Thursday, May 31, 2001
Botched Name Purge Denied Some the Right to VoteNo investigations, indictments, prosecutions though
US may ease stance on money launderingNot surprising since Cheney's banks do it
Bush will ask for $5.6B for militaryActually it's 300 billion
Tax refunds should boost economyLet's see
Wednesday, May 30, 2001
Tuesday, May 29, 2001
Sunday, May 27, 2001
Senate majority vote for tax cutsYou have a little bit of sugar hiding a pot full of fiscal irresponsibility
Friday, May 25, 2001
Lobbyists in Final Tax Bill ScrambleAmericans Against Unfair Family Taxation includes Beer Wholesalers
Kennard Sticks Up for Small Telcos former FCC chairman calls the Internet Freedom bill, which would benefit
the Baby Bells, misguided and anti-competitive
the Baby Bells, misguided and anti-competitive
Thursday, May 24, 2001
Wednesday, May 23, 2001
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Monday, May 21, 2001
Sunday, May 20, 2001
Saturday, May 19, 2001
Friday, May 18, 2001
Thursday, May 17, 2001
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Monday, May 14, 2001
California gas artificially overpriced No, it's not deregulation, it's those damn environmentalists
Leak shows nuclear trafficking doubled there are now thought to be more than 100 terrorist organisations capable of developing a rudimentary atomic bomb.
Sunday, May 13, 2001
Are children deliberately 'dumbed down' in school? "Corporations do not want educated people"
Saturday, May 12, 2001
The FBI's bizarre foul-up gives the dying militia movement a reason to revisit their glory days.Is the FBI and MSNBC trying to revive it?
Outsourced Tyranny: Private Companies do Governments' Dirty WorkHow capitalists keep their hands clean
Friday, May 11, 2001
EarthLink could face claims of $600 million or more for investment fraud that netted Internet moguls, Santa Barbara socialites, venture capitalists and Hollywood producers. tCapitalism comes as a surprise to capitalists
More on the Fox/Monsanto Coverup of rBGHCapitalist free press
Papers (who called Bush winner last month) Find No Clear Florida Winner With the strictest standard, the papers said, Bush would have won with 407 votes, fewer than the official 537-vote margin that gave him Florida's 25 electoral votes and the presidency. With the most lenient standard – one that counted any dimpled ballot as a vote – Gore would have won by 332 votes, the newspapers reported.
Thursday, May 10, 2001
Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Monday, May 07, 2001
Ford: Exhaust warms climateSee, we can regulate ourselves
Sunday, May 06, 2001
Bullish on Wall Stbullshit on wall st
Saturday, May 05, 2001
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Gov. Frank Keating repeals the state's mandatory vehicle safety inspection law. Brainchild of Richard Phillips, R- Warr Acres, and Sen. Glen Coffee, R- Oklahoma City. Not everyone is thrilled, however. One of the most common reasons for a vehicle to fail is a faulty exhaust.
DNC trails RNC’s hard dollars Democrats still lag far behind their GOP counterparts.
The Coming War in Colombia (1999 article)US-assisted repression in Colombia has been spectacularly appalling. According to the Permanent
Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Colombia
3,832 political murders were perpetrated in 1998, the bulk of
them done by the army, police and right-wing paramilitaries.
Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Colombia
3,832 political murders were perpetrated in 1998, the bulk of
them done by the army, police and right-wing paramilitaries.
Friday, May 04, 2001
Bottled Water Drinkers May Be Pouring Money Down Drainprobably no better than tapwater
Bush rewards loyalists Donors to fill 22 diplomatic postsAt least he won't let them sleep in the white house
China accuses Bush of threatening world peace"The United States ... is apparently attempting to seek absolute military supremacy and even greater global hegemony."
Three Canadians Dead In Feared Water Contamination cryptosporidium
Thursday, May 03, 2001
Weekly jobless claims rise more than expectedOne wonders where they get their expectations given 100,000 layoffs a month
Congress Moving on Education Bills"Vouchers aren't as popular as this administration would have you believe." Not to mention the corporate media
Bush Calls In Experts to Help Set Course on Climate "This is a very serious matter that the president takes very seriously." I'll bet
Ford report: Vehicle emissions' effects on climate important issueThirty years too late, the left wing fringe front man for the auto industry acknowledges the obvious
Wednesday, May 02, 2001
War Is A Racket Conducted For The Benefit Of The Very Fewopinion piece from 1933