I can only pay with tears
The arrows they let fly forth aimlessly
Across the whole surface of the earthly orb
Pass through the hearts of their own progeny
To strike the archers from behind.
In this way shall they lead the world to victory
Against its very enemy, Mankind.

Saturday, September 22, 2001

To Jon Burnham, some of this week's historic slide in U.S. stocks was justified by the likelihood that earnings will plunge and the economy will go into recession. after quoting every recovery happy talker on earth to get me to hold my shrinking portfolio, they simply change their tune.

Friday, September 21, 2001

Iraq suspected of sponsoring terrorist attacks -- The Washington Times the right wing moonie paper moves our attention closer to iraq
How big a war? Hawk Paul Wolfowitz wants the U.S. to attack Iraq. Colin Powell doesn't -- and nobody knows who has Bush's ear. it is as obvious that eight black boxes cannot be destroyed while a terrorist's passport survives (see below) that they have been preparing for invasion of iraq for a year now.
Strange Case Of The Black Box And The Indestructible Passport the missing piece to this is that war is the only way out of a depression. they therefore have motive and opportunity.
Leaders urge 'normal' Monday after week of terror scroll down for the amazing bouncing terrorist passport tale
Baghdad Accuses US Of Seeking World War only way out of a depression, sorry
US Plans To Overthrow Taliban And Put Afghanistan Under UN Control and which texas oil monopoly gets control of the caspian pipeline?
ECB says slowdown to be brief what would they say? depression coming; sell all your stock?
Giuliani: 'I don't know' about third-term bid i think we should send him to afghanistan
Airlines fought security changes genius capitalists at work; do not disturb
Some Hijackers' Identities Uncertain so even if more passports miraculously turn up it won't exhonerate the cia

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Recession could follow terror attacks, but it might not last long gradually from univocal denial of slowdown to universal denial of recession possibility to universal denial of recession reality to blame it on the terrorists and maybe it will be short. look for universal denial of depression next.

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Who did it? Foreign Report presents an alternative view uk quotes israel fingering iraq. the real intended target of this war
Fighters Were 8 Minutes Away From WTC if they ordered planes in the air at 8:46, couldn't they have called in an evacuation of the towers? perhaps they didn't know the target.
Bush Weighs Tax Cuts to Lift Economy After Attacks reference is made to payroll taxes to cover the real plan of using this as an opportunity to push cuts in capital gains taxes. the capitalists will crash this economy knowingly or unknowingly. what it needs (in addition to a big war) is new deal type policies. increased corporated taxes to fund works programs and government investment. they are simply using their power to take all the money they can lay their hands on, leaving the working class holding an empty bag.
Government’s New Telecom Chief politicians with conflicted capitalist interests should not be given carte blanche to prosecute a war
Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a Terrorist if this war is against "those who support and finance terrorists" we would have to invade ourselves

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Bush: 'There's no rules' well, there's been no geneva convention since the gulf wars and now there's no chemical biological warfare treaty
Donald Trump: "Once they get it cleared - and that is going to be a very
long process - we will all have a better idea of what can be done on the site," Trump said. "The current mindset is to put up new towers, and I agree with that."
another millionaire real estate magnate rings in his patriotism
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan statement on the terrorist attacks: The people of Afghanistan have nothing to do with Osama and his accomplices: as is clear to all, Osama Bin Laden has been the blue-eyed boy of CIA
U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings my mother predicted it years ago; why couldn't the cia?
FBI tracked man in custody 2 weeks before attacks cnn finally slips iraq finger in
FAKE TERROR - THE ROAD TO DICTATORSHIP and the pilots were trained by a florida anti castro cuban. if they background checked the guy they arrested in minnesotta when he applied for flight simulator training, wouldnt florida be a stupid place for terrorists to go to flight school? and how does a passport turn up in that mess down there?
Follow The Money!! - New Pipeline To Tap The Caspian Sea Gas Bonanza why does america fight wars?

Monday, September 17, 2001

World recession now a strong threat see below for my war prediction
Echelon Gave Authorities 3 Month Warning Of Attacks
Experts suggest war could be worse: A whiff of nerve gas. A droplet of anthrax. A particle of smallpox. undirected attacks against the whole moslem world will make us safe.
Bin Laden yesterday denied having anything to do with last week's attacks in New York and Washington. "I am residing in Afghanistan. I have taken an oath of allegiance [to the Taliban's spiritual leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar] which does not allow me to do such things from Afghanistan," he claimed. "We have been blamed in the past, but we were not involved" why do it and deny it?

Cheney: Bush approved plan to shoot down plane as close as they'll come to admitting they shot down the plane over pennsylvania
Ashcroft seeks enhanced wiretap powers they never miss an opportunity to make inroads into civil liberties
Not long ago, the U.S administration and British government accused
Iraq of human rights violations in a yet another attempt to undermine Iraq and its Leadership. We say to human rights advocate: Look what their bombs have done to the children of Iraq. Look how they use internationally banned weapons, including Depleted Uranium ammunition, in their aggression against Iraq.
warning: bad picture of birth defect
Italian Defense Minister Antonio Martino on Sunday said Italian troops would not take part in any US retaliation after the terror attacks and that use of the term "war" was inappropriate. at last i'm surprised. i was in rome when the city was practically shut down for bush's visit to berlusconi. i expected more solidarity among the capitalists.
Open letter from Saddam Hussein to the American peoples and the western peoples and their governments.
The Federal Reserve Ready To Prop Up Wall Street With Billions they must have already been doing a lot of propping

Sunday, September 16, 2001

The Dye Is Cast - 101st And 82nd Airborne Divisions Said Enroute To Pakistan WWIII commences: USA vs. 20 guys with shivs

Saturday, September 15, 2001

War will be 'sweeping, sustained': Bush how dismayed they must be at the horror of war that they're forced to undertake, just as industrial production has dropped to 1983 levels.
Lebanese Druze Leader Believes CIA, Mossad Responsible For US attacks i don't know about mossad, but i agree about the cia
Carnivore Dispatched to Sniff Out Terrorists now they have carte blanche
Europol has doubts on bin Laden conspiracy me too; wouldn't a terrorist take credit for such a successful operation?
Was UAL Flight 93 Shot Down By US Fighter? as they deny it, it sure is fortunate the plane managed to crash in a strip mine
Who Is Truly Behind The Attacks On America? the first to agree with me that this was a reichstag fire

Monday, September 10, 2001

Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception it's good that someone's taking population control seriously, but sperm counts are already dropping and altering large scale genetic structures may have unintended consequences
SMALL investors were warned yesterday that they are facing five years of shrinking savings. Plunging stock markets will hit many millions of people through pension schemes, endowments and savings accounts. are we on the same page yet?

Sunday, September 09, 2001

TOWER Records, the international music retailer with outlets in the UK, will file for bankruptcy within months unless it can find new funding or pay off its banks i guess driving all competition our of business is no guarantee. the bigger they are the harder they fall.
Africa's New Slave Markets Tied To Cell Phone/Computer Industry shouldn't we end slavery before apologizing for it?
'Satanic' Bush is on anti-abortion website's hit list that just leaves the rich to vote republican
"It is becoming increasingly likely that the rules we had thought were fundamental through time and space are actually just bylaws for our bit of it," said Rees, whose new book, Our Cosmic Habitat, is published next month. "Creation is emerging as even stranger than we thought." Among the ideas facing revision is Einstein's belief that the speed of light must always be the same - 186,000 miles a second in a vacuum. There is growing evidence that light moved
much faster during the early stages of our universe.
not really news
President Bush ``absolutely'' believes the U.S. economy will rebound later this year, despite a surprise jump in the nation's unemployment rate for August then we don't have long to wait to measure the wisdom of our right wing capitalist leadership
Bob Dylan: "We are living in a science-fiction world where Disney and Disney's science-fiction have won" zimmy's still in touch
Feds file hi-tech fraud charges: fabricating revenue to boost the fortunes of software company. there are about 10 similar ongoing investigations of other Silicon Valley companies. all in the past tense
Media companies seek end to limits on mergers the hand that rocks the camera rules the world

Saturday, September 08, 2001

White House Refuses to Give In to 2 Demands for Documents more bush/cheney new secret government
Florida Pollution Case Gets Messier as State Officials Face Bribery Charges they're only trying to find the cheapest way to poison the population
S. Florida fund-raiser picked for bank post more florida republican quid pro quo
Investigator might have to take White House to court Today is deadline to give info on Cheney task force you voted against us so we're not gonna tell you what we're doing. doesn't their unwillingness to release documents mean that they violated ethics if not laws?
Microsoft wins huge victory american anti trust marches on
The IRS mess / Mellon needs to detail what went wrong: why has it been stonewalling on the details behind the mishandling of 40,000 federal tax returns and $810 million in payments? The documents were lost or destroyed by Mellon Bank's Downtown processing center. whose tax returns?
Soft Money Soars for Both Parties as GOP Takes In Record Sum for Six-Month Span looks like they haven't gotten around to cutting down their money tree yet
Milosevic's Wife Blames West For Balkans Bloodshed: "Yugoslavia ceased to exist. It disappeared in a bloodbath. The merit for such a sequence of events in Yugoslavia goes to those centres of political, financial and other types of power -- primarily in the West -- that had an interest in destroying this country." She claimed that in the future Milosevic, who she said had already become a source of inspiration "to many poor, small and humiliated nations throughout the world", would be recognised as a man of justice.
A bumpy ride: despite some signs earlier this week that the economic outlook is actually improving, stocks sold off badly. Investors have grown increasingly concerned that third-quarter earnings will be lousy. And one piece of bad news on Friday -- that the unemployment rate in August had jumped to 4.9 percent -- created a new source of worry. If consumers rein in spending, the economic slump could persist through the holiday shopping season. to the capitalists, increasing joblessness is of concern because of "consumer spending" patterns, not human misfortune.
Are humans in charge of evolution?
Iraq restores 8 military factories to full production: Western intelligence sources said this plant focuses on chemical warheads for ballistic missiles. On Tuesday, U.S. F-16 and F-18 warplanes bombed anti-aircraft installations in northern and southern Iraq. The attack was the fourth in 11 days.

Friday, September 07, 2001

Bush in Showdown Over Secret Papers the new bush/cheney secret government. invoking executive privilege not for national security, but to protect himself and ashcroft from revelations about their usurpation of the government
US terrorism in Belarus this is the cold war, nor are we out of it
Japanese Report Adds to Global Economic Fears told you

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Pentagon plans to develop strain of anthrax: said it was part of a broader research effort to improve U.S. defenses against biological agents.
Global Warming Already Increasing Spread Of Infectious Diseases
birth control hormones, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals in drinking water is leading to more rigorous rules for the approval of food and drugs in Canada: even with new rules, old drugs that are showing up in the water may stay on the market.
TB's Troubling Comeback: Fifty years after medicines were created to cure TB, the bacteria has learned to fight back against such drugs as isoniazid and rifampin. Tuberculosis mutated into a new strain, called multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). This new strain is as deadly as it is untreatable, according to a recent study published in Chest, the peer-reviewed journal of the American College of Chest Physicians. In a controlled study of patients with MDR-TB, 32 percent died even though they received intense medical attention.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

U.S. planes bomb Iraqi defenses: It was the fourth attack in southern Iraq in less than two weeks. In a brief announcement, U.S. Central Command said the strike was in response to recent Iraqi "hostile threats" against the American and British aircraft that regularly patrol the skies over southern Iraq. hostile threats which they don't have to identify. wiping out anti aircraft installations is the classic precursor to invasion.
Waxman and NBC have been at loggerheads over the tapes, which
Waxman claimed might show that General Electric Co. chairman Jack Welch urged NBC election-night news producers to call the race for then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush. NBC is a GE affiliate. NBC has dismissed Waxman's claim as a rumor with no basis in truth and refused to surrender any footage from that night, citing the news organization's First Amendment protection against government interference. For his part, Welch, a prominent Republican, said in the October issue of Vanity Fair that the election meddling story was 'just silliness.'
if they're protected from government interference, why isn't an ngo suing them for the tapes?
Group Warns Of 'Gender-Gender' Sewage Danger but when they discover falling sperm counts they scratch their heads
Mobile phone users 'at greater risk of brain tumour:' research compared 1,600 people who survived brain tumours with 1,600 healthy people. found that those who had used mobile phones for more than five years were 26 per cent more likely, and those who used them for more than a decade were 77 per cent more likely, to develop a brain tumour than those who did not. The tumours were 2.5 times more likely to be on the same side of the head as the phone was usually held. speakers at the British Association science conference in Glasgow condemned companies for encouraging young people to use the phones. analogue phones were pretty much phased out around 1997. The new digital ones emit about ten times less power." Finally. I've been waiting for this one.
11th Circuit Panel Bars Access to Firestone Files: Firestone attorney Lisa Godby Wood of the Brunswick, Ga., firm Gilbert, Harrell, Gilbert, Sumerford, Martin & Gregg said she's "very pleased" with the ruling. "The 11th Circuit adopted the standard we urged," she says. isn't this enough to know that the documents incriminate Firestone?
U.S. relaxes air standard for Citgo gas get ready for a lot of recession justified relaxation

Sunday, September 02, 2001

Apart from their potential use as weapons, the threat from bacteria and viruses was growing on a global scale, he warned. Drug resistant "superbugs" were emerging that were impervious to most antibiotics; serious infections are rife in hospitals; and sexually transmitted diseases were on the increase, he said. Bacteria and viruses were now known to have a wider role in many diseases, such as cancer, stomach ulcers and heart disease the real threat is disruption of the ecosystem balance, not "rogue nations"
Officials in the Water Commissioners Office confirmed that the level of the Sea of Galilee is falling at an average rate of more than one centimeter a day. maybe it's the sunspots
How the media downplayed Jesse Helms' racism: wouldn't it have been more effective, more dramatic, if Broder had stepped out front when Helms was the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, instead of a lame duck retiree? Or in Washington, where access is key for journalists, is that not possible? Could it be that such candid discussion about a politician's ugly racism can begin only after a major player has left the stage? no. if the politician is left wing, any bashing is permissable. it's another example of the big lie that the mass media has a "liberal" bias.
Bush, Democrats far apart on US budget the chronic underfunding that the budget restraints caused by the tax cut will produce (according to a plan hatched during the boom 90s) will only further depress the purchasing power of the working class, accellerating the recession and producing a depression
children play with other children only half as much as their parents’ generation did during the long holidays: Powergen commissioned the research after an unexpected increase in domestic electricity and telephone bills over the past few summers. A quarter of the 1,000 children aged seven to 12 who completed questionnaires listed “playing computer games alone” as their principal summer activity. A fifth listed watching television alone and 4 per cent listed reading. Only 13 per cent said that they spent most of their time playing with friends.
Concerns raised over unregulated spread of GM crops: seeds from the crop were blown into other canola fields up to eight kilometres away in short, denials of biotech of risks of contamination prove false
Colombia government report raises doubts about anti-drug strategy in short, every prediction of the left wing concerning plan columbia comes true
Backers of Stem Cell Research Received Health Industry Dollars a dilemma for republicans: big money vs. posing as protectors of the unborn. guess who wins.
Tyrants of the world beware - El Nino is back. The return of the powerful weather system could quench political hotspots.
Chevron Corp.'s $45.8 billion purchase of Texaco Inc. may be approved by the Federal Trade Commission as soon as next week, creating the fifth largest investor-owned oil company: the FTC has recognized that benefits of size may outweigh possible harm of reduced competition, analysts said. ``The FTC is well aware that a billion-dollar project is not going to be tackled by a company with a capitalization of $500 million,'' said Fadel Gheit, an oil industry analyst with Fahnestock & Co. ``You need big companies in order to make the big discovery or build the big pipeline.'' but no comment on the "possible harm of reduced competition"
Since 1995 the personal savings rate - the proportion of disposable income saved - has slipped from just under 5 per cent to around 1 per ct. But, the Fed chairman, said, if the data properly took account of taxes on capital gains - which are deducted from estimates of income - the savings rate would look higher. He also noted that the bulk of the decline in personal savings was accounted for by increases in wealth, as Americans considered rising house and stock prices to be taking care of some of their need for savings. That suggests the fall in equity prices in the last year might push Americans to save more out of their income - a factor that could depress demand in the next six months or so. which will lead to more layoffs which will lead to less consumption which will lead to recession which will lead to depression which will lead to war in iraq and china
Uranium Leak Found Under West Chicago Homes: said Mayor Michael Fortner. "It just shows we have to watch things carefully." it costs money to watch things carefully
Montana fire doubles in size: "This fire is going to get extremely large," incident commander Larry Humphrey told some 200 area residents Friday night. "We could have the 5th Army in here and they couldn't stop it."
Army Shifts to Asia From Europe: In a surprise announcement Thursday, the Army's highest civilian authority revealed the Army intends to shift from Europe to the Asia/Pacific theater enough missile launchers, armored vehicles, fuel, ordnance and assorted troop-support paraphernalia to equip several combat brigades. WWIII part II (see below) or how to get your capitalist ass out of a depression. These right wingers make me laugh. They're all for it now, and later they'll start bitching about all the sick veterans.

Saturday, September 01, 2001

U.S. jets attack Iraqi radar site this is what bush was doing during his "vacation," planning WWIII to get the capitalists out of the coming depression